
A Cheese Danish Makeover

April 2, 2013   23 Comments

Let’s say you are a fledging food photographer and your husband eats your garnish. What should you do?

Lighter Cheese Danish

I know you have all had trouble with this kind of interference in your job, someone eating your strawberries. If you are me, you do not spend 30 minutes getting new strawberries, you substitute mango chunks and hope it looks okay. Which it doesn’t.

Oh well.

The idea above is simple. Try to emulate the flavors of a cheese danish with toast and cottage cheese. Does it work? Well, I really liked it and I will screech my car to a halt if I see a wayward cheese danish.

Who thought of cheese danish anyway? First, you have a pastry, light and fluffy - and then you add cheese!! How delicious is that? Sadly, they average 400 calories (10 Points+) so they are a treat, not an everyday food.

But, my madeover cheese danish IS an everyday food! It is just a take on toast with butter and jam, but instead you have cottage cheese and a wee bit of brown sugar.

Be sure to toast the bread before you add the cottage cheese or you will end up with a soggy mess.

I used cottage cheese with 4% milkfat because it tastes good and will better mimic a danish than low fat cheese. The calorie amount is going to vary quite a bit by what bread you use - my bread was 110 calories per slice.

Give this a try and let me know what you think.

Do you love cheese danish?

Lighter Cheese Danish

Lighter Cheese Danish

1.6 from 24 reviews

(serves 1)

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1 slice 100% whole wheat bread
2 tablespoons cottage cheese (4% milkfat)
1/2 teaspoon brown sugar
blueberries, sliced strawberries, sliced mango, etc. (optional)


Toast bread until lightly browned. Spoon on cottage cheese and top with brown sugar and optional fruit. Brown under a broiler in a toaster oven or oven for one minute. Enjoy!

Nutrition Facts

Without fruit = 146 calories, 1.8 g fat, 0.7 g saturated fat, 25.0 g carbohydrates, 6.7 g sugar, 8.0 g protein, 5.0 g fiber, 293 mg sodium, 4 Points+

Points values are calculated by Snack Girl and are provided for information only. See all Snack Girl Recipes

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First 20 Comments: ( See all 23 )

When I was a poor college student this was something I ate all the time (sans the fruit).

Curiously, hadn't had this in years but did last night as I was a bit under the weather.

You know what else is super good? Cottage cheese mixed with a bit if whipped cream... Tastes just like cheesecake! So yummy!

Wow deja vu! I'm a WW lifetime member from waaaay back, and a version of this was one of my favourites. Thanks for the reminder, its on my menu today!

I also remember this from an old Weight Watchers cookbook. I still eat this for breakfast. I like raisin bread and sprinkle cinnamon over the top.

I have been using 2% cottage cheese on toast and waffles for a long time with or without a dash of cinnamon and/or fruit. It's a great way to get a decent protein in and it does taste good. I wonder how it would be if you broiled it to give the cheese just a little melt. Hmmm.

I love this idea! I have to try this for breakfast!

Thanks for the reminder! I learned about this 25 years ago on Weight Watchers program and loved it. I spread low fat cottage cheese on toast, sprinkle sweetener and cinnamon and broil til cheese bubbles. It is divine!

Got any pointers for a girl who doesn't like the consistency of cottage cheese? I've been told you can blend it to make dips and things, but haven't given it a try. Any other ideas?

@laura - you could try skim ricotta cheese - which is thicker and has more calories - just use less of it. How about light cream cheese? They would both work. Thanks for the question!

Wow! That looks good. I'm not convinced it will taste like a cheese danish, but it sure does look and sound delicious. I will have to give it a try.

2percent cottage cheese with a dab of apple butter (or whatever kind of flavored butter...pumpkin, almond, etc) is one of my fans

My mom used to make a version of this, but would add a dab of applesauce and a sprinkle of cinnamon to her whole wheat toast for an apple-cheese "danish." Delish!

I have seen this several times, in particular as a Weight Watchers treat. I always tell myself that I should try it, but I never think of it when I've actually got cottage cheese in the house. Usually we eat it with salt & pepper (or other spices) and I've used it to make light oatmeal-based pancakes.

I put cottage cheese on my grocery list, so now I have to remember to try it. I like Mary's idea of apple butter on there, I've got Trader Joe's honey apple butter, which would be fab. Who knows, this might turn out to be my new favorite snack!

I remember my mom making this when she was on WW back in the 60's. that should have been about the time when WW began! I, too, shall have to revisit this recipe!

I wonder what it would be like on one of those 70 calorie frozen whole wheat pancakes-those are soft and have more the mouth feel of a danish?

Well i never thought of it thatway, but I could try it. You know i have the cottage cheese that has pineapple in it, so I'll try some this weekend.

I have done this for years with lower fat ricotta and lots of cinnamon. Instead of fruit, I use no sugar preserves.

Going in the kitchen right now to make this....I love Cheese Danish....but I think I will use Maple syrup instead of the brown sugar and use crushed pineapple....will let you know how I liked it....since I tried your last toast recipe and liked it....will try this one :) thanks...

Just made the cheese danish....not bad, but really, not as good as the real cheese danish :) but if you are watching your diet, this isn't bad....thanks again snack girl :)

I hate cottage cheese but I think this is to my own detriment. I suspect it's quite healthy (I'll do some checking into this) and would be a nice complement to my diet.

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