How To Control Your Sweet Tooth
November 20, 2013 41 Comments
Love sweets? Join the club. I’m sure there are people who can survive without them, but I haven’t met any.

Bev, a reader, sent me this question:
I have a problem that I hope you can help me with. I have an overpowering sweet tooth, and for me it's become the hardest part of eating healthy. I would like to know if you have any TRULY sweet snack ideas that you can share.
I've heard "eat an apple" or other fruit to get my sweet fix, or make a smoothie...nope. I grew up on things like Oreo cookies, Ho-Ho's, Ring Dings, ice cream, etc. and not having something as sweet as that for snack time is always a big downfall for me.
I've heard that when you reduce the sugary/sweet items in your diet you eventually develop a more refined sense of taste and things that might not have tasted sweet at first will then be more than sweet enough, however I can't seem to get there when I feel deprived of my sweet fix right from the get-go.
Bev, the average American eats a third of a pound of sugar every day – 130 pounds a year. You are not alone. On top of the fact that sugar tastes good, it has been shown to be as addictive as cocaine (see: Sugar is as addictive as cocaine, and causes obesity, diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.
Now, what do you do about it. My first suggestion is a painful one, but something to try. Spend an entire day without eating any added sugar. I have done this and it has clued me into the cravings, the time of day that they hit, and exactly how much I am overeating when it comes to sugar.
You may find that you want sugar for breakfast, snack, after dinner, before you go to bed, etc.
Now, take a look at where you can cut back without driving yourself crazy. Some ideas for cutting back:
- Eat one Ho-Ho and save the other for another craving time
- Dilute soda with ½ soda water (it works – trust me)
- Try Slow Churned ice cream
- Eat one square of dark chocolate slowly
Once you get used to less sugar, you will start to taste the sweetness of fresh fruit like strawberries and apples and they WILL become satisfying. You have to reset your taste buds to begin to enjoy these as much as refined sugar.
Here are some healthy and very sweet snack suggestions to add to the mix:
- Yum! A Caramel Salted Chocolate Makeover
- How To Make Dark Chocolate Last Forever
- Love Chocolate But Need To Eat Less Of It? Try This
- Stop Buying Frozen Yogurt and Make Your Own
- Hit Your Cake Craving With The Microwave
How do you deal with your sugar cravings? Please share.
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