
Weight Watchers' Portrayal of A Woman’s Butt

January 21, 2015   86 Comments

I’m no prude but I like to talk about my backside with words such as “bottom” or “tush”.

Weight Watchers Butt Ad

The latest Weight Watchers advertisement is actually called “My Butt” and we get to see a changing and aging image of a woman’s bottom for about a minute.

Check it out here:

At first, I wasn’t sure what to think of defining a woman’s life through bottom size. But I kept feeling kinda creeped-out and disgusted after I watched it and I decided that I find it demeaning to women.

For example, at one point the voice says, “I got my butt a job.” Okayyy. What about the rest of you? Is there a rest of you? Did the job help you pay bills for your butt or did the rest of you get to stay in the apartment you rented as well? Did your butt do the salary negotiations?

Was your butt key in getting a raise? Hmmm.

Perhaps the people who put this ad together didn’t think through the implication of isolating a body part that can be “checked out” or commented on by men as being “hot” or “not”.

Maybe they should have used a non-sexual body part such as a knee or elbow. ☺

My point is this – you are so much more than parts. Your worth cannot be defined by a number on a scale or the size of your jeans or the shape of your tush.

You are not a “butt” and if anyone ever talks about you as simply a “butt” tell them to stick it.

I know why WW chose to advertise in this way but I feel it is body shaming and is harmful to how we view ourselves.

Did you see this commercial? What did you think?

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I understand your criticism but the ad is the honest to God truth. It really happens. Very effective ad to get people to join.

I think WW has FINALLY come out in strong terms helping to identify where the problem really begins and ends, no pun intended. I think I hear where you are coming from in your comments, but happen to think it's a very clever ad. I love your site.

I thought this ad was a little too "Madison Avenue" for WW.My posterior is not what greets me in the mirror when I brush my teeth. It's not the part of me that picks up my dog for a snuggle, or the part that runs to catch the bus. I rarely think about my butt because I can't see it! If the rest of me is happy then I am happy with the whole package. You are correct Lisa, stop focusing on one part of the whole. Silly move WW..

I agree that it's shaming. Also demeaning and condescending. And it objectifies women. I don't remember seeing them show a male butt like this. I was immediately put off, and their rep hit rock bottom with me. There's no justifiable excuse for any of this.

I hate it!!!

I do not know what all this obsession with the "butt" is. There are songs, implants and every view is aimed at the "butt"

I think it is disgusting and I am really disappointed in WW.

They had a beautiful commercial about eating your way through all emotions, that was REAL!!

Get back to the drawing board WW

Weight Watchers is losing credibility with commercials such as these. I agree with Lisa-- the butt ad is offensive. Why do so many advertisers feel that they have to show body parts to sell their products??? Come on, can do better than this!

Imagine a man in this commercial. Focusing his whole life on the state of his butt. Wondering if his butt was still the same size as when he was a little boy or on his wedding day. Finally, the woman's face we see is not the butt we've seen for the last minute. Awful.

A Duke University study: the average Weight Watcher paid $375 and lost 5 lbs. They prey on the desperate and have a program that guarantees failure so that the customer will have to continually rejoin. They just had their eighth quarter loss in a row, so they are absolutely desperate. Their next ads will probably show a naked tush or two....or worse. Congress should investigate this company, like they did the tobacco companies. They have been selling their con game for 50 years while obesity deaths escalate, and laughing all the way to the bank.

My husband LOVES this commercial and freezes the screen on the initial butt image. I am happy he is appreciative of women of every size and he says we are all beautiful. I don't feel upset that he admires the female form and am comfortable that he feels comfortable letting me see him admire women. As for me, after 18 years of Marketing experience I can say that this may be an effective commercial for WW as they were aiming to get noticed. It is effective because it makes you think about your life and how your body has evolved...but I can certainly see others perspectives about it being demeaning. At the end of the day, from a Marketing perspective, bad press is sometimes more effective than positive because as you can see, we are all talking about it and that is what they want...attention to their product.

I hate it, shame on you WWW!

Nope. I don't like it. It's not a word we use at our house, so I find it a bit crass. On the other hand, we usually mute all commercials at our house, so I was surprised to find out what this was for, since I'd assumed it was for toilet paper when I first saw it. Oh, and Weight Watchers, it's my stomach, not my backside, that has always been my issue. So there's that, too. I can't imagine anyone making the same commercial featuring a stomach because, as you mentioned, it's not typically a sexuallized body part.

It really caught my attention. It's all true. And you will never please everybody.

What confused me is these all seem to be normal sized women. What are we shooting have the backsides of little boys? It's a ridiculous commercial.

Got my attention! Lighten up, people!Butts are funny!Everybody has one! A button is universal, and seldom perfect! I have list 95 pounds on WW, kept it off for 3 years, will never quit! My poor but is an empty sac, but I'm 64, and out having a great life with my healthy weight and saggy butt! Lovin' life!

Hate it. Demeaning and shallow. Yes, also sexist. I'm not working out to have a good butt - it never crossed my mind. I want to feel better, be healthy and age well. Including staving off heart disease, osteoporosis and stroke that's in my family history. Yes I do want to feel better about how I look but thats not the main part of the equation. Guess I'm just not shallow enough for WW. Oh well!

I actually like it. To me its portraying a girl who grows up and she didn't have a issue with her bottom until about her teens and her relationship/view is an unhappy. There are many women that focus on one or a few parts of their body that they are unhappy about. Then she become a women and went on many diets and still she wasn't happy but she began to realise that it isn't about just one part of her body its about all of her self and her brain and how she views/relationship with her body.

I think that the commercial is quite clever as at the moment in the media and there are many songs about the this part of our anatomy.

"you are so much more than parts. Your worth cannot be defined by a number on a scale or the size of your jeans or the shape of your tush."

I think you might be agreeing with the point of the commercial. How I see it, WW is touching upon the fact that we as women DO focus on ONE part of our body. Our brain becomes obsessed with our negative feelings about our thighs or tummy or butt or chin and we focus our self worth on that made-up shortcoming. I think this commercial is telling us that you shouldn't focus like this, and part of creating a healthier you is to train your brain to NOT treat one part of your body you may sometimes feel negative about as the speaker for the rest of your body.

I like it! As bad as some think the ad is, it is still a LOT better than most of the other ads on TV. Well done, WW!

Sick, sexist, demeaning ad for a sick society. Its to be expected but for me, I'm disgusted. I cancelled cable 10yrs ago mostly due to ads and sensational "news", that I didn't want poisoning my mind or views. Big turnoff to WW, a corp that exists mainly from women customers.

Maybe YOU don't care about your butt, but someone else may and this commercial may speak to them. And as someone else said, you can't please everybody. As to the comment that WW doesn't obviously didn't follow the program because it does. I along with many other people I know are success stories.

Weight loss is about getting healthy. It should be about mind, body and spirit. Unfortunately besides toning it up even with weight loss our butt may never be where we think it should be and too bad what everyone else thinks.

I agree with Kate, that word is a crass word and I never use it and do not understand its common useage.

The ad is not what I like to see but the message is about your head is intersting.

Lisa, Great, provocative post. (As always, with WW in the title, a lot of people read!) I totally see your points, but I also think this ad speaks to a lot of women. They are so focused on their butt (or another body part), that they are not thinking, using their brain to help them eat right. I think maintaining a healthy weight is a struggle for many of us, and is not easy. As far as the research cited above, I think many of those people would have gained a lot of weight without WW! Thanks for opening up a forum for discussion.

I love the information you provide on food and tips. But you seem to be very biased against WW. I have had great success with WW and believe they have helped me to save my life. I have not seen the commercial, but felt that I should mention this.

OMG!!!!! Nooooo, I have not seen the commercial. All I can say is in my community women obsess over having a BIG butt because they think that is what gets men. Some young women are even willing to gain weight because they think it will make their butt get bigger! So, for me in my community this commercial does not fit. I would like having a commercial on a healthy body period no matter the shape!

I hate it. It made me feel like I need to go HIDE my butt.

I love the commercial. People need to not be so sensitive. it's our butts and it goes through mini stages and we need to love that about ourselves why not talk and celebrate it? I love my tush it's a good ole Donkey Booty (my husband calls it that). WW isn't saying that this is the anthem for all women working out etc., but it is a lot of women's focal points since there are butts like that are getting a lot of praise out there. If you are working out for your health then fine, through a parade for you I'm sure WW will be making a commercial for that too, but for right now they are celebrating butts. Deal with it or change the channel.

It's all about that bass! :-) Well played WW! And the program does work if.. you work the program. It's life changing!

Looks like the commercial did exactly what it was supposed to do. Get people talking and communicating about overall objectives.

I find ZERO offense to this commercial... and if you are really listening, it does strike home. Sensitive much???

I also am a shy about the use of the word "butt." Not a fan of the part, "I got my butt a job." But whenever I try on a pair of jeans, I check out my backside. And while I may wear shorts to the pool in the summer time, I do enjoy how a healthy diet and exercise improves this view. This ad does get my attention. And I like how it brings it together at the end, ". . .and everything to do with my brain." Thank you, I enjoy your blog.

Personally I don't have a problem with the WW commercials. However I get sick of seeing nearly naked women parading around in Victoria Secret underwear. Sporting their PERFECT bodies for all to see. That and all those sexual aid commercials. Downright embarrasing when I'm sitting in a room with my 16 year old grandson. He's embarrassed to. The WW butt commercial is the least offensive of the ones I've mentioned and I don't feel strongly about it one way or another - and neither does my 16 year old grandson. It's a woman wearing clothing talking about her issue with her butt. Someday there will be quick scan or block on those commercials we dont' want to see based on demographics that those companies are gathering constantly. Can't wait!

The truth shall set you free. You have to get real and look at yourself honestly.

This ad worked and its getting attention it paid for

I have maintained my weight loss with this program for 2 years now.. Get your healthy lifestyle.. Join Weight watchers.. pay for 2months get 3rd free

You hate WW! But you tell us in your video the same thing we learn at a meeting! Stop dieting! This is not a diet! It is a lifetime change! You sell your book for the same reason. I believe this is why you put WW down every chance you get! To sell your DIET!!

Personally I like it. As the end says, it's not about your butt, but your brain. Your body issues are all in your head!

I want to clarify that I do not hate Weight Watchers. I put PP on my recipes and write good things about WW all the time. My opinion is that WW is evidence based and an excellent program for many.

The ad is offensive to me -but that doesn't mean I hate WW.

Butt, butt, butt. Does it bother you a little less now Lisa? I mean honestly, "bottom" or "tush"?

I think WW is a huge help to a lot of people, and I for one really like their new advertisements. It is far better than having to look at Jessica Simpson or some other celebrity endorsing something you know they have never even done.

I love this ad! It speaks to me and is in no way demeaning, IMHO. And I have a small butt; my problem area was always my thighs!

It is realistic and I especially like the way it ends, with a greater appreciation of the entire woman, starting with her most important part, her brain. I say love yourself as you are first, then treat your body like the one and only temple it is and you're ever going to have, and respect its needs.

Use your brain to work out how best to respect that temple!

(i.e. Eat and move to stay healthy as nature intended)

I really like it! I don't see anything demeaning in the ad. I remember when I felt negatively about my body. Of course it wasn't all about my butt - it was a lot more than tat. WW has tried a lot of different approaches. This one is different. If it helps someone recognize themselves in the ad and Spurs them on to change, it's a good thing

I visit this site very regularly. These comments are why we live in U.S.A.! Freedom of speech!

I personally think this commercial is great! I also think WW proved the very same point as most of the people are saying! At the end she says it's not about her butt but her brain!

I really don't like the commercial but in the life of commercials, it is not as bad as a lot of them we see. I have lost 60 pounds with WW and I love the program. If someone has an alternative program that is as effective for the price let me know. I do need the accountability so just doing it myself will not work. At least it didn't for the last 25 years.

I didn't find it offensive at all. Let's face it, women obsess over their bodies and WW is trying to make us feel better about our bodies by becoming healthier. The ad got right to the heart of the subject and got everyone's attention.

It was a nice change from the usual advertisement cr** we're subjected to, some of which is sexist and offensive IMO.

I like the commercial and let's be perfectly honest here, I have heard so many women whine about their butts but when WW comes out with an ad that addresses it we freak out? That it is offensive, sexist, etc. is laughable.

This is a concern women have whether or not anyone else wants to admit it.

It's a good ad. And really who watches commercials anymore. People found the eating your emotions commercial offensive too. WW can't win.

As to WW not working you really need to do your research. It is one of the best diets out there but you have to actually do the program. You can't just join and expect to lose weight.

I haven't liked WW ads in years, but this one is a new low. I agree with all you said about it, Lisa. I believe they are trying to get the young market. This certainly isn't aimed at 60+ year-olds like me. Yet most of the folks in my meeting are over 50. I'm not my rear end. I know the ad will appeal to some, and that's fine, but I think it sends the wrong message. WW seems desperate with all the new and "improved" stuff they're coming out with, but they're preaching a mixed message -- for example, they preach eating healthy whole foods, while selling highly processed snacks full of everything BUT healthy whole foods. I love the WW premise, but I think they need to get back to basics. JMO. The first time I saw the emotional eating ads, I had no idea what they were advertizing or trying to say. By the time they got to the end, telling us WW could help end emotional eating, all I wanted was that chocolate telephone ...

I watched the link several times and had some co-workers look at it too.

The one thing said over and over is this is so real because we do fixate on one part of our body and they agree that the one used in the commercial is most likely on a lot of people's hit list. What we are born with and what we put in our mouths is what will shape us in the end (somewhat like the commercial is saying.)

Wow...WW has fallen way 'behind'- no pun intended - on our times of equality. I wonder what part of the male body they intend to portray? I'm sure it wouldn't be a sexual part! I agree with you Lisa, as individuals, we are not, or should not be defined by one part of a body. We really are so much more...

You know, I think there is no need to over analyze this WW ad. If you watched it and then stewed over it and talked to others, maybe it resonated with you on a productive personal level and the company acheived its marketing purpose. WW is a real decent program to help folks beome healthier through weight management.

Yeah, I thought this was in poor taste for weight watchers .. I'm all for the booty, but I think women have a bit more to offer the world ~ right?


Well, there are a lot of comments on this ad. . .this is advertising! They are in the business of getting you to take notice and react. As much as some of you say this is disgusting and you hate it, I bet there is not one of you who hasn't checked out their own butt to evaluate how they look in an outfit. I'd say this ad did its job. It got you thinking whether you agree or not. And, it may even get some to Weight Watchers.

I would have agreed with you if I felt the ad was exploitative, but it is not about other people defining her by her's about her relationship with her own butt, and that's a real thing women go through (men too, btw...not as many, but men too). I think WW is addressing in their 2015 ads the actual struggles they hear about in meetings...people's real concerns, no matter how shallow or unhealthy. Having a 4 year relationship with the program, I find their current marketing angle refreshing, humorous and very familiar.

Interesting to see the perspectives about this commercial. I beleive it speaks to a particular generation of people. About the WW comment, 'being a scam'...any weight loss company could be construed that way, as a scam...FRANKLY & HONESTLY: it takes WORK to truly lose weight and maintain a healthy weight (and I'm not there yet) doesn't come to anyone for FREE and without committment.

I'm not even watching this. I'm tired of crass and crude ads of ANY kind. Just reading the comments both pro and con is enough for me, I have no interest and shame on WW. Somebody at WW must have seen all the internet activity that photo of Kim Kardashina's behind created and decided to jump on that bandwagon. Our world is just getting more and more crude. I wonder where it all stops.

Ironically, big butts are sought after these days and they certainly didn't show any over the top butts so for that reason alone it was an epic fail. If you're going to highlight butts for the sake of making someone want to diet, take the leap and show a BUTT. Cowardice and degrading.

I don't have a problem with this commercial. This is how real people feel. And WW is offering a way to learn how to eat nutritious food that not only helps define your body but improve your overall health. Their 360 plan combines a good plan, exercise, and putting yourself first. I rejoined WW 4 years ago with a goal of getting to the upper end of my weight range. I accomplished this in 6 months and I have kept it off. But that is my determination to eat healthy with WW members support. People who do not follow the plan will regain the weight. You are responsible for gaining or losing, not WW. My sister also joined and in 6 weeks of healthy eating had lowered her blood pressure and her cholesterol that her doctor was amazed. It is not a Con as one reader commented above.

I think weight watchers is a great program however I am tired of people "body shaming". I wish they would focus their commercials on the healthy aspects of following weight watchers. Someone could still lose weight and still have a round bottom . There is a large population of women who work hard to.have a nice backside that may to others be considered large but that is body shaming again , judging and placing all women in one category , which we all know doesn't work !The majority of commercials geared towards women often focus on the negatives . We are either to fat , to old , our hair color is wrong etc. so when weight watchers focuses on one area of the body as well it just doesn't seem like the right thing to do.

I agree with you Lisa, am I just a butt, I think not. I am tired of people judging others by the size of their butt or any other body part. It's the person as a whole that should be the deciding factor of whether you like them or not. Not everybody can be skinny, sometimes health issues play a large part in a persons weight so people and WW deal with it.

The ad is okay. What is wrong with, "I got my butt a job"?

People have no problem saying, "Get your butt out of bed"....or "Get your butt off the couch!" So what is the difference of saying "Get your butt a job", except in first person?

It seems that only people with big butts might be offended.

I think the whole premise is that she had spent her whole life worrying about her butt, and now she is finally feeling comfortable in her own skin. I don't think it's shaming or degrading at all. On the contrary, I think it's a lesson to us all that you should feel comfortable with the body you're given while simultaneously working toward being the best version of yourself that you can possibly be.

I love what you do, your blog and your book, but I think you over thought this one. WW is doing good work. So much better than celbs who are promoting fad diets and products. WW teaches healthy eating habits!

For me, I am not crazy about any of WW recent adds. They all seem to be borderline negative.

I like the commercial. I don't think butt is a bad word, nor do I think this commercial is trying to sexualize women or objectify them. I am a Weight Watchers member, have been for years, and I like that Weight Watchers identifies feelings that I myself have had. Weight Watchers may not be for everyone, but if this appeals to and works for some people, that should be lauded. Lisa, you are always careful in how you couch things, but some of the comments on this post are a little upsetting in how black and white they are about a weight lost method that has worked for thousands of people.

I hate the ad. It would not entice me to join Weight Watchers. I hate when women are reduced to body parts. I think the ad is sexist and demeaning.

I find the use of the word butt a common/low class term. I'm in agreement with you, bottom. While I understand the content it could have been presented another way. I'm guessing those that use the word butt will find me old-fashioned.

Bottom, really? We are all grown-ups we can handle the word butt.

And as one of those people who's weight issue is partially medically related, think cancer, I don't find this commercial offensive at all.

And I am a proud FEMINIST.

People are getting bent out of shape for nothing. They are not reducing women to one body part, they are simply acknowledging that women and men tend to focus on one certain part of their body whether that is your butt, gut, or thighs, we obsess about them.

The people that deny that this doesn't happen are lying to themselves.

People lose an average of only 5 pounds in Weight Watchers and it costs $345 to lose those 5 pounds (Duke study). WW is the biggest scam that preys on vulnerable people who are so gullible that they think it is going to work. Loan sharks are more ethical than WW. It's losing money, so their ads will get more disgusting and repulsive. Don't feed that beast.

If people only lose 5lbs on WW, it is their fault not WW. If you follow the plan you will lose weight and you will not be hungry. Just like any other eating plan, you have to be committed to your goal. Plus you get to chose what you eat and not have to buy their products if you don't want to. It is all about choices and you make those choices, not WW.

Weight Watchers works. Sue I am sorry nothing is working for you to lose weight. You will eventually find something that will help you lose that weight. Good luck!

Duke study: Weight Watchers reduces most bulge for your buck

Jul 23, 2014, 12:13pm EDT

Business Week took that quote out of context. I found the actual article. That is it's title right there.

Sorry, Laura, I am no overweight at all, but I have seen WW ripping people off for five decades, and the Duke study snd others proves how ineffective WW is. Five pounds average weight loss for a $345 cost is criminal and tragic. The company is going down, with six quarter losses in a row. RIP WW. Good riddance!

Sorry, Laura, I am not overweight at all, but I have seen WW ripping people off for five decades, and the Duke study snd others proves how ineffective WW is. Five pounds average weight loss for a $345 cost is criminal and tragic. The company is going down, with six quarter losses in a row. RIP WW. Good riddance!

:-) I am sure you are not.

Sue I go to WW and I see people losing weight every week! I lost 72.2lbs! I don't care about the Duke study!! I know it works not just for me but for others. If you are not over weight and don't go to WW why are you so upset about it? Others are having great success with it! That's all that matters.

The AVERAGE WW weight loss is FIVE pounds at a cost of $377!!! It's criminal! And it is unfortunate that there are so many desperate people who get sucked into the WW scam. There a dozen FREE apps that do a better job.

OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS has an AVERAGE weight loss of 21.7 pounds at NO COST AT ALL!

I'm a psychotherapist, so I see the trauma that obese people suffer daily. I am not overweight; but if I ever was overweight, I would never use WW and throw $400 bucks into their corporate greed machine to lose FIVE measly pounds.

Good grief, I spent a decade in college and learned how to add. I would go to OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS and lose 22 pounds for no charge. Or use a FREE APP.

WW is a dying company: eight losing quarters says it all. Their ads will get more demeaning and disgusting because they are desperate. Don't give those crooks another dime.

Wow! Sue, all I can say is for a Psychotherapist you seem rather bitter. Free Enterprise and choices. That is what made America. OA does not have any guidelines for the type or quantity of food that you eat. Instead, it is suggested members consult a doctor or nutritionist for advice in establishing an eating plan. Great, that costs money, guess I could just go there in the 1st place.

Hey Marty: From Weight Watchers material : " Weight Watchers isn't a medical organization and we can't give you medical advice. We strongly urge you to consult with your physician (or primary health-care provider) before starting any weight loss plan". So, skip WW , go to OA.

Also, WW has a ONE out of FIVE rating in Consumer Affairs!!! You can't get much lower than that: read the reviews on that site. Dozens of people complaining about how WW took money from their bank accounts illegally.

I agree with Sue. That many feel strongly about WW, yea or nay, is unquestionable. Statistics about WW success are in; many options and endless nutritional info is now readily available on the internet for healthy approaches to weight loss. WW knows and feels it. I went to WW in the 80's, out of curiosity, and wanted to lose a hard 20 lbs. I ended up quitting very soon and losing, gaining, losing over 10yrs, for free. Eventually when the stress of working FT while raising children got easier, I kept the weight off. Lifestyle changes, exercising control, challenging my intellect, etc. worked for me. Group support from work friends helped, as well as company exercise programs. Joining walk-a-thons, getting involved, tracking my food, prioritizing meals, sharing recipes like on Snack Girl, but not obsessing over food. Whatever success others find at WW, all power to you. Just know there are so many choices, healthier, uplifting, and free, just waiting to for you if WW group support doesn't do it for you. Snack Girl is great support and no controversial ads!

Barb I agree with you. Whatever works for you, just do it. Things work differently for different people. Just don't trash one method that has worked for countless people. Make a commitment to be healthy.

Sue. OA says the same thing as does all programs out there. Trash WW all you want, it's your right. I just know the program works for me and many others as I am sure other programs work for others. There is no one size fits all program.

WW did not work for me.My normal caloric intake was so close to the amount suggested by WW that it didn't make a difference. So I worked with an endocrinologist and a registered dietician.Working together we decided that I needed the help of an Rx.Once I started it became much easier to eat fewer calories without the awful hunger pangs. Spark People helps me stay on a well balanced diet. I am slowly but steadily shedding the pounds. Everybody needs a different kind of help to achieve their goal. Good luck to all of you!

In my opinion the commercial isn't offensive unless you choose to make it such-don't read more into it then what is there. It would be nice if women (or men) wouldn't define each other by certain "parts" but in reality it does happen and if this commercial reaches that one person who can't get past what they deem as "flawed", then it has done what it's suppose to do. As for the comment that WW doesn't work - WW DOES work but it is something that has to be done for a lifetime (like any other diet). WW doesn't fail, the members do.

The focus on a woman's butt as being a defining thing about her was more offensive to me as concept, than the commercial was. As was noted earlier, it is a body part often objectified and evaluated by men in a way that can be cruel. But the truth is, many women worry about the size of their backsides and see it as a reflection of their body's overall attractiveness. Having used WW, I know it can work if you truly stick to it. I think I would have been more offended if it had been a commercial for some gimmicky weight loss plan or device, that played on women's insecurities with no possible benefit.

As a Weight Watchers member, I am not at all offended by the video. When we have discussions about weight, many of us make comments about how big our butts are and how ashamed it makes us feel. A lot of people are obsessed with working to trim down our hips and butt. We discuss how we change, body image and how the most involved part of your body in weight loss, is your brain. I can really relate to the video. When I try on clothes, the first thing I check out is how things fit in the hips and butt. I find it refreshing and can relate to the woman in the ad. Some may find it sick, but if you have ever shared the feelings of the woman in the video, you can relate!

Another nail in the coffin of civility! If we sink low enough in our everyday speech and manners, like another said, this will seem "better than others". What are we leaving our children with when we keep paring our language down to it's most base form? You can come up with something better than this. You can motivate people to take charge, without pulling them down into the muck. As in so much of our culture, media is getting to be downright embarrassing! We are longing to be lifted up and respected. Show some class WW!

Just say it on the website and it is a nice commercial, took to the end to get to the point. Butt a nice commercial.

I see it as a joke in poor taste, as if we don't know we are more than a derriere!

As a feminist I share this short video with y'all.…

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