What is the Healthiest Coffee Creamer?
December 17, 2018 31 Comments
What is the healthiest coffee creamer? A reader sent me this question and I had no idea how to answer it.

I drink my coffee either black or with a little bit of milk so the world of coffee creamer is a new one. I had walked past a cooler with many different types in my supermarket but I had never stopped to take a look.
What did I find? There are some crazy products out there! Check this out:

Strawberry cheesecake in your coffee! Who thought of that? I am thinking that someone was noticing how well strawberry cheesecake goes with coffee and thought - hey! Let’s do this!
But, is it a good idea? I did not buy it because I was looking for healthy coffee creamer and the sugar content in this product seemed high to me. One tablespoon is three teaspoons and this product included one teaspoon of sugar in every tablespoon (1/3 sugar per serving). To me, that seems like a lot to put in a cup of coffee but I hate sugar in my coffee.
My guess is that strawberry cheesecake is better on the side than in the coffee.
There was also this:

Notice how it says “Himalayan”? Wow! I suppose that makes this super sugary creamer better but I would still avoid this. Or you could climb in the Himalayas and burn so many calories that this might be a good choice.
Since I ruled out these fun options - I was left with coconut milk creamer and almond and coconut milk creamer. Neither of these products had added sugar which was important for the “healthy” rating.
Both of these products will have less sugar than cow’s milk or cream and are only 10 calories for a tablespoon.
First, I gave this coconut milk creamer a try.

This So Delicious Coconut Creamer did taste like coconut (not like milk) so it is important that you like the flavor of coconut in your coffee (which I did not). This had a wee bit (less than 1 gram per tablespoon) of added sugar but I could taste the sweetness.
Overall, I did not like it. Just like I am not sure you should put Himalayan sea salt in your coffee - I don’t think coconut is a good choice either. Perhaps I like the flavor of coffee more than other people.
But as far as health goes this is a good choice. Here is the nutritional information.:
For one tablespoon = 10 calories, 0.5 g fat, 0.5 g saturated fat, <1 g carbohydrates, <1 g sugar, 0 g protein, 0 g fiber, 0 mg sodium, 0 Freestyle Pts
The second choice is my favorite. This one has a very cute bottle:

This is Califia Farms Almondmilk Creamer and it is made with almond milk and coconut cream. It did not taste like coconut! It did have a nutty flavor that complemented my coffee well.
I would say that if you are trying to avoid animal fats (cows milk) and are looking for a creamy replacement - this is a very good choice. It was not cheap ($4.69) but it will keep in the fridge much longer than milk.
Here are the nutrition facts:
For one tablespoon = 10 calories, 0.5 g fat, 0.5 g saturated fat, 0 g carbohydrates, 0 g sugar, 0 g protein,0 g fiber, 15 mg sodium, 0 Freestyle Pts
Please share your healthiest coffee creamer! I couldn’t find many but I bet you all know of ones that I should try.
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