Artificial sweetener marketed to kids
August 13, 2009 3 Comments
Rewarding your child with a treat is a wonderful thing to do. A parent usually assumes that something that has a rabbit on a label is safe for their child.

What about Nesquik milk shake? Sucralose is one of the ingredients in Nesquik's milk shake.
Does the addition of an artificial sweetener make the drink unsafe for children? This depends on your perspective on artificial sweeteners. Do you want your child to drink something that is made in a factory or made in nature?
Nestle could have chosen to make their "milk shake" with sugar, but they probably were worried about the calorie content of their drink if they did.
The FDA has approved Sucralose for children, so Nestle isn't breaking any law. In fact, over 100 scientific studies conducted over a 20-year period demonstrate that Sucralose is safe for use as a sweetening ingredient.
Sugar (sucrose) is a chemical too, but it is one that human beings have evolved with over millions of years.
Sucralose is approximately 600 times as sweet as sucrose (table sugar). Why is this sweetness a problem? We want our kids to like all types of food including vegetables. If they get used to food that is "super" sweet, they may reject more sour tasting food.
Drink Chocolate Milk instead of Nesquik's milk shake. It won't cause you to lose sleep at night.
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