The Secret Of Building A Healthy Body (For People With Little Time or Money)
April 1, 2011 30 Comments
Obviously, the women above got great bodies by going to the gym. Look at how fit they look!

But, most of us don't have either time or money to go the gym. I'm one of those people who in my 20's had a gym membership and could be found spinning like a gerbil every other day.
Now in my 40's with two children, I have a lot less disposable income and time. Where would I get the time to drive to the gym, change into my athletic gear, spend an hour spinning a bike, shower, and get back to work? And, then, where am I going to find the $70 per month to pay the gym?
The first solution is to just put on my sneakers and walk out my door for a work out. Simple, easy, and I get the added bonus of fresh air while I watch birds and little rodents. Except that my rural neighborhood lacks sidewalks and the weather has been crappy (I would like to use a stronger word here -but I will refrain from expletives.)
What to do?
The solution can be found right here in your computer! You have a DVD drive right? All you have to do is find exercise DVDs that you like, buy them, and schedule 20 minutes every other day to start.
Most exercise DVD's retail for between $10 - $15, and you can borrow them from the library or NetFlix before you commit. I find the reviews on Amazon to be VERY helpful in deciding which ones to attempt.
Finding the time is a bit trickier because most of us have every minute of the day packed with activities. Here is where you are going to have to look hard at your television, web surfing, and reading the paper habits and change them! Start with just FIVE minutes of a workout.
(By the way, you still have time to read Snack Girl :)
I started with just five minutes of Jillian Michael's, "30 Day Shred". This DVD has three workouts of 20 minutes each - and I could only do five minutes of the easiest workout. AND, I got injured doing it.
Yes, Jillian thinks we are all lithe 20 year olds and you have to be careful to warm up if you are an old fogey.
Even with the injury, I found this DVD to be a really good one and I enjoyed Jillian's banter (where she yells at you). I bought both "Banish Fat - Boost Metabolism" and "No More Trouble Zones" and use them as well.
Why did I keep buying DVDs? I get bored really easily with one routine and I will quit if I have to do the same dull exercises over and over. To keep it fresh and interesting (and to work other muscle groups), I have amassed a collection of exercise DVDS.
I haven't spent $70 yet (one month of gym membership) and I get to workout with some great trainers. Another favorite is the "New York City Ballet Workout" where I hear classical music and watch ballerinas kick butt.
This workout includes the same moves as a ballet class and enjoyable because it is SO different compared to other workout DVDs.
Another favorite of mine is Petra Kolber's "Elegant Strength". I met Petra at a foodie gig and she is SO positive. Unlike Jillian who shames you to exercise, Petra motivates with sunshine and love (and her workout is tough). I love the way she opens up my shoulders.
Finally, there is Rodney Yee and his "Power Yoga Collection" which I purchased at the check out line in Whole Foods. This guy moves slowly through yoga positions to completely stretch you and strengthen you at the same time. He does his workout on a mountain in Hawaii so it is fun just to pretend I am there with him.
Below I have shared all the DVDs that I like to keep me fit. Please share you favorite exercise DVDs.
I need MORE ideas for my collection.
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