The Worst Diets for 2015
January 7, 2015 24 Comments
I hate to be negative but I feel that now is the time to shout about diets that you should avoid.

I would stand on a table and yell if I thought anyone would listen!
US News and World Report publishes a well researched list of the most popular diets using a panel of experts to determine which ones make sense.
I doubt the ones at the top of the list (the best diets) would surprise you – The DASH Diet and the TLC Diet – both created by US government agencies attempting to help people with heart disease and diabetes. Experts like these diets because they are evidence based (science!).
But what about the diet plans that you should avoid? It seems like every year there is a new diet that everyone is trying and talking about. How does the latest popular diet stack up?
Here are the main issues with some popular diets:
1. Too restrictive. Diets that get rid of entire food groups (like carbohydrates) are hard to follow. Also, you might put yourself at risk for nutritional difficulties if you stop eating food groups such as grains and fruit.
2. No evidence it works. Diets that make claims but don’t have any clinical research to back them up. An author of a diet may have tried it on his or her clients, but that isn’t enough for experts to say it actually works.
3. Tedious and inconvenient. If there are a lot of rules and exact meal plans to follow, you will probably give up.
Here are the worst diets on the US News and World Reports list and my catch phrases to sum them up:
1. Paleo Diet – Me caveman, me eat like my caveman ancestors
2. Dukan Diet – who needs fruit or grains?
3. Raw Food Diet – cooked food is bad for you
These particular diets have never been of interest to me because I like cooked food, fruit, and an occasional slice of cake.
Are these diets possibly unsafe? No one has a real answer to that question. It has been shown that high protein diets, such as Dukan, can tax the kidneys and not cooking certain foods can lead to food poisoning.
Set yourself up for success by avoiding these untested diets and choose diets that are easy to integrate into your life and have science that back them up.
Have you had any experience with the worst diets? Have they worked for you?
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Rachel Girardi
Snack Girl
Rachel Girardi
Leah G.
Leah G.
Liporidex Works
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