Can You Guess The Food Product In the Photo?
January 10, 2012 37 Comments
What? As much fiber as a bowl of oatmeal and as much Vitamin C as a cup of blueberries?

Could it be oatmeal with blueberries? Nooooo.
What about oatmeal cookies with some dried blueberries? Noooo.
This is a marketing scheme that will get us buy something we THINK is super duper healthy. But, sadly, it is just regular processed food with sugar, flour, and oil.
I wish I could say this product is a healthy choice and will solve all of your nutrition problems, but I can't. I guess you can call anything "nutrition rich" if you are a product marketer - it is your job to mislead the people who want to eat healthier.
Here is the "mystery" box:

These ARE Oreo-like cookies with added vitamins and minerals. I found a really great review of WhoNu cookies on this site That's Just Me that explains the problem with these cookies.
I do have some additional thoughts of my own about WhoNu cookies. The first is that you can't just add a multivitamin to a cookie (or your life for that matter) and make it "nutrition rich". Alas, a pill isn't going to solve your lack of vegetables, fruits, and whole grain problems.
Of course, we want that multivitamin to make up for our fried chicken transgressions - but it isn't a good strategy for lifelong health.
Secondly, why do we need "nutrition rich" cookies? Can't we just have a delicious treat once in a while such as my Whole Wheat Chocolate Chip Cookies and just enjoy ourselves?
After our cookie, we can eat an apple or other healthy food to have a "nutrition rich" day.
Finally, and I will address this to WhoNu? - what are you thinking? Do you actually think we are stupid enough to fall for your vitamin enriched cookies?
We (the American public) are waking up to the fact that packaged cereals and other processed grains are BAD for us. And, no, I don't want to eat 150 calories of sugar to get my multivitamin.
I will have an Oreo when I want it and ensure the rest of my day has fruits and vegetables.
What do you think of WhoNu? cookies?
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Kale Blossom
Mike aka MonolithTMA
Andy D
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