
Milk....It Does A Body Good?

March 18, 2014   56 Comments

When you think about healthy eating as much as I have, you begin to question everything you have been told.

Need Milk?

Cow’s milk is one of those foods that was considered necessary for my growth when I was a child. I poured it on cereal, bought it at the school cafeteria, drank it with my meals, and kinda liked it.

I buy milk for my own children and they drink it every day. They need it for strong bones, right?

”Humans have no nutritional requirement for animal milk, an evolutionarily recent addition to the diet.”

states Harvard professors, Walter Willett and David Ludwig. Turns out that Willett did a study that found that high milk consumption in the teen years (13-18) didn’t translate to a lower risk of hip fractures when people were older.

There is a group of people that believe that cow’s milk is the perfect food....for baby cows. They think that humans should let the cows off the hook and stop milking them for our own nutritional purposes.

So maybe you don’t need milk. It turns out that you can get calcium from lots of different foods such as nuts, seeds, and leafy greens. Just ask a vegan.

Could milk actually be harmful?

Milk has been linked both to increased cancer risk and reduced cancer risk. It does have protein and other nutrients that our bodies need so it isn't a waste from a nutritional perspective.

The USDA recommends limiting consumption of all calorie-containing liquids EXCEPT reduced-fat milk. The recommendation is that most age groups drink 3 cups daily.

Here is the rub. Milk is a calorie-containing beverage. It may not be soda or juice, but it doesn’t come without a cost. If you are overweight, an extra 340 calories of milk might be harmful to you.

Then there is sugar-sweetened low-fat milk. I believe my seven year old loves his chocolate milk. Is it okay to add sugar to get kids to drink the protein, calcium, and other nutrients?

Many different cultures around the world don’t drink milk because they lose the ability to produce lactase (enzyme for breaking down lactose) after they are weaned from breast milk. Western Europeans continue lactase production while 90% of African and Asian peoples can no longer digest milk after they are babies (Lactose Intolerance). A significant portion of the planet never even touches the stuff!

After thinking about milk for years, I have come to the conclusion that it shouldn’t be let off the hook so easily. If you drink a lot of milk, look hard at how many calories you are consuming. Could you get your calcium from other sources (like kale or broccoli)?

As we all know, drinking our calories is a fast way to lose track of them. You are not satiated by 100 calories of milk the same way you are by a 100 calorie apple because milk doesn’t have any fiber.

Milk can do a body good in moderation. I’m not sure 3 cups a day is moderation.

Please share your thoughts on milk.

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I think cow's milk is a habit with some people. "My parents always had it in the house so I must need it too." I never have milk in the house anymore & use almond milk when I need "milk." And everyone is fine :-)

Full disclosure--I am a vegan. I agree with all you have written about calf growth fluid ie milk. But I was shocked that it was followed by a review of cheese by Laughing Cow. What is cheese? Cheese is concentrated milk. Everything you aid about milk applies to cheese. It is glue in the arteries. I make nut based cheeses at my house.

Growing up we were blessed with a family cow. All 3 of us drank unpasteurized cow's milk until age 12. At that point we switched to water or tea and some orange juice. While the milk was calorically dense (Jersey cow) I believe it is the reason none of us suffer from colds, flus, or allergies.I believe that milk has a place in the American diet but in limited amounts for adults. I no longer drink any milk and my beverages calorie free.

As an adult I only use milk in cooking IF I must. Otherwise I use almond "milk" for most recipes and in cereal. I never coaxed my kids to drink milk, either. We don't need it. Calcium is in many other foods.

I had to laugh at Rita's comment. I am not vegan but she makes a great point.

You know, I find this very interesting!

A lot of regular users of essential oils strive to eat and consume as cleanly and naturally as possible. The whole point is to avoid (or at least reduce) the chemical onslaught our bodies endure from pharmaceuticals, household products, etc. these days.

But here is what I find so interesting. I belong to many Facebook groups consisting of essential oil users (newbies and veterans alike) and they're obviously full of people asking for advice on which oils to use for a myriad of issues and conditions - ranging from allergy congestion to very serious diseases and disorders. One of the first things I often see suggested for the "what oils would you try?" question is to ditch the milk and dairy and see if there isn't improvement.

There are countless testimonials from people who ditched the milk and experienced relief and healing from issues of pain, etc. - things I would have never dreamed were connected at all to milk and dairy.

As a life-long milk lover, I'm starting to believe your assessment is true - it's fairly well unnecessary and can do a body more harm than good!

Milk was a "must" when we were growing up too ... "drink your milk!" - today, we don't drink milk with our meals, but do use it in cereal, in coffee and eat cheese and yogurt. Like everything, moderation is key. I also put some faith in the fact that WW does a lot of research & still recommends low fat milk in their health guidelines (although I DON'T like the artificially sweetened food WW sells.)

I never cared for cow's milk. all I use in my house is unsweetened Almond milk. If you're coming to my home for a cup of coffee, and only use cow's milk, then I suggest you bring your own.

I'm 62 and haven't drank milk since I was weaned. Mom said I just refused to drink it. My bones are fine.

Thanks for the info on milk.

It makes a lot of sense. My father many years ago back when I had my first child in 66 told me he read somewhere that in the animal kingdom the babies only drink mothers milk in the beginning, once weaned they never touch it again. Once human babies are weaned from mothers milk or formula, they don't need it anymore. Actually back then, my pediatrician told me not to worry that my son didn't want milk anymore after I got rid of the bottle. He said he can get calcium from other foods. Problem is today kids eat junk all day long. They graze on processed foods, so maybe they do need some milk? I also memember a woman on the Phil Donahue show back in the 70's talk about blue eyed blondes and allergys. She believed all blue eyed blondes were suseptable to the dark circles under the eyes (allergys). She traveled to the nordic countys to prove this point, but couldn't find any blondes with allergys. She finally found one, but found out the child was from America traveling....hahah. The milk in foreign countys is better, no hormones and not pasturized or homogenized. Adel Davis was the woman's name and she was a pioneer to healthy eating.

I don't sit and drink a glass of milk but I do use it in cooking and my cereal. I use 2% milk. I laughed at the cheese being right after what you wrote as well.

I never thought milk was bad and I have hear "drink your milk" but I loved milk !! And now at 71 years have to watch my chlestrol ! so I don't drink it as much but still like a trip to the refrigerator every now and then for a god cold glass of milk ! The best was hand milked fresh cow milk ice cold !! And he cream off the top was the best !! Can't get that any mmore !!

Uploaded on Sep 16, 2011

A presentation by Joseph Keon, Ph.D..

Americans are less healthy than citizens of many other countries that spend far less for healthcare. Much of the problem stems from poor dietary choices inspired by nutritional myths. Perhaps the biggest nutritional myth of all is that which says humans need the milk of a cow to be healthy. Joseph Keon, author of Whitewash: The Disturbing Truth about Cow's Milk and Your Health, will show how North Americans unwittingly sabotage their health every day by drinking milk, how our obsession with calcium is unwarranted, and that the inclusion of dairy products in the diet may increase the risk of serious diseases, including prostate, breast, and ovarian cancers, Crohn¹s disease, and osteoporosis.

A wellness consultant for more than 25 years, Joseph Keon holds fitness expert certifications by both the Cooper Institute for Aerobics Research in Dallas, Texas, and the American Council on Exercise, and is a member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. He is past chairman of the board of directors for Dr. Helen Caldicott's Nuclear Policy Research Institute, and past member of the Marin Health Council, an advisory to the Marin County Board of Supervisors. He has been featured in numerous magazines and newspapers internationally and has also appeared on local and national broadcasts, including Martha Stewart Radio, CBS Evening News with Dan Rather, and ABC News.

Filming and editing by Dr William Harris M.D. on September 13, 2011 at Ala Wai Golf Course Clubhouse, Honolulu, Hawaii

Sponsored by: Vegetarian Society of Hawaii

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Dermatoendocrinol. 2009 Jan-Feb; 1(1): 12–16. PMCID: PMC2715202Acne, dairy and cancer

The 5α-P link

F William (Bill) Danby

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Medicine (Dermatology); Dartmouth Medical School; Manchester, New Hampshire USACorresponding author.Correspondence to: F. William (Bill) Danby; MD FRCPC; 721 Chestnut Street; Manchester, New Hampshire 03104-3002 USA; Tel.: 1.603.494.5181 (Cell)/ 1.603.668.0858 (Office Main)/ 1.603.645.8628 (Back Office); Fax: 1.603.647.0017; Email:

Author information ► Article notes ► Copyright and License information ►

Received September 30, 2008; Accepted October 6, 2008.

Copyright © 2009 Landes Bioscience

This article has been cited by other articles in PMC.

Go to:Abstract.A potent link to dairy seems to exist for three hormone-responsive glands. Acne, breast cancer and prostate cancer have all been linked epidemiologically to dairy intake. Although mechanisms postulated here remain to be accurately defined, the likely link involves Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 as a general stimulant, synergized by the steroid hormones present in milk. The IGF-1 may be either absorbed from milk, or stimulated by its ingestion, or both. The 5alpha-reduced compound 5alpha-pregnanedione (5α-P) present in milk is a direct precursor of dihydrotestosterone and may act through that pathway in prostate cancer, but 5α-P has also recently been shown to be capable of inducing estrogen receptors in breast cancer cells, upregulating cancer cells' sensitivity to estrogen. The introduction of exogenous hormones and growth factors into tissues that have not evolved defensive feedback inhibition of their corresponding endogenous sources is postulated as a direct stimulatory threat to these organ systems, whether for hyperplasia or neoplasia.

Many articles about Dairy is Scary. Check it out.

I love cow's milk! As long as I factor it in to the calories of my meal, I think it is perfectly healthy. It annoys me how superior some people get about how they don't drink cow's milk anymore. Your almond milk or soy milk ALSO has calories. I find if I drink milk with a meal, I'm full faster and don't eat as much.

If you really wanted to get studied up on the link between animal bi-products and our health, then you might check out the documentary "Forks Over Knives". It is extremely informative and helped me to start looking at food and my diet in a whole new light.

I am a 63-year-old a thin, fit and healthy female who has drunk milk my entire life. I drink nonfat organic milk and I see it as a healthy snack. For less then a hundred calories I get 7-8 g of protein which gives, when paired with an apple or banana, a boost to my blood sugar that is immediate and sustained. With only 1 gram of protein and more then 30% fat, almond milk does nothing for me in that way.

I can't help it, there is NOTHING better than a glass of milk with peanut butter and crackers. I think its all in moderation and buying organic and ASH-free.

The reference to Adele Davis was very interesting. Although well educated in dietary chemistry, she went off on a tangent and was one of the first fad dieticians. My stepmother followed her recommendations and became very ill until she stopped that. Davis died of cancer at 70 in spite of following her own recommendations and being very physically active. We need to watch out for what I call "Fad medecine"

This is all so confusing! Sometimes I feel we are still in the Middle Ages when it comes to nutrition.

Looking at the ingredients list at the back of a soy milk container, it looks like my 9th grade chemistry book. How is that healthier than simple old (fat free) milk? Everything in moderation! Im not saying drink a gallon a day, but a cup here and there could not be that bad and certainly less chemically manipulated than soy milk. A couple of years ago "scientists" declared eggs as public enemy #1, but in current nutritional literature, eggs are back in the good books. Now it's war on milk. I don't see this as a productive or informative discussion.

Milk was a part of my childhood - it was served with every meal. I'm still a product of that, and think milk is a healthy and easy way to get some great nutrients. I don't have a problem with almond milk, but its name really bothers me. Almond milk should not legally be allowed to be "milk" because it has almost no protein or any of the other things that come naturally in milk and, you know, is not milk.

Although I saw the humor in going from an article against cows milk & then the one swooning over cheese, but that's what I appreciate about snack girl is that she's real. She has her vices like we all do. We all try to be good but fall short of perfection. Regardless of her love of Laughing Cow AND Almond Breeze she promotes moderation. Moderation is the key to life.

Milk from a cow that doesn't come from a factory and is grass Fed is AMAZING. I drink almond milkbut when I do drink milk here and there, it's the good stuff!

You often hear cow's milk condemned, but people have been drinking milk from animals in many parts of the world for thousands of years - cows, camels and other animals. The people who live the longest are supposedly the ones in the Caucasus who drink Kefir every single day, and it is a dairy product. It could be though the pasteurization of milk in our country takes away some of these vital nutrients, which may explain the allergy connection. Still, without some proof, I see no reason to skip low-fat dairy in any form if you enjoy it.

Um. Hello people! when is the last time you saw an ADULT drinking a glass of milk with their meal? Or getting milk with their meal at a fast food restaurant? I agree some people do, but everyone I see eating not one of them is drinking a big glass of milk. And I really had to laugh at the comment about the babies:

"Actually back then, my pediatrician told me not to worry that my son didn't want milk anymore after I got rid of the bottle. He said he can get calcium from other foods."

So.. you were feeding your baby fake milk, and then when you tried to give him real milk he didn't want it? And then you started feeding him greens, beans, salmon and sardines so he could get his calcium?

While I appreciate an objective, fact-based (to the degree possible) analysis of the effects of milk in our typical diets, the notion that I should now add calcium to the list of essential nutrients that I am trying to primarily get from broccoli and kale is laughable. How much kale or broccoli would that be? Two, three, or four times the amount that I already struggle to get into my diet? Maybe I'm already getting enough calcium from my current levels of these vegetables; if so, fantastic. But that part of the analysis is conspicuous in its absence. Maybe I need to worry about the question of whether too much calcium can be a problem? Don't know. But the notion that these great vegetables are going to replace milk in a typical milk drinker's diet is a non-starter.

If someone can't figure out that giving their child milk means giving them calories, I don't think the problem is the milk. If you can't, don't like, or just don't want to drink cow milk, then don't. But, if you are not delusional and know that milk has calories and should count as food not water, then there is nothing wrong with it if you like it. I think for a lot of parents who struggle with getting their children to eat enough nutritious foods, milk is a way to make sure they are getting calcium and protein. Chocolate milk, on the other hand, should be considered dessert.

While we drink, cook with, use in our coffee, and put on our cereal organic cow milk from a local dairy, I do also have unsweetened almond milk because I like the way it tastes in my oatmeal and smoothies. They coexist peacefully in our house.

I have to agree, we probably drink way more milk than we need. I get food assistance through my state's WIC (Women, Infants, Children) program, and for one toddler and one nursing mom we get 9 (yes, 9!) gallons of low fat milk every month! When I was pregnant about 4 gallons of that was whole milk. Talk about making it hard to keep my pregnancy weight gain down!

Having said that though, I don't think it is weird to drink cows (or goats, etc) milk as adults, any more than it is to eat meat. It is simply a more sustainable calorie source (sustainable as in more nutrients from one animal, not environmentally). Civilized cultures have been drinking milk as long as they have kept animals for their meat and fur. Even the Bible refers to the practice, like with the "land of milk and honey". I would imagine as with everything else, moderation is key. And of course as a (highly) caloric drink we definitely need to think as cows milk as a food, not a drink.

Great comments from everyone on this one, really interesting to hear about this issue from lots of different perspectives!

Thank you for bringing up a worthy dietary topic--do we need milk. I am now in my mid-60s and no longer buy husband is allergic and I don't want the calories. I am happy to see we are not off track, nutrition-wise. Not that I don't like it, I just don't need it. Cereal was my main reason for imbibing, and now cereal is too carb-heavy for my preferences. Very insightful information and expecially good commentary. Thanks!

Dairy milk, as well as other dairy products such as yogurt, cheese and cottage cheese, has many beneficial qualities. It is a source of high quality protein as well as an excellent source of calcium. Yogurt can provide active cultures that are beneficial. Chocolate milk is an excellent source of carbs and protein for recovery after endurance exercise. Agreed that you need to adjust your intake for your calorie needs. Calcium can be found elsewhere in your diet, so 3c a day is not always necessary. If you are not intolerant of dairy, I would recommend including it in your diet for variety and beneficial nutrients. If you do not tolerate dairy well, then you need to be sure to include other high calcium foods in your diet to meet your needs. Fortified soy milk is an excellent substitute.

This is such a life-long debate. I was brought up on full fat milk that was not organic. I now feed my kids full fat organic milk b/c they won't just drink water. I feel that milk may be better than juices and of course sodas. I am also a fire captain in a major metropolitan city. If you ever want to see how trends affect the masses you can start with firefighters first. All of the young guys are obsessed with working out including Cross Fit and any other crazy fitness trend. They are all drinking full fat organic milk, full fat chocolate milk, real butter and bacon like it's falling off the shelves. They are, of course, extremely fit but I would like to see what their cholesterol is looking like. I think as they get older they will not only slow down on the fitness, mostly due to injury, but then will also find full fat dairy, organic or not, may not be the answer. I am 49 and also workout but I don't drink that much milk etc. I think what I'm looking at is the alternatives. If drinking non-fat, organic milk keeps me from a diet Coke then I have won that day. We'll see what happens in the end.

Has it been mentioned above how the milk is gathered and what happens to the calves that the milk is robbed from? Most commercial dairy farms do not have an ounce of compassion for the moms or their calves. I won't go into detail as it can be Googled and researched for anyone that is not aware. Milk alternatives are a healthier and more humane route to go. I'll stop here as I don't wish to be labelled as the crazy animal advocate lady. Hahahah! Just my opinion. :-)

How many people are overweight because they drank too much milk? Or ate too many vegetables or too much fruit?

Really, I don't think a serving or two of milk is going to make that much of a difference no matter what weight you are. If you're looking to cut calories from your diet, I'm sure that the VAST majority of people who *are* overweight can cut calories in better ways.

Dairy products are much healthier when they are cultured. Buttermilk, cultured butter, kefir, yogurt, and even some cultured cottage cheese can now be bought.Making these products at home enables one to control the length of time cultured. Time determines how much sugar or lactose remains. I culture my kefir for about 36 hours making. Kefir has about 3 times the probiotics of yogurt and is easier to make.

Fourth, being Vegan or vegetarian is not the answer in my opinion. A lot depends on how the food is prepared. Gluten and phytic acid can block vital nutrients and these are found in all grains, bean, legumes, veggies,nuts and seeds.

Fifth, The Maasai tribe of Africa has subsisted for centuries on blood and milk from their cattle. "Until now, the Maasai’s diet has primarily been based on milk from their cattle."…

Chronic infection, smoking and alcohol intake are the primary causes of cancer in most countries. Many countries instead of drinking milk, culture it. Yogurt or kefir in many and India makes a type of cheese (paneer) that is included in their foods and yogurt.

"Chronic infection is the main risk factor for cancer in China, accounting for 29.4% of cancer deaths (31.7% in men and 25.3% in women), followed by tobacco smoking (22.6% with 32.7% in men and 5.0% in women), low fruit intake (13.0%), alcohol drinking (4.4%), low vegetable intake (3.6%) and occupational exposures (2.7%)..."

Low fruit inake is responsible for only 13% of cancer which are most esophageal, a 3.6% from not enough veggies.

"Of the 12·7 million new cancer cases that occurred in 2008, the population attributable fraction (PAF) for infectious agents was 16·1%, meaning that around 2 million new cancer cases were attributable to infections. This fraction was higher in less developed countries (22·9%) than in more developed countries (7·4%), and varied from 3·3% in Australia and New Zealand to 32·7% in sub-Saharan Africa. Helicobacter pylori, hepatitis B and C viruses, and human papillomaviruses were responsible for 1·9 million cases, mainly gastric, liver, and cervix uteri cancers. In women, cervix uteri cancer accounted for about half of the infection-related burden of cancer; in men, liver and gastric cancers accounted for more than 80%. Around 30% of infection-attributable cases occur in people younger than 50 years.


Around 2 million cancer cases each year are caused by infectious agents. Application of existing public health methods for infection prevention, such as vaccination, safer injection practice, or antimicrobial treatments, could have a substantial effect on the future burden of cancer worldwide."


Forks over knifes is very informative and a lifestyle change. One of the M.D's grew up on a dairy farm drinking the cow milk as well. For a farm raised man to advise against milk due to the casein causing cancer, I think it is important to listen!! Some people just want help when they are at deaths bed, but don't want to do anything to promote their own health. Eat your oil, peanut butter crackers and DRINK your milk (its not only about calories, its the BIG C...CANCER you are risking). Get informed. Look around at what Americans look like..FAT is everywhere. It is a crying shame our FDA doesn't help to protect us. There is no money in healthy people!!

Here is the rest of my reserch:

"can affect our risk of cancer. But despite hundreds of studies and countless books or magazine articles, there’s no clear advice for eating your way to a lower breast cancer risk (other than cutting back on alcohol and keeping a healthy body weight). Studies have looked at everything from fruit and vegetables to dairy products and they have either refuted a link to breast cancer, or found inconsistent results."…

"There is no evidence that dairy causes cancer.

Recent research shows that a higher intake of calcium (which is found in dairy products) can protect against bowel cancer. But some research suggests there could be a link between dairy intake and the risk of developing prostate and ovarian cancers. For breast cancer the evidence is conflicting. A link between breast cancer and dairy products has been suggested, possibly because of the type of fats they contain, or contaminants that could be present in these foods. But there is no clear evidence to support this. Another theory is that dairy products might help to protect against breast cancer but this is not backed up by firm evidence. At the moment the research does not support a strong link between breast cancer risk and intake of milk and dairy products."

These links are from reputable cancer research sources and not bloggers with any agenda.

i have never been able to eat or drink dairy. I have asthma and it instigates a riot on the lungs! My son also had sinus issues from diary and poultry.

The ADA (American Dairy Association) is who put out that diary is good for us. Great brain washing! Like may other brain washing commercials/techniques out there!

The link to milk being carcinogenic might not be just the milk. All the additives, hormones, antibiotics and who knows what else is in our dairy and other food supplies that are what could very likely be what us making us sick!

Now we have to worry about GOM's on top of it all! if they mix dairy with beets, i could have an asthma attack, if they mix peanuts with wheat, if you are allergic to one, you could die.

The one that gets me is "ALL NATURAL". They never tell you what "all natural" means. It literally means it can be anything! DDT? The do not have to tell us what we are eating. People who think GMO's are safe and do not need labels will be really sorry.

Common sense is not good enough any more. Or food supply is flat out scary. I don't worry about myself as I am older, but my grand children will be the ones having children with 16 toes and an ear on their forhead.

Fluoride is another one that really kills me, it is a waste by-product of aluminium. They have everyone brainwashed into believing it is good for your teeth so they make many of us drink it (it can not be filters out with most filters) and that mercury is ok to have in our mouths. total BS!

think about all the meds we and farm animals ingest, then we pee it into the water supply, that water is full of antibiotics, anti depressants, chemo meds and more. i don't care how much you filter it, you cannot get it all out; we are drinking this stuff! It is not just the milk!

I could go on and on, but if you are interested do some research, there are groups trying to get the word out.

one more thing. Makeup, hair supplies, shampoos etc are full of chemies. Many are know carcinogens, but we put young girls on magazines that look like they are starving and say they are beautiful, then we putpiles of makeup on them and say they are more beautiful. I am sorry, but we are messed up in the head. I have an eating disorder and my doctor said to me one day, "why is it people think that we are beautiful if we look like a starving women in Ethiopia?" He is right. Sorry I am way off topic but I never hear this enough. We are obsessed with food because we are brainwashed! We don't have enough to do i guess!


Hated milk as a child and would give my portions to any other kid who wanted it. I realized (as an adult) that I was actually lactose intolerant. You can be healthy without drinking milk!

Personally, I love milk. I would drink a lot more of it if it wasn't for the calories. As it is, I probably drink one glass a day and if I have cereal, which I probably do about 3 times a week, I will use milk. I don't like all of the other things that are available.

To each his own, I say. I don't drink nearly as much cows milk as I used to, but I still crave a nice ice cold glass every now and then. In high school I used to come home from softball or basketball practice and drink a full 32oz cup of it. Yum! The bottom line for me is, there are lots of fresh food items in my diet that I use for different reasons (protein, vitamins, etc.) that could easily be replaced by something else that others consider healthier. For example, I could easily replace red meat for plant based sources of protein. But I enjoy red meat every now and then just like I enjoy milk. As long as I'm taking those calories into consideration, why deprive myself of a reasonable food or drink?

I know everyone has their own opinion but for me after reading so much about the studies done on casin, dairy is not for me. I wish I could remember the name of the book that was written by Dr. Thomas Colin, that opened my eyes to really stay away from dairy. It was something like "Whole Foods" or "Whole Planet" Big money in the dairy business, so we will never see the end of it.

Dairy continues to be the most controversial component of the US diet. That being said, it is annoying when people put down milk drinkers and boast about how they only drink almond or soy milk. MOST of the almond and soy milk sold today is HIGHLY PROCESSED. Are trading one questionable product for another?

I don't like cow's milk. end of story. i don't like the taste. I don't like it… maybe I have an issue with lactose… but it doesn't matter i won't touch the stuff if i can help it. just no. NO. no.

Non-fat milk is bad. You want whole milk from cows fed from a pasture or hay and not grained.

Sometimes I get so frustrated with all the "this and that" of health and fitness. I just want to jump to the MOON!

Extremely correct, thank you for lettin it rip!

Factory farmed and pasterized milk is basically poison to the human body. Raw, unpasterized milk is one of the MOST nutrient dense foods on the planet. FACT.

We can still get the nutrients found on milk through other nutritious foods and drinks like cereals, coffee, cheese, nuts, etc. And yeah, I agree that moderation is really the key.

I'm very active at age 70. I feel very young when I stay away from dairy products and wheat.Sugar also is a no in my life too. Try it {if you can}it's areal challenge but I've always liked real challenges. Thanks Paul

hi there, I was enquiring if there is any alternative to cows milk when you drink some hot cocoa, as this is a very beneficial drink , particularly in relation to lowering your blood pressure. I only use cows milk in my hot tea but also in my hot cocoa drink, just wondering if say oat milk would be just as nice to use in cocoa drink as I always use this in my breakfast cereal, thanks.

After researching reasons why my grandson has so many allergies my daughter agreed to experiment and STOP dairy. He now enjoys Almond milk on his morning cereal, and in puddings. His allergies have been reduced by at least 80%.

When he started school and was served milk at breakfast and lunch his allergies went crazy again!

After switching to water or juice at school he has returned to his lower "snotty" self!

I love milk & drink it almost every day & will NEVER give it up!!!!! NEVER!!!

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