The Painful Truth About Vegetables (And What To Do About It)
June 21, 2012 27 Comments
Hey, Snack Girl - that isn’t even a photo of a vegetable! Are you asleep or something?

Well, no, I am just proud of my garnish that I created in a class about knife skills. I know what you are thinking - “She doesn’t know how to use a knife?”
The truth is that I have been chopping vegetables without the proper technique for years and I finally decided to do something about it. I signed up for a class at a local cookware store, Different Drummer’s Kitchen led by Lynn Sunderland.
Why? The path to healthy eating includes learning new skills. I find that now that I am eating more vegetables I chopped a lot more than when I used to pop a frozen pizza in the oven.
The time it takes me to chop (forever) is one of the reasons I want to dial the number for take-out.
I stand in my kitchen when it is my turn to cook, while my husband winces, and chop, dice, and mince. He winces because he brought a lovely chef’s knife into our lives and I am famous for dulling it.
For two hours, I had trained chefs teach me how to use a paring knife and a chef’s knife. See here:

Did I have time for this? No. Did I enjoy myself? YES! Did I learn anything that will make me more efficient in the kitchen? Absolutely.
The biggest “AHA” came from the first 10 minutes of the class. Below is a video on how to hold a knife.
I was using the “hammer hold” all these years! It makes a huge difference to hold a knife with the pinch grip.
I also used my paring knife to make the above lime garnish with a zig zag pattern around the lime. I am really scared of knives so having someone encourage me that I won't slit open my hand was very helpful.
My second "AHA" was how to use the knife on the cutting board to quickly cut vegetables. This is an awesome video on how to slice with the knife. Watch it over and over and practice and your life will become easier (I promise).
Do you know how to use a knife? How did you learn?
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