
Avoid The Evil Muffin at Starbucks With This Healthy Snack (Giveaway, too!)

September 8, 2010   170 Comments

Starbucks is a great place for a pick me up. People stop there and grab something to keep them awake.

Peeled Snacks Giveaway

If Starbucks had just stuck to Coffee, Snack Girl readers would be safe to enter the store and grab a 2 calorie beverage of roasted bean juice.

But, alas, there are This Muffin Has a Dark Secrets, scones, cookies, and white chocolate mochas. Yikes.

What to do? Well, a company called Peeled Snacks has come to our rescue.

The snacks are 120-150 calories of dried fruit in brightly colored plastic bags. I have not only seen them at Starbucks but also in airports around the country. They taste absolutely delicious because Peeled Snacks is not your average dried fruit purveyor.

The company has a "Real Food Philosophy". Here is a quote:

We keep our snacks as close to natural as possible by using high quality ingredients. When you bite into a juicy piece of fruit or a crunchy nut, you'll wonder why anyone would want to add sugar or fat.

I had never had dried fruit that tasted this good until they sent me a sample. It is going to cost you (on average $2 per bag)

There is a lot of sugar in dried fruit, but you will also get the good stuff of fiber, protein, and vitamins. These are a great way to have a treat without a mega calorie cost.

The cool people at Peeled Snacks would like to give a Snack Girl reader an Organic Fruit Picks Variety Pack.

To enter check out the Peeled Snacks website and pick a fruit that sounds good to you. Post your choice in the comment box below and you are entered!

This product was received for review consideration. No other compensation was provided.

What will I win?
An Organic Fruit Picks Variety Pack from Peeled Snacks. ($23 value)

How do I enter?
Comment below on your favorite dried fruit flavor.

Additional Ways To Enter:

  1. Follow Snack-Girl on FaceBook.
  2. Comment on our wall about about your favorite dried fruit flavor.
  3. Follow Snack-Girl on Twitter
  4. Tweet this post (use the Tweet Button in the Share Box at the top of this post).
Snack-Girl can follow and count all the additional entries using magical website tools.

Am I eligible to enter?
This giveaway is offered to US residents only.

When do I find out if I am the winner?
The winner will be announced on September 15th, 2010. You will have 2 weeks to e-mail us back with your home address so we can mail the prize. -

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Mango for sure!

Mango anything sounds amazing. That would be my flavor pick =)

I LOVE dried mango!!1


I love dried mango.

Apple is my favorite.

Oh wow - these look great! I love bananas and cherries, so it's a tie between Cherry-Go-Round and Banan-a-peel.


Cherry-Go-Round! I wonder if it would satisfy my craving for cherry pie?

Apple-2-the core for me!

I'd have to say pine-4-pineapple would be the one i'd pick. Then again the mango is a very close second!



The cherries look delicious!

I would want to try the fig fruit snack for sure!

Bananas are my absolute fav! but pineapple is right up there

Mango-Madness!! LLLLOOOOOVVVVEEEEE my mango!!

Cherry-Go-Round all the way!!!!!!!!

I grew up in an apple orchard and apples have always been my favorite treat. So that is my first choice. But I have a second and third and fourth......they all sound fantastic!

For me it's a toss up between much-ado-about-Mango and Cherry -go-round love them both so much.

It's a tie between cherry & mango! Yum.

Apple. No, mango. No, banana. Ok, Banana is my final choice.

Cherry-go-round is my pick

Cherry-go-round sounds fabulous right about now!

Apricot sounds delish!

Cherry, no doubt.

Mango please :)

Would love to try the Cherry-Go-Round


Apple-2-the-core. Thanks for this new find. I cant wait to try them out.

Cherry-go-round for me please.

Cherry-go-round sounds d'lish!

Cherry Go Round sounds yummy!

Dried Cherries are the best. I'm not eligible for the contest since I'm Canadian, but wanted to participate anyways. :-)

Cherry-go-round! yum-o!!

FigSated sounds quite yummy.

Mango, definitely!

I'd love to try dried mango - I love fresh mango!

Apricot. Could they chocolate coat them please?

Where do I begin? Mangos, Apricots, Cranberries, Raisins, Blueberries, Cranberries, Papaya...I can really go on forever. But I won't. I'm at work. If I get caught, I would get...

(ps. oops, don't pick me, I'm from Canada...)

Pine 4 pineapple!!!

Apple YUM!

I love Mango, I was going to blog about them tomorrow!


Definitely Mango! They sell peeled snacks at my college eatery too - they are the perfect safe, snacky pick to be healthy and sweet, and in portion control.


Hard decision. Pineapple and mango both look great.

the much ado about mango sounds great


Who can resist Cherry-Go-Round? I'm happy to hear Starbucks has this healthy, fruitful option.

pine-4-Pineapple!! I love love Pineapple for the taste and the memories of Hawaii!


definitely mango or apricots!

OH Mango sounds heavenly!!

Pineapple pineapple yum yum yum

(that's a LOT of comments! lol)

It's a tie between the pineapple and the apple. These look so good!

I would LOVE to try the mango ones. Sounds so yummy!

Much Ado About Mango sounds absolutely wonderful! Take me to the tropics on cold Montana winter days!

Cherry-go-around. I tweeted too!

Yum! Yum! Yum! Pineapple leads the way!!! Juicy and sweet!

Yum-o for Mango. Always an apple fan, too. So hard to decide! Can it be a tie between all of them?? ;-)

It's a tough call between Bing Bing Cherry and FigSated!! I can't pick!

Put me down for the pineapple....but with four grandchildren that I watch before and after school, any flavor will be gone in a flash!

Oooh mango! Must have mango!

Mango! I love the deep rich flavor and the aroma!

I'm following you on Twitter! Yay!

And I reposted your link on Twitter.

mango mango mango mango mango

the Cherry-go-round one looks pretty awesome. :D

I'd love to try them all but especially Cherry-Go-Round.

Cherry Go-Around


Pine-4-Pineapple pretty please!

Figsated would be much appreciated!

Definitely the pineapple!

The "Apple-to-the-Core" sounds delightful!

Thanks, Cindi

Love dried pineapple!

I "Like" you on Facebook!

Again, many thanks...Cindi

Also, I follow you via Twitter...
Many thanks, Cindi

Pine4Pineapple! (Really they all sound great!)

Also, I follow you via Twitter...
Many thanks, Cindi

Merci, Cindi

Oooh baby...this is a hard choice. There are so many great varieties, but I think I would select Apple-2-the-core. Organic applss with TONS of fiber?! It would definitely keep me full!

I tweeted

Can't wait to try mango!

Apricot...sounds awesome!


FigSated sounds good to me.

Apricot a lot! YUM!!!

All of the fruits sound delicious. My favorite is dried apricots!

I always love apple dried fruit, but the Mango looks yummy to me! Would love to try it!

Mmmm, cherry sounds delish!

The cherry-go-round pack sounds mouthwatering.

Mango – Yum!


Apple 2-the-core!

Hands down, would love to try the Mango!

Apple! Love that Starbucks offers this healthy treat!

Mango please!

much-ado-about Mango!

mango :)


Mango, mango, mango!!!!

Cherry-go-round sounds good to me, especially with added almonds...yummo!


I tweeted! And also, MANGO!

That is all. :)


The mango looks YUM!

Left comment on FB wall! (Kim Morris)

stalk, I mean follow, you on Twitter! (kimslittlelife)

The apple or cherries! :)


Papaya! Even though it's necessary to add a dash of did ask the BEST dried fruit :)

Apple sounds amazing!

A flavor which includes cherry would be tasty! I especially love the 'bing bing cherry'. The flavor names are great! :)

Commented on facebook :)

Cherry sounds great.


Pineapple sounds AMAZING! Dried pineapple is like candy!

Cherry-Go-Round for me! They sounds wonderful. I'm going to order some next pay day!

The Cherry-go-round sounds like it would be amazing!!!! Cherries are probably one of my all-time favorite fruits!


Mango sounds fab!

Starbucks is getting better about having healthy choices in the snack arena! (I personally love the Two Moms in the Raw granola, even though it's $3.95!!) I'd love the mango one of these. Yum.

Cherry all day long!

Apple-to-the-Core sounds good!

pine-4-pineapple sounds yummy.


I follow you on Facebook.

follow you on twitter as 4HSGLRY

tweeted this at:

The Bing Bing Cherry looks crazy good! Thanks for the review.

i fell in love with dried mango on a trip to mexico

Cherry go round!!! Yum-O

Thanks for following me on Twitter! Looks like I have some reading to do on your website now. The peeled snacks look like something I'd really enjoy and the Cherry-Go-Round sounds great. Or maybe the Pine-4-Pineapple. Heck, they all look good.

much ado about mango---love the name!

Cherry-go-round for sure! Although the pineapple also sounds YUMMY! *I also "liked" you on Facebook :)


Mango, please!!

Cherries! I love dried fruit!

The mango sounds so good! We had a mango tree growing up but they won't grow where I live now. What a great way to feel like a kid again!

I did all 4! yippey!

my favorite flavor of dried fruit is unsweetened, unsulfured mango -- by a landslide.

I love dried apricots!

When it comes to dried fruit....Mango is my favorite! Apple is delicious as well.


I love these! In a pinch, these and the nuts Starbucks is selling are great for a snack! I really like the cherries. YUM!

The Apples, Pineapples, and Mangos sound absolutely wonderful. I would love to get a sample, share these with friends and family and help fill some hungry tummies. <3

I can't wait to try Apricot-a-lot!

Mango or Apple - they both sound YUMMY!!!!!!!!

Cashew later & Almond-daze sounds awesome. I would love to try a sample of these


Mmmm, definitely the mango! It's like my Filipino calling!

I don't really care for fresh mango, but I love dried mango.

My daughters and I love dried apples!

I would love to try the Apple :)

pine-for-pineapple all the way!

Left a comment on your wall!! :)



Apple 2 the Core!!


Cherry! :)

My favorite dried fruit?
It tastes just great
and the name is cute!

Hope I'm not too late to enter. The mango sounds heavenly.




Can these be found anywhere else than Starbucks and the airport?

1)I have tried several of the flavors. The cherries are my favorite with mango coming in second. I have tweeted to @subwayfresh that their franchises should offer Peeled Snacks too.

2) Your site looks great and seems to be chock filled with usual information. You have been bookmarked.

Just wanted to suggest a new snack I've come to love -- Yogavive Chips! They have 1-2 ingredients max depending on which flavor you chose and they are incredibly crunchy and tasty. Apple cinnamon is my fav! (And much more convenient than slicing an apple at my desk)

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