
Built Bar Review - Do They Deserve the Hype?

August 7, 2021   99 Comments

This Built Bar review was inspired by a bunch of comments on a previous post and is my personal (non-sponsored) opinion of these bars.

Built Bar Review - Do They Deserve the Hype?

Built Bar stopped producing their bar in June 2020 and went offline for over a month before they launched a new version of their product. I am sure many fans are worried that they messed it up.

I have seen many great products go downhill with new formulations - so I was skeptical when I received this box with the new bars from Built:

Over a year ago, I wrote What Are the Best Protein Bars for Weight Loss? based on all the bars that looked good at my local Whole Foods.

I was looking for bars that tasted good, had a high amount of protein, and weren’t high in calories. I took a look at Quest Bars here: Quest Bars Review. There are so many protein bars! Honestly, I don't know how anyone can choose. They take up an entire side of an aisle at my supermarket.

When you take a look inside the protein bar, you usually find a ton of sugar to make them taste really good.

They can easily end up in the "treat" end of the spectrum when you are looking for a simple, protein packed snack. Many people are looking for something healthier than a cookie when they buy these bars - and sometimes the bar has more sugar than a cookie.

It is incredibly difficult to find a protein bar that tastes good and isn't packed with sugar. I have been looking for a long, long time.

I must say I had never heard of Built protein bars until Helene wrote this on my protein bar post:

Built Bars are only 3 points for the whole bar, not that I would eat it at once. I purchased the Double Chocolate Mousse, Chocolate Raspberry Creme, and the Chocolate Strawberry Creme. They have a marshmallowy consistency when you bite into them - delicious. I've also tried cutting them up into 6 pieces and putting them into the freezer. Feels like a little treat to grab a piece.

How could I not try them? Marshmallow? Treat? In a protein bar? Could these replace my favorite chocolate dessert? I decided to go out and buy my own box to see what all the hype was about. I was pretty excited when my box arrived.

The only way to buy them is online at Built Bar and that is probably why I hadn’t seen them at the store. Duh. You have to commit to a whole box to try them out.

You can buy a mixed box of Built Bars (which I would recommend to figure out your favorite flavors). At the end of this post is a coupon for 10% off your purchase.

These are very different from most of my previous forays into the protein bar world. The nutritional profile of the bar is great because it doesn't have much added sugar.

Here are the main ingredients. They do vary a little bit depending on which flavor you choose: protein blend (whey protein isolate (milk), partially hydrolyzed whey protein isolate), water, dark chocolate (sugar, chocolate liquor, cocoa butter, milkfat, soy lechithin, vanilla), digestion resistant maltodextrin, glycerin, erythritol, natural flavor, citric acid

I’m not sure what “digestion resistant maltodextrin” is but my guess is that you don’t absorb calories from this type of sugar substitute. You may get a stomach ache from the this type of sweetener.

Somehow the makers of Built Bar made a product that reminds me of a 3 Musketeers bar but it doesn’t have sugar or fat. The texture is like a marshmallow and it is wrapped in chocolate.

The chocolate actually tastes like chocolate - no small feat in the protein bar world.

What Changed about Built Bar?

The new Built bar has 6 new flavors and a varying amount of calories and fat depending on which bar you choose.

Here are the 18 flavors of the new Built bars and their nutrition information including calorie/WW Points amounts:

130 Calories/3 Blue, 3 Purple, 3 Green WW Smartpts

130 calories, 2.5 g fat, 2.5 g saturated fat, 18 g carbohydrates, 4 g sugar, 18 g protein, 6 g fiber, 40 mg sodium

1. Raspberry
2. Salted Caramel
3. Double Chocolate
4. Mint Brownie
5. Orange
6.. Caramel Brownie
7. Cookies N Cream
8. Cherry Barcia
9. Coconut

160 Calories/4 Blue, 4 Purple, 4 Green WW Smartpts

160 calories, 5.0 g fat, 2.0 g saturated fat, 19 g carbohydrates, 4 g sugar, 18 g protein, 6 g fiber, 50 mg sodium

10. Apple Almond Crisp
11. Banana Bread
12. Carrot Cake with Walnuts
13. Toffee Almond 14. Lemon Almond Cheesecake

180 Calories/5 Blue, 5 Purple, 5 Green WW Smartpts

180 calories, 7.0 g fat, 3.5 g saturated fat, 19 g carbohydrates, 5 g sugar, 19 g protein, 7 g fiber, 55 mg sodium

15. Coconut Almond
16. Peanut Butter Brownie
17. German Chocolate Cake
18. Peanut Butter

What can I say? They didn’t mess them up. I think these are marginally better than the OG Built Bar. The consistency is a little fluffier and the flavors are good. They didn’t really change very much from their original recipe.

I think these Built Bars are better cold but they taste pretty good for what the ingredients might indicate. Initially, I thought they would taste like a science experiment but they remind me of a candy bar. They stick to your teeth a bit (like a Three Muskateers). I am actually surprised about how much these tasted like a childhood treat.

As an adult, my treats have gotten more sophisticated (think dark chocolate squares) so these don't hit my happy spot but I can see how people would love these.

You might even feel like you are cheating on your diet!

I have a small reaction to erthritol (tummy trouble) that I did not get with these bars probably because they don’t use that much of it. I would not eat two in a day just to be on the safe side.

Overall, I think these are a good choice especially if you are a candy lover and want to wean yourself off of it. I like the idea of slicing these bars into pieces and having a chunk when you are craving something sweet. That way, you don’t eat too much of it at once and you save yourself some money.

Some people absolutely love these and can't get enough. I definitely see the appeal because so many of us are desperate to stop eating sugary treats. If Built bar stops you from eating candy, cookies, or chocolate - why not get them? I would hope that they would be a stepping stone to a less processed option.

I wouldn't stuff these into my bag on a hot day because they would melt. You need to keep these at room temperature or colder.

Do I think these are the best choice or a healthy choice? Because they are filled with processed ingredients instead of fresh, healthy food - I would not call them healthy.

For a healthy snack, I would eat unprocessed food (like an apple with peanut butter) when you can. But, I would stash one of these in my purse for those long days when I can’t bring along something fresh.

Click here Built Bars and it will automatically give you a 10% discount at checkout.

Snack Girl is a professional review site that receives compensation for some products that we review. We are independently owned and opinions expressed are own own. We do have an affiliate relationship with Built Bar and receive a small portion of sales.

Have you tried Built Bars? What is your review?

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Want to buy New Built Bars

The only issue I have with these bars are the stickiness & how they stick to my teeth. I had a crown loosen up on me!

I LOVED the old Built Bars. I stocked up when they had their sale before closing. My freezer has boxes of them. They are my "candy" treat on WW and I try to stick to 3 pointers if I have them during the day and depending on how many points I have left I might have a higher one in the evening. I'm not a fan of the fruit flavored ones but the rest I am. I am happy to hear that you think the new ones are still good. I wont be ordering for awhile-have use up my stock-but when is gone I definitely will!!

I LOVE the texture of the new Built Bars. I am kind of sad that I have four boxes of the old bars to get through before ordering the new. I think the taste of old and new is wonderful and it is a great 3 point treat.

Yes. Built bars are awesome. I was buying them a year or 2 back, very expensive. I stopped buying them because, after being a repeat customer, I was not allowed to pick peanut butter in my mixed box because, at the time, it was a "promotional" flavor. Really??? They told me I could buy a whole box of it. Really? I can't afford to buy multiple boxes, let alone 1. My husband doesn't like the pb bar, so I tried to mix the box with our favorites, not just mine. I thought it was really bad business to do this to a repeat customer. So, I had to swallow my desire for their product & stop buying them.

I bought a box of the promo flavor pumpkin and they are not good! All the other flavors have been great though! 😃

After hearing rave reviews about this product, I decided to make the leap and get a variety box. They are fairly costly since you have to get a whole box. I might as well have thrown the money directly into the garbage since that's where they are all sitting right now. Awful!

Where can I purchase new built bars?

Love Built Bars.
Do you know the net carbs on these?
No mention of sugar alcohols amount.

The link doesn't seem to work for me. just brings me to a customer login page. No option to get to a home page.


Got an email from Built Bars and their computer system crashed at midnight, just before the launch.

They should be up shortly.

So jealous you go to try the new ones already! I went to their website this morning to order more (i'm down to 2!) and as someone said, the website launch didn't go as planned so we can't get the new ones yet. I'm looking forward to trying them! I keep mine in the fridge, otherwise they get too soft. Some stick to my teeth but I've never worried about losing a filling! I also like to chop each bar into 4 or 5 pieces then freeze in a ziplock bag so I can have a smaller treat. those you need to suck on a bit before biting into!

I didn’t care for built bars,I prefer the dark chocolate from

aldies grocery store German dark chocolate with hazelnuts

1/2 bar is 4 pts with weight watchers and is so satisfying

I can’t get over the texture. Couldn’t eat them.

Snack Girl, I'm glad you felt the same way I did about Built Bars - I still cut them up into smaller pieces and keep them in the refrigerator or freezer, and they are still my "go-to" when I need a quick treat - like daily. My favorites: Peanut Butter, Peanut Butter Brownie, and Double Chocolate Mousse.

Helene :)

Beth, where do you live? I'd buy a box if I like the flavors.

I am looking forward to trying the new bars but i can get on the site.

I loved the old Built Bars. But all the hype on the new bars and nobody can get on the site to order!?

I love Built Bars and am excited to try the new flavors. Unfortunately the website crashed while I was placing my order last week (the same day this review was posted) and it's still not back up.

You can buy them at Harmon’s grocery store

I had never heard of these until about 2 weeks ago; a friend brought them as snacks to share. I was really surprised at the calories and the lack of sucralose/aspartame. surprised at the calories to the point of being pretty skeptical, actually. I would love to see if these calories are legit or fudged. I had the plain coconut, which claimed 130. but I would be really shocked if it was truly less than 160.

I have loved the Built Bars for 2 years, ever since learning about them on Weight Watchers. I think they are a delicious treat! You feel like you are cheating, but you are not really. The protein in them are great and the sugar is low. My son, who is an athlete, loves them as well.

I love Built Bars; however, I miss the 110 calorie built bar. I wish they brought back some more of the original flavors to include: Blueberry Lemon, Peach and Mango.

the new bars leave a terrible after taste in your mouth,go back old way

I liked the original Built Bars better. The texture of the new formula isn’t as good/it’s too chewy. And I am bummed that the original coconut almond bars were 3 WW points and 130 calories and the new version is 5 WW points and 180 calories. I’ll have to switch to another lower calorie flavor if I stick with Built Bar. Could be a deal breaker. Sad that I bought 2 boxes of the 180 calorie version because I don’t like wasting 5 points on it ... much more comfortable with a 3 point treat.

Just received my new Built Bars. Loved the old ones but these are so much better. They are much easier to eat with no chocolate on your hands. Also, no need to refrigerate or freeze so I imagine that is why they give you a free travel case. The only criticism is that they all have more of a similar taste than before. In any case, they are so much better than any other bar on the market.

For the past week I have had strange heart palpitations which I really believe are due to indigestion and the only thing in my diet that has changed are the new built bars. I am wondering if anyone else is feeling this? I know it is not my heart, I monitor my heart rate and have also been very gassy. I am going to stop eating them for a few days to see if I feel a difference.

I was one of your biggest fan....I loved them....but just got my new mixed box...No more 110 calorie ones all are 130 calories and higher😥....the texture is different and they aren’t chewy ..... I really miss the old ones 😥 will be looking for something else....

I loved the old bars, with my favorite flavors being mint brownie and double chocolate mousse. I tried a new bar, cookies and cream, and I didn't like it at all. The texture was weird and the bar tasted very fake and full of chemicals. I've got a few more flavors to try, but I'm not optimistic. I probably won't be buying more.

I love the new built bars they taste great and they do not stick to my teeth, the best bar I have ever tasted.

My family and I loved the taste and texture of the old bars - especially when refrigerated- we went through about 8 boxes per month! We are all very disappointed in the new bars. The texture isn’t nearly as good and they have more calories and carbs and no longer fit into the diet plan I am following. They aren’t bad but we no longer love them and probably won’t buy them very frequently.

The new ingredient, DRM is making my stomach really sick. I just tossed two boxes. I was a hard core fan but not anymore!

It seems like on the ingredients it says more than just 4 gr

I think there’s more sugar than I want I am a big fan tho think they are superior to all the others

I haven't tried the new bars, but I used to love the old ones until I received moldy ones and they ignored my inquiries on them. I do appreciate that they adjusted their calories but they're still not accurate. The 110 calorie bars were never 110. And the current ones are still off. If you count calories or macros, make sure you manually calculate for accuracy. The ones claiming to be 180 calories are really 215 and that's if their weight is accurate. 160 cal bars are really 193, 130 cal bars are really about 167. They're still not bad but it is about a 35ish calorie difference.

I bought a box of these and they were nasty! I put them on the table in the breakroom at work and a few disappeared on the first day, but none after that. I guess word got around

I recently purchased the Built Bar at my local Hy-Vee (midwest grocery store chain) and found mold within my package as well. I've only tried the coconut almond flavor, they had great flavor! Your link didn't seem to add any discount.

Love these bars! Not sure if 2/day isn’t good but they have made me super constipated.... has this happened to anyone else eating them? I do love them but they are best eaten frozen! Curious if others have experienced consolation while eating 1-2/day?

Actually, Lauren,I have noticed the opposite effect. I make sure to only have one per day, as it is hard, especially with the new ones.

I love the old salted caramel bars. I hate the new ones and won’t be reordering. They are not the texture of a caramel anymore but are like Marshmallows. And they are a lot smaller now for pricey bar. 😢😢

I just received my first order

Orange toffee almond and coconut almond

I think the toffee one is right up there with a regular candy bar...I try to limit to 1/2 a day...I don’t want to risk any digestive reaction from certain ingredients and for other reasons listed in other reviews.

A friend shared her other flavors and I stand by the peanut butter, and cherry Barcia also.

These are the best proteins bars ever but they no longer provide free shipping to Canada, so one box of 18 bars with tax and shipping at full price comes to $76.15 Canadian dollars. Way to much. I am a very disappointed former Canadian customer.

Good news today!! Built Bar is now offering free shipping to Canada again, as long as the order is over $25. Thanks Built bar for considering us Canadian customers. The bars are pricy enough with the exchange on the money.

Mixed review on the new bars...I hated them but compared them to the old bars which they had to stop producing because some had mold on them by the time they reached the customer. Too bad. I would literally just cut out the moldy part and eat it. I miss the old bar. Texture and flavor are much worse on the new bars. Don't buy them!!

Just tried the newest Built Bites. Much better for someone like me who eats the whole bar. My Cookies 'n Cream favorite is only 70 calories and 2 net carbs.

I like them very much but it takes FOREVER for them to ship stuff. I have ordered three times and two of the three the shipping info is all messed up. They get to me but 5 business days to put them in a box and get a label. 2 more business days for the package to actually leave the facility. Another 5-7 days to actually ship when you get free shipping (this is the number they give you when you order). I am sure they are busy because that are advertising on Facebook like mad... definitely retargeting. When I sent an email 5 business days after I had ordered and I had heard nothing 7 real days... by the way business days in their industry is everyday for everyone else... I got a flippant response, no apology of any kind. No acknowledgment of concern at all. Customer service matters more than my belly and when I pay a high price for something, and let’s face it these are high premium then I have an expectation of customer service as well. I have purchased my last box. Bye bye built bar.

I did not know they had a new formula when I purchased my typical 3 - 18 bar boxes. They are discusting! Have a texture like marshmallow. The taste and texture is totally different. I asked for a full refund unless they could replace it with the old formula. Still no response and no refund. Needless to say I am not happy at $100.00 purchase. I tried one from each box, very disappointed. I am an ongoing customer and so is my wife! I want my refund or replace them with the old formula! This is my order#2188095-atleast have the decency to have your customer service respond! thank you

I have been buying these bars for the past few months and love them! They are one of the best protein bars. The variety of flavors is great...every time I try a new flavor it becomes my favorite! I’m addicted! The texture, consistency, and taste are amazing!!

Shipping in Canada is quite fast despite the fact they were shipped from Utah. Very pleased and love the new flavors. I have 3 boxes of the older ones in freezer but will wait until the new ones are gone. Much prefer the new Built Bites. (more chocolate coating).

were can you get them, the bar. what store.

I’ve bought many boxes of Built Bars. I personally don’t care for the new bars. To me they added air and made the bars smaller. The old bars were more chewy so it lasted longer. Too many preservatives. Wish they still had the old bars. I’ll still buy them but not as often.

I have now tried 3 flavors of the new Built Bars. Banana Bread, Apple Almond Crisp, and Carrot Cake with Walnuts. While they do taste good, they all taste exactly the same (to me). I could not tell which flavor I was eating when my wife gave me one already unwrapped. That I feel is sad since the three flavors should be very easy to tell apart. Still, they are good & I will finish them all, just disappointed that I can't tell Banana, Apple, & Carrot apart.

My husband and I both did not like them at all! Yea they were like Three Musketeers candy bar which we do not like. They stuck to our teeth and the flavors were not at all tasty and like they are claimed to taste like. We thought they all tasted similar, bland. Very disappointed!!!! And costly!!

I absolutely LOVE the Built Bars! I started a low carb diet and have a terrible sweet tooth. Built Bars are promoted on the radio station that I listen to so I decided to give them a try. I have not had any candy or sugar in a month. I eat a Built bar each night, for dessert. I cut it into about 6-8 bite-sized pieces and this is perfect! I don't miss other sweets one bit. My husband also enjoys them. I recently recommended these bars to my mom and she's waiting for her first box to arrive!!

Exactly what I do, Deb.

I save it to watch TV later and that is my treat and dessert. So much better than those dry, imitation chocolate bars and I have tried them all. But each of us like different textures.

BUILT BARS are delicious- don’t be fooled by detractors. Some are 5 star and some are not, it’s personal preference, but I would definitely say I haven’t had a “bad” flavor. The nutrition profile is excellent for this food segment and the protein source/ quantity is unmatched when compared to the flavor profile. If you sign up for points and shop periodic sales you can get to $2/bars delivered- an excellent buy.

I have been buying the new bars...but the price increase and I'm still finding moldy bars that are within their expiration date. No weird storage temp issues - climate control, but big mold blooms :( These are too expensive to toss a quarter of a box due to this...

These bars are nasty. Anyone want them. Plus the company will not give me all of my money back for the bars I ordered

Carrot cake is not good. It may taste better covered in white chocolate, but its pretty nasty.

I bought these because of all the hype I heard on some talk shows. These leave a nasty taste in your mouth and are gross in my opinion. I hate the taste!

A friend gave me a few of the Built Bars to try. I thought they had a pretty good flavor, and I appreciated the low calories, and the high protein. I try to eat mostly low carb as I’m trying to lose some weight. Although I wasn’t exactly thrilled with the price, coupon or not, I purchased 2 boxes. A few days later I get an email letting me know they shipped. I ordered on the 14th, today is the 25th, and still no bars. I received an email 4 days ago letting me know they would arrive on the 22nd. I emailed the company, and they gave me more tracking info. The bars left Utah, went to Nebraska, through Springfield, Illinois(I live in Illinois!), and then to two separate locations in Kentucky where they sat for a couple of days. Now apparently they are in Melrose Park, Illinois waiting to be transferred to the USPS. The new delivery date is the 29th. There has to be a more streamlined shipping method than the current one. Send it through a company that handles all their own deliveries. Free shipping is not worth the time it’s taking to receive my order. I’m not sure if I’ll be a return customer.

I never mind the wait. Just this week, only took a few days to ship to northern Ontario, Canada. Other times longer, but they are my favorites, so unlike the chalky taste of Quest, etc. Worth the wait!

Personally I cannot stand the new bars. What were they thinking. Why change something that was so perfect. I wish they would have alerted consumers of their plans. To me it does not have the texture of a marshmallow, it has the texture of those jelly fruit slices. YUCK

I love the old ones but I do notice a little tummy upset with the new ones . I cut mine into slices and keep it in the fridge ... I nibble all day on it. I do like the simple ingredient list and the customer service is top notch .

I think the complaints come from people who eat too much sugar.. these are low in sugar so don’t expect them to be sweet as a chocolate bar. I’ve been low sugar for years and LOVE them 🥰

Love the bars! I have tried a few different flavors since my daughter buys all flavors and my favorites are coconut and caramel brownie. The ‘bites’ are great too

I tried the Built bars and found they very tasty. What I did not like is that they NEVER made me feel full and I think a high protein bar should give you a feeling of fullness, so I do not plan to buy again.

I have numerous friends who were "ambassadors" for these bars and when they asked a question regarding the chunks in the bars being missing they got unknowingly let go and received their last paycheck. It is a very shady company who is not transparent.

I'll never buy another Built Bar Dark Choc Coconut. They get soft when I cycle in my rear pocket. I opened the wrapper and got melted choc all over my hands. Then it was super soft to eat. If I could, I would return the box of leftovers to them. I love coconut and chocolate, but not this way.

I ate the coconut Built bar and thought I was having a heart attack. I had terrible pain between my shoulder blades Never had such a bad reaction before. Now I’m afraid to try one again. Wish I could get rid of them to someone that likes them. Seems like such a waste. SAD

I LOVE Built Bars! My favorite flavor is Chocolate Raspberry. There was Raspberry Cheesecake for a short while and I wish I had bought a case.

The best protein bar ever. Satisfies my sweet tooth. I have lost 25 lbs because these replace my junk food. I love mint chocolate and my hubby eats salted caramel. The raspberry ones are incredible too. I have not tried them all.

After all the hype, I was surprised to find that I simply don’t like them. But if they work for people-go for it.

It is frustrating when a review of a product is written and a comment is made saying that "an ingredient is used but I’m not sure what “digestion resistant maltodextrin” is but my guess is that you don’t absorb calories from this type of sugar substitute. You may get a stomach ache from the this type of sweetener. If you are going to write a review and receive money from promoting a product or your web site, please take the time to do some research. If you do a simple good search you will find this information: is Digestion-Resistant Maltodextrin?

Digestion-resistant maltodextrin is also most commonly derived from corn and wheat (as well as rice and potatoes). DRM is created by putting maltodextrin through an additional process that changes the bonds which connect the sugar units. It is indigestible because our bodies do not have the enzymes necessary to break down the new bonds. Contrary to maltodextrin, DRM does not contain calories, so does not affect blood sugar levels. However, it still offers many of the benefits of soluble/digestible fiber (Adams, 2017).

If you are using this Bar as a meal substitute it would probably be ok. Being diabetic there is to many carbs. I was told by my doctor to keep my carbs to about 30 per meal. 18 grams is about half a meal. I don't think I'd buy any

It is true there are a lot of total carbs in the bars. But most of us who are fans follow net carbs and you will find there are about 4-5 net carbs in the bars. Nothing else like them in the market.

I wonder if there is a typo in the calories or the nutrition info.

18 g carb x 4 cal = 72
18 g pro x 4 cal = 72
2.5 g fat x 9cal = 23
Total calories = 167 (not 130)

Responding to Jane: My diabetic nutritionist told me to count Total Carbs; not Net Carbs. To each her own. I'll follow what the doctor says. my fasting blood sugar is coming down.

I like the taste of the bars BUT they do not fill me up. I have eaten others bars with less protein and felt full and satisfied. The 18 - 20 grams of protein did nothing for me, so I won't be buying again.

I never understood the hype for these bars. I've tried to force myself to like them and have tried all flavors wasting money as most ended up in the trash. Never again.

I tried Built Bars a few months ago and was seriously underwhelmed. The flavor wasn't bad, but the texture is that of a Goodyear tire. Unless you want your jaw to really get a workout, I would choose another brand. I brought my remaining bars into my office and my coworkers didn't like them either.

AWFUL!! Don't know why these are so hyped to be great. The taste was like eating chemicals.

I think I’m the only one who can’t stand these. I mean the chocolate coating is great, I would lick that off of all of them. The inside is very sticky, sticks to the roof of my mouth. The inside has a thick texture and very little flavor. These are also a huge tummy no-no for me. I keep getting convinced to try another flavor from the mixed box every time I read another raving review… every time I end up choking another one of these down. Just a no for me. 😬

I just recently bought a box of double chocolate and chocolate coconut (I have a nut allergy and was happy to find protein bars that I could eat). They are just OK, I find them a little too sweet and the double chocolate tastes like chocolate covered tootsie rolls to me (only slightly softer). I'm not a fan of the super chewy texture. I'm not sure I will buy these again.

I just received my first box. It is mixed collection. I tried the Cherry Barcia & Salted Caramel so far. They are very, very good for a protein bar. Most other bars are tough, chewy and sometimes gritty. These are fluffy, sweet and use great chocolate. Highly recommend!! :-)

Tried the coconut ones.. UGH. Very bland Went back to Atkins Endulge.

Woah, like a three musketeer bar, but a protein bar?? May have to give these Built Bars a try! My go-to has been Protein Puck for forever.. I'd be super interested to hear what you think about those in your next bar review!

These are not worth the hype at all!! 1st of all, you have to buy a box just to try them & that's $40. Then, I can't get past the sticky, gummy texture getting stuck in my teeth. I got a mixed box & so far most flavors have been average at best. The raspberry has been the worst so far. Tastes like cough medicine. Will definitely not be a repeat customer.

I just got a box for under $30 - Peanut Butter Brownie - DELICIOUS!I never eat a whole one at once. I cut it into quarters, put them in a small container, and leave them on my desk at work. When I need a sweet treat in the middle of the day, they are there!

I've been getting Built Bars since the beginning. My last order of 12 bars was extremely disappointing. There was hardly any dark chocolate on the coconut bars and they were substantially smaller. Very disappointed in the bars. Will not be ordering them again!!!

I noticed they contain gelatin, which isn't included in the ingredients listed in your review.

Grenade Carb killa bars are way better!

You say it’s an unbiased unsponsored opinion and then say you are affiliated with them and make commission money off them. Please explain to me how we are supposed to believe it’s unbiased if you guys make more money if we use your link to purchase built bars. Why would you give it a bad reviews if you would make less money off of it. I definitely wanna try them and appreciate the coupon but I just think you guys should be more upfront about it.

Not a fan anymore. Used to be a big fan. The previous box of Built Bars was 18 bars for $37. Now, only 12 bars for $30. Also, wrapper looks the same but the bar is smaller. I recommend the orange almond & dark mint dark chocolate bars from Aldi.

I tried to give these bars a chance, I bought a bunch of singles from Walmart. So far I've tried the double chocolate (? I think it was that one) and just now the coconut flavor.

I must say they look tasty, they smell amazing and the chocolate on the outside tastes good. That's all I can say thats nice about it unfortunately.

Its horribly sticky and to me the flavor after awhile reminds me of vomit. It had such an intense bile taste in both I had to immediately eat something else not to throw up over its taste!

I have 2 more bars but I think I'll give them away to someone who can stomach these. They are really gross tasting, I'd rather eat powdery bars over this any day.

My advice is buy a single one from Walmart or target and just give it a try before spending a lot on these. We're all different so maybe you'll like them? Maybe not.. be cautious!

I didn't like them either. I eat the Atkins Endulge Chocolate Coconut bars which are wonderful.

I love these bars! My go to quick convenient meal/treat with a cup of coffee… I was satisfied.

There was a white chocolate? Raspberry maybe… was my favorite… was a limited offer. Wish I remembered the flavor.

Would love a sugar free variety…

I am a new customer of these I was looking for something to eat that I could get more protein in my diet and make it a snack as well. First thing is they are WAY TOO STICKY!!! I have a partial and I when I chew them it pulls my partial out. The flavor is pretty good but eating them is work. I might have some to sell if anyone is interested. Maybe my son will like them.

I'm surprised you didn't mention collagen as the source of collagen in many of these A-ma-zing bars!

IMO, such a better option than whey. And the macros proportions are spot on!! I have seen that stores in CO. Even at a convenience store up in the mountains! Hopefully they'll expand their retail outreach!

Taste like plastic...I'm so glad the bars were free I will now throw them in the trash.

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