Feeling Fat? Is Weight Watchers the Solution?
January 6, 2014 81 Comments
This is the time of year we all do it. We all say, “This year I will lose the weight.”

Yes, I hear you. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention my own indulgences over the holidays. Cookies, pudding, egg nog, red wine, champagne cocktails, chocolate, and did I mention cookies?
Do I feel like a tub of lard? Yes, I do. What am I going to do about it?
One choice would be to join Weight Watchers to lose the chub. Recently, a scientific study came out that found that obese adults following Weight Watchers lost significantly more weight than those who tried to lose the weight on their own (10.1 lbs. vs 1.3 lbs at 6 months). Whoa!
Before I go any further, you should know that the study was funded by Weight Watchers. It was published in The American Journal of Medicine so I believe it was peer reviewed but the positive result may have been influenced by the funding source.
I am about to get an e-mail from the Baylor College of Medicine telling me that they are ethical and I am a jerk. Sorry, scientists, when you put an executive at Weight Watchers as a co-author on your paper, I get suspicious.
It is very true that losing weight without a network, community, or support of some type is harder than having a group of people who are in the same boat rowing with you.
Also, it is exciting to see an average of 10 pounds lost in six months because it shows a level of sustainable weight loss. They ended the study here so it is hard to know if the participants that lost the weight kept it off.
I think that Weight Watchers helps people feel accountable. When you walk in the door, you step on a scale (terrifying). They record your weight and you get cheered for losing pounds. There is positive reinforcement for making the important changes that lead to a slimmer you.
Also, you have to pay to be a member. I don’t know about you, but if I am paying for something I pay attention. While I love the free apps and websites devoted to weight loss, having “skin in the game” can be a powerful motivator.
On the other hand, if it doesn't work, you are out some dough and still feeling doughy.
What do you think? Should you join Weight Watchers to lose the weight?
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