
Serve Broccoli Slaw For Saint Patrick’s Day

March 12, 2014   14 Comments

Snack Girl got on her high horse on Monday and castigated the fake green food industry.

Lighter Broccoli Slaw

Today, I have ridden my horse to a more peaceful place filled with flowers, scented candles, and broccoli (which is a flower – seriously).

I don’t really have a horse, but I do have a dog and he manages to make me feel much calmer by always being glad to see me. Big shout out to Milo!

I want to focus on what we can DO about crappy food instead of complaining about its existence. Someone commented that they had seen broccoli slaw posted as a festive St. Patrick’s day treat, so I decided to make one myself.

Broccoli slaw is much like cabbage slaw. You shred the broccoli, add your favorite garnishes, and then mix in a mayonnaise/vinegar dressing. If you are trying to lose weight, mayonnaise is one of those high calorie foods (94 calories per tablespoon) that you are using sparingly.

How are you gonna get creamy slaw without a cup o’ mayo?

The answer is buttermilk. For 99 calories per CUP, you can pour it on and the tangy creaminess with save the day.

I used my food processor to make this slaw in a flash. If you don’t have one, please go out and buy one. It will support your healthy eating goals for years to come. If you buy pre-grated cheese, you will pay for it in no time (by grating your own cheese).

This is a great St. Patrick's Day side dish or a wonderful lunch with a few additions (like a hard boiled egg, an orange, and a slice of toast).

Broccoli Slaw Recipe

1.6 from 24 reviews

Makes 5 servings, 1 cup slaw per serving

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2 broccoli crowns (about 1 ½ pounds)
½ cup almonds
1/3 cup dried cranberries


½ cup buttermilk
¼ cup mayonnaise
3 tablespoons cider vinegar
salt and pepper to taste

Shred broccoli (both stalk and florets) with a grater or the grater attachment for a food processor. Put in a large bowl. Chop almonds with a few pulses of a food processor (do not pulverize) or on a cutting board. Add chopped almonds and cranberries to broccoli

In another bowl, mix together the buttermilk, mayonnaise, and cider vinegar.

Pour dressing over broccoli, almonds, and cranberries and toss. Taste and add salt and pepper. Serve immediately or store in your refrigerator for up to three days. This slaw does improve with age (but there is a limit).

Nutrition Facts

For one cup = 162 calories, 9.3 g fat, 1.1 g saturated fat, 15.9 g carbohydrates, 4.8 g sugar, 6.9 g protein, 4.9 g fiber, 155 mg sodium, 4 Points+

Points values are calculated by Snack Girl and are provided for information only. See all Snack Girl Recipes

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When you shred the broccoli, is it the trees and the stalks or only one part of the broccoli crown? Also, can you use te packaged broccoli slaw or is there a health reason not to use it?

While all of your recipes look tasty and healthy, I find your calorie counts too be almost always amazingly high. As a tiny woman (under 5 feet), I would starve to death on your recipes. I need a larger quantity of food for that amount of calories. I realize I then sacrifice some taste.... But I also hate being hungry. Do you worry about calories or are you a lot taller and can eat a lot more?

@Mindy - great question! You shred the stalks and the crowns. I will change the recipe above to include this important detail.

@Yolanda - I'm not sure what you are saying - but one cup of slaw (8 ounces) is a lot for 162 calories. Also, this recipe is off the charts healthy - tons of Vitamin C - iron, calcium, micronutrients.

If you want less calories make the serving size smaller - if you want more - eat more. this is a guide to what is in the food for you to decide what to eat.

Thanks for your questions!

I've had broccoli slaw. You can buy shredded broccoli, where you find the shredded cabbage. You'd never know it was broccoli. Seems like it's mostly the stocks that are in there.

½ cup buttermilk
¼ cup mayonnaise
3 tablespoons cider vinegar

I Think its the dressing packing on the calories the slaw is not that bad. I would change to a skim milk and greek yogurt to bring down the calories in the dressing then you can add more broccoli & almonds to make a bigger portion of food @Yolanda.

Better yet skip the creamy dressing all together and add olive oil and vinegar.

Snack Girl, I just have to tell you how much I love reading your blog every day. Thank you for making healthy seem easy and breezy.

Great dressing suggestion, using buttermilk, instead of mayo. I make a similar salad, and sometimes use raisins, sunflower seeds and minced red onion.

For convenience in packing my lunch I buy the prepackaged broccoli slaw and use Ken's Steak House LITE Sun-Dried Tomato dressing. 2 Tbs is 60 calories and sugar is the 4th ingredient. Very filling salad! Thanks! Your recipe sounds good!

Just added Ken's Steak House lite sun dried tomato dressing to my grocery list, will check out the info on the bottle. thanks

I enjoy getting new ideas from this website, too. I workout and also am smaller so find the calorie counts are high on some dishes. I just adjust the recipe to lower the calories so that I can eat enough bulk to feel full. I love broccoli slaw and I use a different kind of dressing that has even fewer calories than this one. For 5 servings use 5 rounded teaspoons of light mayo (I have even mixed half nonfat plain yogurt in place of some mayo with excellent results), 2 1/2 Tablespoons of cider vinegar, 1 1/4 - 2 teaspoons of sugar (to taste), 2 1/2 teaspoons of dijon mustard, and pepper to taste. This is very flavorful and also low sodium.

Love broccoli slaw. Usually use lemon/honey/mustard/evoo as a dressing. It doesn't take much to impart a tangy moistness. I'm sure it too is high cal but I count fiber these days and this slaw [and cabbage/carrot slaw too] is a good fiber source. In my experience my eyes are ALWAYS bigger than my tummy which is proven every time I'm forced to eat slowly due to fiber-rich foods needing more chewing. Consequently I get so full before I finish because I'm allowing time for my brain to get the ''full' message. I started counting just fiber this year and the results have been amazing! In order to reach my 25grams daily I have little to no room for junk! I'm going to get me some organic broccoli this week, thank you, Lisa for the reminder and your most enjoyable read!

Re: using food processor to shred cheese.

YES! Ever since I was told that pre-shredded cheese has more wax than blocks of cheese, I have been buying blocks and shredding them in my food processor. I find the consistency to be much better this way -- juicier, if that can be said about cheese.

As for the "more wax," apparently (unconfirmed) all cheese has wax around its outsides, and every shred of pre-shredded cheese has wax all around it -- that's what prevents it from clumping.

I have been making cole slaw for my pregnant daughter for the past 12 weeks (I think she is going to have a cabbage patch kid)using Vegenaise, white vinegar,and celery salt. I never thought to add broccoli. Great tip, thanks.

Thanks for another great idea. Like others have mentioned, the packaged broccoli slaw is really handy.

I will add red onion and diced water chestnuts to this recipe

to get even more crunch.

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