The Skinny on Light Beer
April 10, 2012 53 Comments
Guess what I did yesterday? BUUUUURRRRRPPPP.

Beer, sadly, is high in calories. It can range between 150-200 calories per 12 ounces and it really adds up if you have two of them. A regular beer can be FIVE Points+ - ouch!
Finding a way to enjoy beer and cut down on its empty calorie impact on your waist line is a priority for beer lovers. Many readers have asked which light beer I prefer but I haven't tried very many.
My husband, my friend Laura, and I tasted all of these light beers. Writing Snack Girl can be a tough job, but someone has to do it.
Our qualifications for this beer tasting are irrefutable. Laura is a house painter, Matt is Australian, and I have indulged in more beer than I care to remember (or can remember for that matter :).
and, yes, I am going to get in trouble for that Australian slur - they do also drink a lot of tea
The entries were:
Michelob Ultra
Bud Light
Miller 64
Coors Light
Corona Light
I chose these because the friendly guy at my local liquor store had tried ALL of them (imagine that!) and he thought they represented the best on the market.
Here are our scintillating reviews from worst to best:
Miller 64 (64 calories): Yuck and super yuck. This beer featured a chemical taste that reminded one of steamed sweat socks. None of us would drink this beer if it was the last beer on earth.
Bud Light (110 calories): This entry was described as nasty, awful, bland, and tasteless. There was a sweet aftertaste that Laura really hated.
Michelob Ultra (95 calories): Everyone thought that this beer was okay. First, it tasted like beer, hurray! Matt named it an inoffensive mild lager.
Coors Light (102 calories): Matt chose this as his favorite, as did the guy who sold it to me in the liquor store. It tastes like a regular beer and had more flavor than the Michelob Ultra. Honestly, I don't like regular Coors so it was hard to like this one.
Corona Light (99 calories): HURRAY! Both Laura and I liked this beer probably because we both have visited Mexico for vacations. It reminded us of sand, palm trees, and turquoise water. Put a little lime in this beer and you will forget it is light.
So, there was a split decision between Coors Light and Corona Light. I believe both beers are three Points+ for those Weight Watchers fans out there versus five Points+ for a regular beer.
Another beer lover friend of mine likes Sam Adams Light.
Please share your favorite light beers below.
For the teenagers who read this site, Snack Girl advocates waiting until the legal drinking age to indulge in alcoholic beverages.
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Racheal @ Running with Racheal
Mike aka MonolithTMA
Jennifer @ Peanut Butter and Peppers
Stephanie G
Jenny Jen
Ken Leebow
Snack Girl
Charlotte in Georgia
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