Do You Idealize Hollywood Beauty?
March 23, 2012 42 Comments
Forgive the photo of Marilyn Monroe, but I couldn't resist. She is on my mind because of the new show on NBC "Smash" which is about creating a broadway musical about Marilyn Monroe.

There are a bunch of teenagers who read Snack Girl and they send me direct e-mails about their struggles. Today, I am thinking about them.
"Smash" stars Katharine McPhee who has bravely shared her battle with an eating disorder see: People Magazine.
As we know Marilyn Monroe had some disorders of her own (maybe an eating disorder too), but she doesn't look like a twig does she?
She looks healthy and lovely - and I wonder about the Hollywood beauties that we want to emulate. You know the type I am talking about, for example: Cameron Diaz, Angelina Jolie, and Gwyneth Paltrow.
They are SO skinny. Marilyn was said to be between a size 8-12 and she looks so different from the major movie stars of our time.
Which brings me to a story about me and Hollywood. Back in the late 90s, I needed a haircut and my mother graciously gave me a present of a FANCY haircut at a Beverly Hills salon. The guy was famous for cutting Renee Zellweger's hair.
When I walked in the door I saw a group of women that were extraordinarily beautiful. They had perfect teeth, hair, and nails and their bodies seemed to be from size 0-2. Yikes!
My size 12 self had never felt any uglier in my life. I literally felt like hiding under my chair.
A very good looking young bloke came to wash my hair. I felt so upset that I shouted, "I feel so ugly!!".
He stopped washing my hair and said, "YOU are the most beautiful woman in this room. You have soft round curves and you have a great smile on your face. These women take laxatives and diet pills to achieve their ideal weight. They don't eat and they are SO grumpy. I would much rather go out with you than any of them."
And, now, he is my husband. Just kidding!
This guy woke me up! I had been idealizing the Hollywood star without realizing it. What do you think it takes to look so thin?
So whatever your weight loss goal, start accepting yourself NOW. Nobody is comparing you to Sandra Bullock or Jennifer Anniston. Their images are staring at us at every supermarket check out counter - but they don't define beauty.
You get to define beauty.
And, since that guy in the salon was so sweet, I stopped comparing myself to those magazine photos. It is truly a self defeating exercise for all.
Please share your thoughts on Hollywood beauty.
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