Love Ice Cream? Try This 130 Calorie Makeover
March 2, 2010 41 Comments
Snack-Girl has been on the hunt for yogurt that makes her heart flutter. A yogurt so good that she wouldn't even miss ice cream. Is it possible?

After writing a few weeks ago about Chobani, I followed the advice of my readers and tried FAGE.
FAGE, pronounced Fa-yeh!, is absolutely delicious. There were many comments on Chobani that forced me to spend the $2 for the yogurt pictured here. Two dollars!!
Chobani costs one dollar, and Yoplait Strawberry Yogurt costs a mere 80 cents. What could be SO great about FAGE?
Well, the taste and consistency of this yogurt is dreamy. I took some out of the plain container and just added a teaspoon of maple syrup for my morning snack.
My DIY Yogurt preparation amazed me. I only ate half of the package (3.5 ounces or 65 calories) - add 20 or so for the syrup and you have an INCREDIBLE healthy snack for less than 100 calories.
Also, I only ate half the container and was satisfied - so I only spent $1 and I can save the rest for tomorrow. The only sad part is that the container doesn't allow me to seal it up so I'm going to have to use a plastic bag.
You can find a 50 cents off coupon on their website FAGE USA. You will also find out how they make their yogurt. It takes 4 pounds of raw milk to make one pound of FAGE yogurt, which is probably why it costs so much.
Sometimes you get what you pay for and I believe this is a good example of how spending more gets you something MUCH better than the average. Also, it forces you to savor what you are eating instead of just taking for granted the food in front of you.
FAGE has no high fructose corn syrup, stabilizers, artificial colors, and it tastes great and guess what? it costs more than twice as much than Yoplait Strawberry Yogurt. My advice is to eat less of a good thing if that is what you can afford.
There are flavors of FAGE. They had the idea to allow YOU to mix in the added ingredients (not unlike DIY Yogurt). I haven't tried them, but I love the idea that you can adjust the amount of added sugar by just adding less of the honey or jam in the package.
Have any of you tried FAGE? Do you like it as much as ice cream? Please share.
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Ken Leebow
Cascia @ Healthy Moms
Becca McArthur
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