Love Bagels and Cream Cheese? Try This Makeover
July 21, 2010 12 Comments
Has anyone else noticed the size of your bagel getting bigger in the last 20 years? And the amount of cream cheese spread on them seems to be growing too!

A standard bagel and cream cheese snack will set you back 450 calories! I'm not sure when a bagel became 3 slices of bread, but it bums me out.
Here is a great article I found about the changes in portion sizes Portion Size, Then Vs. Now (scroll down to see the bagel).
One suggestion is just to eat half a bagel with cream cheese and save the rest for later. (This is a dangerous proposition for us bagel lovers!!)
Snack Girl came up with her own solution to her bagel dilemma. Yes, even in the middle of nowhere, I can find a pretty delicious bagel. My bagel bakery opens at 7 AM and I have been there chomping on warm bagels.
The greatness of a bagel and cream cheese is what you put on it. I boiled down the essence of what I desire with just sour cream, smoked salmon, and a tiny sliver of red onion on a cracker.
Is it satisfying? YES!! I get my bagel craving met for 100 calories, and I have an absolutely lovely snack. (Be sure to only eat 3!)
Read the label when you by smoked salmon. I found some at my supermarket with added colors, nitrites, and even corn syrup! Smoked fish should maybe have some salt, but nothing else.
Bagel Bite Recipe
(3 servings) 1/4 pound smoked salmon
2 tablespoons sour cream
10 water crackers
red onion, thinly sliced
Spread a dab of sour cream onto cracker. Place a small piece of salmon and red onion on top.
How do you deal with your bagel and cream cheese craving?
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