Put The Diet Coke Down
September 30, 2014 50 Comments
I know what you are thinking, “No, Snack Girl, you put it down.”

All right, I will. In truth, I stopped drinking Diet Coke when I became pregnant with my daughter, Ruby, about 10 years ago.
I didn’t pick it back up again because I got hooked on coffee.
Why should YOU put it down? It doesn’t have any calories so it isn’t adding to the size of your hips.
Saccharin, sucralose, and aspartame has been linked to a marked intolerance to glucose. Type 2 Diabetes is caused by glucose intolerance, which means the body is less able to cope with large amounts of sugar.
You don’t want to be glucose intolerant if you can help it.
Many people substitute artificial sweetener for sugar because they want something sweet and they want to lose weight. The problem is that artificial sweeteners may not help in weight loss – some studies even show weight gain when participants use them.
My conclusion is that Diet Coke may not help you lose weight and could hurt your health if you drink many Diet Cokes over a long period of time.
I can hear some of you saying, “But I gave up Oreos, Doritos, and bacon and cheese on my hamburgers! I am not giving up my Diet Coke! Hey, the FDA approved these sweeteners so they must be safe.”
It is very difficult to prove that artificial sweeteners increase glucose intolerance in humans (the study was done in mice) and so it might be a bit preliminary to toss them out, BUT why not make a healthier choice anyway?
Could this new information push you over the edge and away from your habit? You don't want to get diabetes from the artificial sweeteners you are using to avoid getting diabetes!
A few suggestions:
- Give up Diet Coke for a day. The next day – take a sip. How does it taste? Is it really that good?
- Put all the money you spend at the vending machine in a jar and at the end of the week – spend it on some new fancy underwear (who doesn’t love new underwear?).
- Try sparkling water with a twist of lime or lemon. You will be the envy of the work lunchroom.
Do you have a diet soda habit? Have you thought about giving it up?
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