Winner of The EatSmart Kitchen Scale
February 10, 2012 1 Comment
The winner of the EatSmart kitchen scale is....

Jennifer! Here is her comment about how she deals with portion size:
I am very busy throughout the week with working full time and being a full time student and mother, so on Sundays I enlist the help of my 6 year old. Its a way for us to spend time together talking about healthy foods and portion sizes. He (along with my help) measures out portions for the week.
I plan ahead the best I can by pre-packing my meats after the grocery store and dividing everything up before I put it away. I put a piece of tape on the package or freezer bag with the date, type of meat and how many ounces is in the bag. This way I know already what exactly I'm eating, and gives my son a little extra math practice!!!
Congratulations, Jennifer. You sound very organized (I am envious).
If you missed out on winning the EatSmart Kitchen Scale - you can buy one here on
1 Comment:
Jaki (Slim Down U)
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