
Peanut Butter Lovers: A 45 Calorie Solution That Will Save Your Waistline

January 4, 2012   113 Comments

Snack Girl features peanut butter A LOT. I happen to love the stuff and I use it almost every day.

PB2 Review: Low Calorie Peanut Butter

It is super nutritious. The best peanut butter is just roasted and ground peanuts without any extra sugar or oil. The processing of peanuts is minimal and it makes a spread that goes with so many fruits and vegetables.

For the people out there that are trying to slim down, peanut butter is a bit of a problem. Here are the nutritional facts for 2 tablespoons of plain peanut butter:

190 calories, 16 g fat, 7 g carbohydrates, 8 g protein, 3 g fiber, 0 mg sodium, 5 Points+


But, you get 4% of your daily value of iron, and 10% of your daily value of both vitamin E, and folate. This stuff is chocked full of nutrients so these are not EMPTY calories. (those are the worst :)

In my opinion, peanut butter should not be avoided because it IS nutritious.

What if you wanted to cut down on your peanut butter consumption? Like me, you might be using a bunch of it to make your apple, banana, or broccoli taste delicious.

Enter PB2, a powdered peanut butter that has 85% less fat calories than traditional peanut butter. Here are the nutritional facts for 2 tablespoons of PB2:

45 calories, 1.5 g fat, 5 g carbohydrates, 5 g protein, 2 g fiber, 94 mg sodium, 1 Points+


So, I was against trying this stuff because I thought it would taste yucky (to use a scientific term). I bought some of it on because so many people told me to give it a try. Here it is what it looks like:


You mix it with water to make this:


I got out some spoons and tasted it alongside my regular peanut butter. I am shocked and happy to say that PB2 tastes yummy. I would not have known that the fat was missing. It has a strong peanut flavor and in one swoop I save 145 calories!

There are some downsides to using PB2 instead of regular peanut butter:

  • It is expensive at over $7 a jar unless you buy it in bulk. (see note)
  • The nutrients are now missing from the peanut butter. I guess they left with the fat. 0% DV of Iron, etc.
  • You may have to special order it from Amazon or Bell Plantation. (hard to find in stores)

I am planning to use some regular peanut butter some of the time, and PB2 some of the time. I might add a dash to my smoothie and try my no bake peanut butter ball recipe with it.

Bell Plantation also puts out a PB2 with chocolate (that I haven't tried) - but it gets good reviews on Amazon. It has 45 calories for two tablespoons.

Do you use PB2? What do you use it for?

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I've been wanting to try that powdered magic for a while. Maybe when I'm richer :)

Wow, PB with only 15 calories is nuts! (haha) Here's another low-cal/low-fat peanut butter option for those who may not be into the powdered thing, or don't want to spend only $7. Better'n Peanut Butter. I got mine at Whole Foods for around $6, still pricy but not too bad. It's 100 calories per 2 tbsp serving and only 2g of fat. There's a low sodium one and chocolate and banana flavors, too!

I've reviewed both at my blog at and now love both. They are staples of my diet when I need a peanut butter fix.

You can also get them for cheaper at as well.

Both of the PB2 flavors are delicious! They make great mix-ins for oatmeal and I also love to use the plain PB2 as dip. I've found that ordering them from is much less expensive than ordering from Amazon. I think I paid under $5 for a small container last time. Great find!

I was wondering when you were going to feature this product. I personally like it. Coincidentally,I was having some flourless PB2& banana muffins this morning. I took 1 cup of the PB2 powder,a half of a teaspoon of baking powder,vanilla extract,a pinch of salt,a bit of sweetner,a little bit of cinnamon and a whole banana and put it into a food processor and added some water and processed it until it had a smooth,creamy consistancy. You could even eat this raw like a pudding or pie filling if you want (but leave out the baking powder) but if you want to make "muffins" keep the baking powder and bake on 400 degress for 20-25 minutes and it should make 4 small muffins. They are great fresh out of the pan while still warm or you can reheat them the next day or even freeze them for later use,but they are much better fresh.

This sounds like it went through some heavy processing. Fats in moderate amounts are good for you. They help keep you full and absorb other nutrients. The amount you'd use on a PB&J sandwich or in a smoothie is nothing to worry about.

HMR clients love PB2 and many programs sell it locally as well as online - a great choice for PB flavor without the calories - it is terrific in a smoothie with HMR 120 Vanilla or choclate

I'm a big fan of PB2 - luckily a small, locally owned store near my house carries it, so it's not toooo pricey. I like that the only ingredients in it are peanuts, sugar, and salt. I've read mixed things about certain other low-fat peanut butter substitutes so for me, I either eat the real stuff in moderation or enjoy my PB2 with an apple or celery as a really low calorie snack. :) (Note that Bell Plantation *also* sells the peanut oil separately. I always found that kind of amusing AND smart of them.)

I like is straight out of the jar. Dampish things like apples can be dipped into it and banana slices can be shaken in a bag to coat. Very little is needed. Also adding just a couple teaspoons full to pancakes is great. Also great in smoothies.

i LOVE trader joe's (now discontinued) peanut flour! luckily i hoarded it when i heard it was being cancelled and now have lots of packages in my cupboard! however, i will be ordering pb2 when i run out ... they even have a banana flavor!

what can i say, i'm a sucker for all the taste w/out the calories!

I have been using PB2 for about 2 months now and love it! Don't like the chocolate flavor for some reason (even though I love chocolate!). I have lost 4-5 lbs by eating this every day for lunch instead of regular PB without even trying.

I LOVE the peanut butter with chocolate- it is SOOOO good!!

It is my "new" wonder food and I've told everyone at my weight watcher's meetings about it...netrition is the cheapest, as shipping for any and all is only $4.99...and half the price of amazon...use it daily with my apple your site...its a good job you do!!!

So glad to see that you have included PB2 in your line-up of "good" eatables.

i noticed you mentioned that at the loss of the fat, there's also a reduction (or total removal) of nutrients like iron etc. Wouldn't this mean that aside from imitating the taste (for those who normally crave peanut butter and can't live without it), there's actually not much good to eating PB2? Granted i haven't seen the nutrition label myself yet. It just sounds vaguely like for us people who CAN live without peanut butter, there's now no reason at all to partake of this PB2 stuff? I guess I'm just a little confused over that comment about PB2's nutrients went away with the fat and you didn't elaborate further on that lol

@Shannon - you do get some protein - but my thought was that you don't want to stop using REAL peanut butter altogether since this powdered form isn't as nutritious. If you aren't a peanut butter lover - you don't need to shift. That is my advice. I hope this makes sense.

Look around. I got it for $6.00 a jar. Not cheap but a bit better than the $7.00. It does taste pretty good and I am a peanut butteracholic. :)

Here is a store locator of stores carrying is product.

I've been buying it directly from the Bell Plantation website. Buying a case of 12, brings the price to about $5 per jar.

As a healthy mom and health coach, I love and swear by PB@ you get the taste with out all the exrtra calories! It is so worth it!

I have never heard of this before and can't wait to try it. I absolutely love peanut butter and have cut way back on it to keep my calorie count down. I order lots from and they carry this for about $5.50.

You guys are so lucky with all the reduced fat/ calorie brands in the U.S. Cannot understand how anybody there has a weight problem! Jealous, from Ireland :)

Lisa, in your post, you astutely observe, "The best peanut butter is just roasted and ground peanuts without any extra sugar or oil."

I agree wholeheartedly, so I was a little bummed to see that PB2 contains sugar. :(

If I want my peanute butter to taste sweet, I'll toss in some raisins, dates, diced apples, etc. (maybe even honey, if I'm jonesin' for something sweet-sweet!), but *I* want to be in control of the type and amount of sugar.

I was this >< close to adding PB2 to my cart, but I'm gonna pass and wait for them (or a competitor) to release a no-sugar-added/no-artificial-sweetener-added version.

But don't let my thumbs-down stop you from keeping these neat products/ideas/recipes coming! :)

this is some great stuff and i use it on apple slices and in smoothies too. if you know someone who can shop at the commisaries it is less than $4.00 a jar. Or i watch for specials through Bell Plantation by buying multiple jars or no shipping. I cannot be without it so i stock up.

I love this stuff for making stir fry without adding a bunch of extra fat but getting all the yummy peanut taste! Saute chicken, veggies and then sprinkle pb2 on it and add a little chili paste (sambal uelek) really really tasty!

I love pb2. I have a hard time eating regular pb in moderation so this hits the spot. I really like to spread in on tortilla with some sliced of banana and a bit of jam and fold the tortilla in half and grill it. Great snack.

Sadly...I buy this stuff by the case load from I go through the chocolate one like wildfire. I haven't had it in a while - you're making me want to place another order! :o)

Someone mentioned the Better than Peanut Butter - that's definitely an acquired taste. To me it tastes nothing like PB & is full of artificial stuff. Gross.

I haven't tried the chocolate version, but I've been using the regular kind for a while now. There's a few places close to me that sell it (thankfully). It's only $4.95 at Jungle Jims! :)

Lisa, I tried to order the pb at amazon and I could not order,is that because I am in Canada?


I love the PB2 with chocolate. It is great in oatmeal, on apples, in smoothies. Feels like I am eating something decadent.

I have tried it before and it is really good! I was skeptical at first myself. I haven't purchased any in awhile because friend always got it for me.I just did a search and now I can purchase it locally.

I'm with Andy D here. Sure, it's great that they reduced the calories and fat; but in order to make up for it, it would appear that, like most other reduced fat products they added in sugar (and salt).

Sigh, no thank you. I'll stick to the wholesome, one ingredient stuff and enjoy the natural benefits that it comes with.

I keep PB2 on hand so I can occasionally have the resemblance of peanut butter without keeping the real thing in my pantry. Peanut butter is a trigger food for me and I am slowly learning to keep trigger foods out of the house. Although it is far from the real thing, it makes a decent substitute.

I wish I had seen that netrition sells it cheaper! But I did just place an order from Amazon. I'm too curious about it to not give it a shot!

I was a PB2 user until I found PEANUT FLOUR!! It used to be sold at Trader Joes, but now you have to buy it directly from the farm that produces it. Here are the facts: 1/4 cup has 110 calories, 4 grams of fat, 16 grams of protien, 8 grams of carbs. It is much like PB2 in that you mix it with water, and I add at touch of sea salt. You can make it as thick or thin as you like! You do have to order online BUT it's affordable! $3.99 for a 1 lb bag (you can put what your don't use in the freezer). Or you can order 6-1 lb bags for $23.40!! Each 1 lb bag is vacuum sealed so you can put it in the freezer until your ready to use it! I love it and it is awesome for WW pointsplus!! Here's a link to where I buy it:

Here is a description from their website "Peanut flour is a dry powder formed after the partial extraction of oil from the roasted peanut seed. It is used to add flavor and protein to processed baked goods, nutrition bars and snacks, as well as to marinades, sauces and dressings. Worldwide, peanut flours have been limited to use by industrial food processors as a major food ingredient. While peanuts are about 25 % protein, peanut flour is about 50 % protein. That's because the process of mechanically removing fatty oil from roasted peanuts enriches the levels of the remaining peanut components. The resulting flour is naturally low in fat, high in protein and relatively low in carbohydrates. (Credit: USDA)"


I'm in Canada and often order it on-line from low-carb grocery. It's 6.49 a tub or you can get a 1 lb bag for 13:49.

I love PB2! Their website has tons of recipes. I put it in shakes all the time. Get my chocolate and peanut butter without all the calories! YUMMMMMMM!

I used to go through this stuff like crazy and I also use peanut flour now, which I buy online. It's unsweetened, which was one bonus of PB2.

I love to add it to oatmeal or spread it on rice cakes. Yum!

Thank you Aubre and Heidi for mentioning the no-sugar-added Peanut Flour!

Looks like the same product may be available locally at Trader Joe's under their private label: "Protein Plus private labeled the peanut flour for Trader Joe's so if the Trader Joe's brand of peanut flour is what you're looking for, this is the same product...just different packaging!"

Thanks again!

I don't like the idea of this at all. I'm trying to eat less processed food, not more. I've curtailed my pb intake. Haven't stopped, just don't eat it straight from the jar any more, I eat natural pb, so no extra ingredients, and instead of smearing gobs of it on, I use a measured tablespoon. I don't get why a heavily processed food is considered a good product?

I can’t eat peanut butter, is there any other nuts butter that I can use a a substitute???

I love the PB2 regular & chocolate. Its awesome in smoothies & only one point on Weight Watchers. I just got my shipment of 6 jars. It was only $28 including shipping from netrition. That is so much better than the $7 they want at the health food stores.

Aine said: "You guys are so lucky with all the reduced fat/ calorie brands in the U.S. Cannot understand how anybody there has a weight problem! Jealous, from Ireland :)"

This is exactly WHY the US DOES have a weight problem! All this reduced-low-non-fat food is not real food! Fat is good for you! People who eat the low-fat stuff either think they can splurge later because they had low-fat, or they NEED to eat more because they are still hungry! Coincidentally, the surge in Type II diabetes and other weight related diseases coincides with the onslaught of low- and reduced-fat food products. (Of course, there are other factors such as the increased use of artificial additives.) There is nothing scary about whole milk! A diet in real, whole foods -nothing processed!- is the easiest way to be healthy and maintain a healthy weight.

I have to echo Cristina's comments.

If you're still trying to figure out how all this stuff works, check out Forks over Knives (free (I think) via Hulu: and check out Michael Pollan's article entitled "Unhappy Meals" (…)

I almost cried when I read about the rewriting of the McGovern report. That, to me, was the beginning of the quagmire in which we (as a nation) currently find ourselves.

I get that food has lots of emotional value, but just being aware that there are billions of dollars spent to keep us craving bagged-, boxed-, and canned-junk is a good first step to unhitching yourself from their setting-the-stage-for-obesity-and-disease wagon.

Um, stepping off my soapbox now... :)

Totally agree, Cristina! I don't like low-fat/non-fat foods, more processed foods. I'm on WW, and they really push that kind of food, so while I love WW, I really dislike their use of highly processed, low/no fat foods. Plastic cheese? No thank you! And this kind of pb..nope. I'd rather learn to work real pb into my life rather than eat something so crazy processed.

For those who ordered the PB2 in bulk, what is the expiration date of the jars? Just curious before I decide to order single or multiple jars.

More economical and just as good...peanut flour at Trader Joe's. Used the same way as PB2.

I am a peanut butter lover, I would love to try it out, however, that's added sugar, so is it still a good healthy choice?

Im in love with this stuff! Regular peanut flour is better, and you can buy it in bigger bags. Same thing and still has tons of protein.

@Gina -

There is a small amount of sugar added - but I didn't think it was that big of a deal - I think it is 3 grams per serving (less than a teaspoon). I hope this helps!

Thanks for your reply~ really want to try it~ but won't be able to get it in this part of the world (Macau, China), am asking my aunt in Canada to try get for me~ ^^

I've been using PB2 for about 6 years now and all I can say is that "I Can't Leave without it". I use it all kinds of ways. I put in my oatmeal with a package of sugar free hot chocolate and it's the best breakfast I have. I also add it to my Ice Cream to make PB2 ice cream. I just love this stuff!!!

What are the full nutrition facts on this? Aka does it still have protein etc?

@Caitlin- I think this is the manufacturer's webpage:

I use this and I LOVE IT! I add it to my chocolate protein shake after workouts and its wonderful!

This stuff is delicious!!But the Better then Peanut Butter stuff at Whole Foods is AWEFUL!! I like just about anything extremely healthy, but this stuff made me GAG!

I finally got it (my aunt in Canada got it for me), it's really good and I love it~ I added it to my banana oatmeal this morning, and it tasted so good~ thx snack girl for sharing this super product~ ^^

I'm kind of with the other person that said something about why eat it if it has no nutritional value, unless you are addicted to peanut butter. I guess it would save a whole lot of calories while dealing with the addiction. :-)

I found PB2 at my local Central Market and it was $4.95 a jar. I think it's worth it! I like to mix mine with a bit of milk instead of water, but that's just a personal preference - it's delicious either way!

Love this stuff! I add it dry to a cup of Fage Greek yogurt and then stir in some honey. And then mash a banana. (because peanutbutter and bannana is my favorite sandwich combo!!) A fantastic 3 pt snack

I love making pb banana smoothies - I use coconut milk,frozen banana, pb2, and real maple syrup - absolutely delicious!

Ive never tried the stuff before and very rarely eat peanut butter, but they do sell this at Fresh &Easy markets. I seen it on the shelf last week,but didnt bother to look at the price.

I've heard some things here and there about PB2, but never actually looked at the nutrition facts before. I'm mildly surprised, and (believe it or not) disappointed to learn the truth. Natural peanut butter is VERY good for you, but PB2 seems like just a 'diet' version of that stuff. Yeah, you still get some protein, but peanut butter's claim to fame (when it's natural) is the healthy fats. Calories are not inherently something to minimize... and when one considers the fact that there are far better places to get protein, PB2 pales to something far less than it's made out to be. "Bang for your buck" has always been a better policy for me when it comes to caloric intake as opposed to "get as few as possible." I do note that this point is addressed by and large, but I guess it just always strokes my fur the wrong way when diet foods advertise how many calories you are saved by eating them.

snack girl, or anyone i guess, question:

If i buy the natural peanut butter and drain the oil on top, how would that change the nutritional info?

@Tea-bag You can still buy that same peanut flour you got from TJ's online. It is called Protein Plus peanut flour - This is the same stuff TJ's used and put their own label on it. You can get it for a good price at . It's the stuff I use and love. SOOO much cheaper than PB2, which is good too, and if you miss the salt and sugar part, well, you just add it yourself! And I'd rather lose some nutrients any day for a trade off in calories and fat like this! You can get those nutrients form other lower calorie sources!

I love PB2 but it was a bit of an acquired taste for me. I add stevia to it when I mix it and it's one of the best peanut butter substitutes for me. I especially love the chocolate flavor. Amother peanut butter substitute that I love is Better'n Peanut Butter. In my opinion, it's even better than PB2 (although I've seen some reviews that lead me to believe you either love it or hate it) and 1 pts plus per tablespoon. Yum!

Just recently tried this it is AMAZING:)

in my opinion much more like regular PB the the 'Better Than Peanutbutter' and less calories

I love PB2 my local grocery store lets me order it by the case YIPPEE!!!

I use a similar product - and agree it's good to have it sometimes and regular peanut butter other times.

To make the "plain" flavor choclate-y, I add a teaspoon of unsweetened cocoa to the peanut butter powder. That gives me control of the amount of chocolate flavor without added sugar.

I get my PB 2 @ my local Krogers. No need for a soecialty store for me!

I was a bit apprehensive about trying this product but I have to say I love it. It is the perfect, healthy peanut butter for those who watch calories closely...very closely. Thank you for sharing this product!!

I found PB2 at my local Kroger for $3.99. Way cheaper than regular peanut butter. Delicious!!!

I just purchased it at King Soopers( Kroger) today for 3.60. I am doing weight watchers ,and was amazed how a 2 TBs peanut butter sandwich on reduced calorie bread was 9 points! I tried it PB2 today and it is great for a 1 point treat.

I was very critical of this when you reviewed it, but I did buy some (I honestly can't remember where!) I haven't mixed it up yet, but I will say I do enjoy putting it (dry) on a banana with a little lite Cool Whip. Yum!! So I have to rescind my earlier comment.

I just ordered the PB2 and the chocolate PB2 from Swanson's for $3.99 and $4.99 respectively. I have heard very good reports on and have recipes that came with a bag of Peanut Flour so after researching it I decided to order it. Waiting for it to be delivered.

You could get it a lot cheaper at Kroger!

I'm going to try this. I bought Better N Butter and wow, they put glycerin in it -- as in, the stuff that's in laxatives and suppositories and it sure had the same effect. All of the fat free products from that company are loaded with glycerin. No spank you!

my question is are you counting the tablespoons from the dry powder or after its mixed in water. I realize there is no calories in water but once the peanut swells its more then 2tbls. How are the ww points being figured out? With the 2tbl.spoon dry powder or after mixed?

The nutritional info does to change after mixing it with water.

I rarely find the actual product lives up to the hype but in this case IT DOES!! PB2 is a dieting peanut butter lover's dream come true. The taste is superb and you really don't miss the richness the oil gives it.

So you can eat super processed (almost) fake peanut butter than the real thing just because t has less calories and that sounds healthier? The fat in peanut butter is healthy fat (in moderation) and if you are eating a proper balanced diet and exercising it shouldn't affect your weight at 1 serving a day or every other day. I'm so annoyed by the "calories and fat are bad for you" mentality that society shares. It's not quantity it's quality!

My kroger carries this.


I totally see where you're coming from (I eat regular full fat pb all the time) but sometimes it's nice to have a low fat alternative when you're really craving peanut butter and you don't want to break the calorie bank. Also, while PB2 is processed, I would hardly call it "super" processed seeing as the ingredients are peanuts, sugar and salt. I know this may sound ridiculous to some, but I'm aware that minimally processed is the way to go and if I'm going to have something processed, pb2 is by far one of the best choices out of the many processed snacks available.

Yesterday I ordered a jar of this PB2 from Not expensive and free shipping over $25. Can't wait to try it. Wondered if it would be good in my Costco fat free low carb Greek yogurt.

Pb2 is available at Kroger.

You can find it at walmart in the peanut butter section. I bought mine there.....

I know this is an old post, but I wanted to say that the popularity of PB2 has risen significantly. You can actually find it at Walmart now! I buy in bulk though from Amazon and can get 16 oz bags for less, but I still think it's great that PB2 is becoming more accessible... It's definitely on my top ten list!

I just found PB2 in Walmart.

Found it at Target for less than $5 a jar with the peanut butter

I use PB2 in my smoothies, on occasion, in place of almond or peanut butter. I love the taste and is a great alternative for me as I live overseas and natural peanut butter and almond butter can be inconsistent in our grocery stores. I almost bought cashew butter yesterday as I but I wasn't sure if I would like it and it was cost prohibitive at around 14 dollars a jar.

PB2 ~~ Walmart at $4.99 a jar !! I love it and also they have the chocolate!

I used to use pb2 as pb2, a pb dip but not exactly peanut butter taste.

I recently found "Just Great Stuff" brand of powdered peanut butter, and it is SO MUCH BETTER! I like the taste a lot better, it tastes closer to peanut butter, & has better stats! try it! :)

i'm not a big shopper at Wallmart but I happened to be just in the right isle at the right time and bought some. I don't remember what the price was but it had to be a decent price for me to pick it up.

You can buy the PB2 (peanut butter powder)at Wal-Mart here in southeast Tennessee.

I buy regular and chocolate PB2 at Target! It's on the top shelf of my local Target in the peanut butter section! AND it's under $5!

they carry it at target now under $5

Groupon has it $40 for 6 lbs right now.

My husband puts this in his smoothies in the morning for added protein.

"A 45 Calorie Solution That Will Save Your Waistline" No it won't when you get hungry later because you've taken out all the ingredients that makes you satiated. Here's the scoop: You "want to choose the most nutrient dense foods on the planet and PB2 is just not one of them. The beauty of a peanut is that it contains all of the nutrients nature intended. It has a healthy dose of fat, protein and vitamins. PB2 extracts almost all of the essential monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, leaching the vitamin E content which is fat soluble, therefore reducing the nutritional content of the whole food. The fat is what keeps you satisfied and reduces cravings making just a tablespoon of real peanut butter so satisfying. This powdered form looks pretty clean when you review the ingredients, but it’s just another way for manufacturers to trick you into thinking less calories is better for you. They have to add a mixture of sugar and salt into the powder to make it taste better without the fat. I know I’d rather have the fat vs. the sugar and salt!"

We bought it this past weekend to try at Wal-Mart (under 5.00). It is GREAT stuff!! I love peanut butter and eat quite a bit. This is a great way to save calories. I even brought it to work yesterday and we did some taste testing. Everyone loved it. We tried both kinds and I like the regular better than chocolate.

I found it at Target for $4.29 for a 6.5oz container. I love this stuff! I was so afraid it was going to taste 'fake' but it's very good!

4.99$ at shopright and target by me.

Bought some yesterday at Big Lots for $4.00!

To the person who keeps harping on the removal of healthy fats--if you have heart disease, healthy fats can kill you. The best diets not to clog your arteries are plant based, no dairy, no oils, no avocados and no nuts of ANY variety. All plant based foods contain a small amount of natural fat that is sufficient to meet the body's nutritional needs.

Supply and demand has definitely happened over the last couple of years. I buy PB2 for $3.92 at Walmart.

I can not stress enough how much I love this stuff. I love to put it in my shakes or smoothies. So Good!

Might I use this dry in my yougurt for protien

I bought pb2 at walmart for less then 5 bucks tried it in a whey chocolate protein shake..yummy! even when mixed with water.

I know this is an older post of Snack Girls but I feel the need to shout to the hillsides the many benefits of this wonderful Peanut butter product in PB2...

After losing over 40 lbs and maintaining for over 6 years, this product has been a God Send,,,!

Every day I eat at least 3 servings of 2 Tbsp each of PB2 and eat it in every way imaginable...

Sometimes I eat it plain as a pre or post workout snack...

Since I eat ALOT of it, I order direct from the Manufacturer of this great, fantastic product --- Bell Plantation. It arrives at my house very quickly... and comes in 1 lb bulk containers. Cheaper than buying from anyone else, I have compared. For people who want to try smaller portions/jars you can buy PB2 at Target and Price Chopper now and sometimes at Walmart!!!

I should work for Bell Plantation as I tell everyone and anyone about my love for this Peanut Butter Product!!!!

Just found a 16-oz. jar at Costco for $5.49.Can wait to try it in smoothies and baked goods.

Walmart Market 4.32 cents bought it today for the first time.

Mixed PB2 with fat free half and half. Taste great and taste like you are eating full fat peanut butter! With the old weight watchers point system, and Natures Own 40 calories per slice bread, a full sandwich equals 3 little points. Pack a sandwich, cut it in 4, and enjoy a snack at work a couple of times a day.

Is the 45 calories per tbsp AFTER you mix it with the as in the finished product or is the 45 calories per tbsp 45 calories per tbsp of POWDER so that when you mix the 2 tbsp of powder with water you are mixing 90 calories !

I've had a big jar of PBfit that I bought at BJs, and keep forgetting to use it. I recently added some to my oatmeal for breakfast - delicious! And it adds more protein - never a bad thing. Easy peasy!

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