Applesauce With Almost Double The Sugar As In A Coke
January 17, 2013 38 Comments
Does that label look sinister to you? I bought this applesauce and shared it with my family without looking at the nutrition facts.

Why? You know, I was thinking it was applesauce. What could be so bad? Yes, it is processed but I make applesauce at home and you just cook down some apples.
Right before I put this jar into the recycling I saw this:

The second ingredient behind apples is high fructose corn syrup and there are 25 grams of sugar in a four ounce serving. Four ounces of Coca-Cola has 13.5 grams of sugar.
I should have known there was a problem when my son kept demanding more. He isn’t usually an applesauce fan. He keeps asking me to buy him another jar.
I was tricked by the packaging. I didn’t even think to look for UNSWEETENED applesauce. Another website called eBrandAid, checked out the packaging and named the one I chose a “Health Food Imposter” see: Label Trickery: Finding a Healthy Applesauce.
Unsweetened applesauce, which Mott's makes, is only 11 grams of sugar. That means they added 14 grams of sugar, or almost 3 teaspoons to ½ cup of applesauce in their regular product. Doesn’t that seem excessive?
I know I am back here, railing against added sugar, but I can’t get over how something as innocuous as APPLESAUCE becomes a vehicle for high fructose corn syrup. I know many parents who don’t give their kids soda but wouldn’t think twice about applesauce.
My advice to you is to pay attention (unlike me) and buy unsweetened applesauce or make your own. I peel the apples, slice them, add a little water, and simmer until cooked. Then I mash them with a fork and add some cinnamon.
Do you think this label looks deceiving? Would you have been tricked?
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