
Hard Seltzer Reviews: A Low Calorie Alcoholic Beverage

July 4, 2021   19 Comments

This hard seltzer review is due to my television watching. Yes, I have been sitting in front of the boobtube and watching tons of commercials.

Hard Seltzer Reviews: A Low Calorie Alcoholic Beverage

I can’t count how many ads were pitching hard seltzer or spiked sparkling water at me. I noticed that they always wanted me to know that the drinks was 90 calories so I thought it might be a good choice for Snack Girl readers.

You could not miss this sign at my local liquor store.

Oh my! Ten bucks for 24 cans of anything is kinda scary. This sign made me wonder if this drink is for savoring or drinking until you can’t walk.

I have jumped into the light alcohol pool before with my best light beer post. My very favorite light beer is Corona Premier and I have it in my fridge right now. It is 90 calories and it tastes like beer - what more do you want?

Last year, I took a look at the best tasting non-alcoholic beer. These are even lighter than light beers (no alcohol will do that ) and they are so good. I highly recommend them for beer drinkers who love the taste but hate beer gut.

Hard seltzer is spiked sparkling water with natural flavors. You can buy all sorts of sparkling water with flavors without alcohol added (zero calories). When you drink hard seltzer the added alcohol makes the drink 90 calories.

All of these brands have about 5% alcohol though I did see one that had 8% (be careful).

My reviews are going from worst to best.

Budlight Seltzer seems like it would be a good choice since Budlight has such a following but this was undrinkable. It had a bitter aftertaste that I found truly gross. FAIL

White Claw Seltzer is one of the OG brands (original gangsta). This one tasted like soap though I could still drink it. Did I enjoy it? No. FAIL

Truly Hard Seltzer was drinkable. I actually liked this one as it had a nice berry flavor without any strange aftertaste. I could not taste the alcohol in this which makes me worry about how one might overindulge without noticing. PASS

Corona Hard Seltzer was the best. The flavor tasted like blackberry and lime and it had no crappy aftertaste. Again, I could not taste the alcohol. PASS

But, why are you buying cans of this stuff when you can simply make your own? My husband, grabbed these two things and made me a drink that tasted the same as the Truly and Corona hard seltzers.

You can save some money by making your own if this is your drink of choice. This drink is 3 WW SmartPoints for the WW members out there.

Maybe I am old fashioned (or just old) because I like to taste the alcohol in my drink. I am afraid that these drinks are for people who want to get a buzz but aren’t adults.

What is your hard seltzer review? Do you like it?

For the teenagers who read this site, Snack Girl advocates waiting until the legal drinking age to indulge in alcoholic beverages.

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Well, Snack Girl, yes and no. I like both White Claw and Truly BUT only the citrus flavors. The berry flavors are horrid. WC has a bit more sugar than Truly. Red Grapefruit is my favorite WC flavor.

Truly Mixed Berry is my favorite! I also like the Vizzy and Press brands. Press is the best tasting but has the most sugar.

I think many of these beverages would vary in ratings according to flavor. I agree that Truly berry flavors are terrible. Citrus is MUCH better. One product line that isn't on this list is High Noon, and it's the best one that I've tried by far; black cherry is better than the others! The carbonation is not intense. The only thing worth mentioning is that if someone is gluten-free, be sure to check for the GF status (most of us would expect seltzer products to be GF).

I hope you didn't try these all at once, Snack Girl ;) Thanks for the review.

My current favorite seltzer is Vizzy and last year I liked Crook & Marker, but it is harder to come by. I agree many can have a weird after taste, and I definitely have to be in the right mood. I like the idea of homemade. One of my current favorite summer make at homes is diet lemonade with tequila & cointreau.

Ugh, I have tried all of these except the Budlight and I can not drink any of them. They all have a strange after taste to me. I would get them more for the convenience when we are boating. I have given up and just make a big thing of Titos, water, lime and add some Fresca or lemon crystal light or a little of both. Very refreshing, it's my summer go to drink!

I recently tried the Smirnoff spiked sparkling seltzer..cranberry lime and pina colada were very good..light, refreshing and no aftertaste. Thanks for your review!

Thank You, I have tried some, but not all, & I will try some of the suggestions above. HAPPY FORTH OF JULY!


I've been drinking White Claw but haven't tried the others. Some flavors are better - I like the raspberry and lime. Mostly, I think I like the name! Sounds tough...for a seltzer.

I usually only imbibe on holidays. If this is 5% to 8% that is not bad. Wine is typically 12% to 22% regardless what the label states.

I've recently had the Truly Fruit and Lemonade flavors. My favorite was Black Cherry, but I liked all of the flavors (Mango, Strawberry and "original").I enjoyed these much more than the fruit flavored ones.

I like your husband's idea!

I want to like seltzer, whether spiked or not and have a hard time with the aftertaste. I have tried Truly - yuck to the bad alcohol aftertaste. I also tried Bud Light Strawberry which oddly enough i liked! I bought another one just to be sure but didn't drink it yet. Stew Leonards sometimes lets you buy one at a time and that's the only way I will try it :)

Hi Snack Girl, I love your articles and recipes! I had my own taste tasting of seltzers last summer. I, too, enjoy the Press ones very much but around here, they are hard to come by. I am a big fan of Vizzys - all flavors - and the original flavors of Trulys. I don't like the lemonanade ones or the ice tea ones. I also agree you can make your own, but if you are in for drinking for an afternoon, I sometimes get heavy handed when pouring a drink for my poolside friends and I - which always leads to trouble! With the cans, it's quick and easy - just grab and pop the lid! Thanks for your reviews! I enjoy them!

I agree with making your own, but just found Barefoot Hard Seltzer which is 70 calories, made with wine and 4% alcohol with 2 grams added sugar. Tastes more like a sangria in a can.

I honestly love the highnoons.Thats it!!

Greetings! Thank you for the post and comments from everyone. I have to watch the Gluten Free. Kind of got excited something besides wine. Not that I don't like wine. White Claw so far is my favorite, flavors are Tangerine, Lime, and Lemon. I am looking forward to your husbands idea! Way to think out of the box! Thank you.

I have tried these canned hard seltzers, but making your own is easy and so much better. Spindrift and flavored vodka or tequila. So refreshing and no weird aftertaste!

I only like the citrus flavors of Truly. Lime.

I make my own, using Smirnoff Raspberry Vodka with Polar Raspberry Lime seltzer. Pour 1/2 can of seltzer, add ice and a shot of vodka. Tastes great.

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