How to Use Instagram to Inspire You
July 7, 2015 8 Comments
Instagram is the fastest growing social network for a reason.

It is FUN! But, you have to be careful (as with any fun toy) how you use it. Shooting and sharing photos of a dessert (like above) doesn't really inspire me to eat healthier or think differently.
I have found that the more that I use Instagram – the more I learn about how it can be inspirational and the less time I spend wondering why I play with it.
First, I have learned that looking at many food photos is not good for me. I don’t care if it is KALE mixed with celery and grass – I cannot look at food without getting hungry. So many of the healthy food Instagram pages make food look so appealing!
First Rule of Instagram – limit your food page follows.
Here are two food pages that I recommend:
SnackGirlLisa is a super smart and easy on the eyes account that will get you to try new easy recipes and get you cooking! (love this one)
Cooking Light has consistently strong photos with an emphasis on fresh fruits and vegetables (and healthy desserts). They mix up the food images nicely so it isn’t too repetitive.
Second Rule of Instagram – pets! (and humor)
digbyvanwinkle is created in New Zealand with two cute dogs looking adorable. Your day may be going really badly. Check out these pups!! You can not NOT smile after looking at them. ahhhh.
satiregram is a page without images devoted to making fun of Instagram and I find myself giggling every time I read it. A post last week stated, “my iced tea in a mason jar”.
Third Rule of Instagram – follow pages that inspire YOU!
karlthefog is devoted to San Francisco fog. It inspires me because I find the fog beautiful and I can smell the sea when I see it.
Happsters is all about inspiration. I love getting little quotes that make me think a bit. Here is one that I related to, “We would do ourselves a tremendous favor by letting go of the people who poison our spirit. – Steve Maraboli”
Yes – I hear you!
We all have dreams and visions of what we want out of life. For example, you may want to travel the world, rescue dogs, or start a garden. Looking at images that support your dream can keep you humming along.
Search for pages devoted to your dreams and you will be helped in envision the future you want to create (and did I mention that Instagram is fun?).
What pages do you follow on Instagram? How do you use it to inspire you?
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