UFO or Sandwich? You Decide
August 7, 2012 69 Comments
It’s a bird! it’s a plane! it’s a sandwich?? Yo, this looks a wee bit strange.

This is called an “Uncrustable” and it was created by Smucker’s. You can find it in your freezer aisle and this one happens to be peanut butter & grape on whole wheat bread.
Kristine, a reader, asked me for my thoughts on this product. I went out and bought a box for $2.50 which includes 4 sandwiches.
Now, some of you are just not going to give this product a chance because you cannot envision parents SO busy that they can’t make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
My mother, who held down a job and raised two kids, used to pre-make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and put them in the freezer. The result was the most disgustingly soggy sandwich, which I can’t remember ever liking. Yes, people, there are parents who are just trying to keep it together.
But, these actually taste pretty good. My son is now demanding that I buy more. Argh (thanks, Kristine).
Here are the nutritional facts for the Reduced Sugar and Whole Wheat Bread Uncrustable:
For one sandwich = 190 calories, 9 g fat, 22 g carbohydrates, 6.0 g sugar, 7 g protein, 3 g fiber, 170 mg sodium, 5 Points+
And the list of ingredients:

Before I share any of my thoughts, if you can make a whole wheat sandwich with peanut butter, and jam and freeze it successfully, please comment below.
Obviously, YOU can find a bread with less additives, peanut butter without added oil, and better tasting jam (and you can cut off the crust).
I don’t get why Smucker’s doesn’t use less additives in the bread because the sandwich is FROZEN. They don’t have to worry about shelf-life! Oh well.
Okay, now I am going to get flamed for saying that I would use these in a pinch. When you compare this sandwich to, for example, a PopTart - you can see that this has much less sugar per serving. It is 100% whole wheat as well and so I don’t think it is the worst product on the market.
One PopTart has 14 grams of sugar per serving and this sandwich has only 6 grams.
Another relevant comparison is to my least favorite lunch replacement - the Lunchable. There is 37 grams of sugar in the PB & J Lunchable.
Don’t buy a Lunchable - if you need a quick sandwich, buy the Uncrustable.
The sandwich doesn’t taste super sweet - it just tastes like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
What I don’t like is all the packaging (plastic, cardboard) and the fact that we are so busy as a nation that we don’t have time to make our kid’s sandwiches.
Until we figure out how to STOP the insane schedules that make it impossible to feed ourselves decent food, there will be Lunchables, Uncrustables, and Poptarts.
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