
An Inspirational Post On Strawberry Jam

July 19, 2012   334 Comments

See those jars of jam up there? I made them - before you click off in disgust - there is a GIVEAWAY at the end of today’s post.

No Sugar Added Strawberry Jam Recipe

Why disgust? Some of you may think that I am trying to be Martha Stewart with a feature on canning. Nothing could be farther from the truth - she is way too perfect for me (except for that stint in the pokie).

No, I found time to jam because I was able to produce strawberry jam with almost no sugar added. My entire half pint jar of jam is a whopping 78 calories and it includes 150% of your daily value of vitamin C.

How did I do it? Magic, baby.

Naaaaah. The truth is that Ball sent me something called a “Canning Discovery Kit” and they included something called “Low or No-Sugar Needed Pectin”. Pectin is a compound found in the cell walls of plants and is a jelling ingredient.

Most recipes for jam include a lot of sugar, so this no-sugar needed pectin is amazing stuff.

To make my jam, I simply crushed fresh strawberries, added pectin, a wee bit of sugar, and water, boiled and stirred for a minute and (here comes the hard part) jarred my product.

If you don’t want to jar your jam, just put in a container and store it in the fridge. It should stay good for a week.

For those of you who want to give it a try, there is a clear expanation here: It’s Easy To Can. You have to use a stockpot to heat your jars to boiling hot, then you fill your up to ¼ inch from the top of the jars with hot jam, then heat up the jars in boiling water again for 10 minutes until the lids seal.

It isn’t that difficult, but it does take attention and time to complete it. I did uses a tool called a "Jar Lifter" to help me handle the hot jars.

My jam came out tasting of fresh strawberries, and I am finding that my sugary Bonne Maman jam no longer tastes good to me. Also, my jam costs about ½ as much as a jar of premium supermarket jam.

The jars will stay good for a whole year and I found that it makes your neighbor's smile when you hand them your preserves.

To enter to WIN a case of Ball or Kerr canning jars, Ball Home Canning Discovery Kit, Ball Blue Book Guide to Preserving ($28.50 value), COMMENT below on what you would preserve.

This product was received for review consideration. No other compensation was provided.

Low or No Added Sugar Strawberry Jam Recipe

1.6 from 24 reviews

(makes 5 half-pints)

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2 pounds strawberries
2 tablespoons Ball Low or No-Sugar Needed Pectin
½ cup water
2 tablespoons sugar (if needed)


Wash, stem, and crush strawberries. Taste the strawberries for sweetness and add sugar if needed. Combine strawberries, water, and pectin in a large saucepan, stirring to dissolve pectin. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. If gel starts to from before 1 minute boil is complete, remove from heat.

Ladle hot jam into hot jars, leaving ¼ inch space below lid. Remove air bubbles by stirring with a metal spatula. Put on lids and process 10 minutes in boiling water.

Nutrition Facts

One jar with sugar added is 78 calories, 0.5 g fat, 19.0 g carbohydrates, 13.9 g sugar, 1.2 g protein, 3.6 g fiber, 0 mg sodium, 2 Points+

Points values are calculated by Snack Girl and are provided for information only. See all Snack Girl Recipes

What will I win?
A case of Ball or Kerr canning jars, a Ball Home Canning Discovery Kit, and the Ball Blue Book Guide to Preserving ($28.50 value).

How do I enter?
Comment below on what you would preserve, can, or jar.

Additional Ways To Enter:

  1. Follow Snack-Girl on FaceBook. Comment on the FB page on what you would preseve, can, or jar.
  2. Follow Snack-Girl on Twitter and Tweet this post (use the Tweet Button in the Share Box at the top of this post).
Snack-Girl can follow and count all the additional entries using magical website tools.

Am I eligible to enter?
This giveaway is offered to US residents only.

When do I find out if I am the winner?
The randomly chosen winner will be announced on July 26th, 2012. You will have 2 weeks to e-mail us back with your home address so we can mail the prize.

Ball Real Fruit, Low or No-Sugar-Needed Pectin 5.4 oz. (Pack of 1) Packaging May Vary

Ball Real Fruit, Low or No-Sugar-Needed Pectin 5.4 oz. (Pack of 1) Packaging May Vary

  $8.31 ($1.54 / Ounce) Buy on

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Ball® Home Canning Discovery Kit (by Jarden Home Brands)

Ball® Home Canning Discovery Kit (by Jarden Home Brands)

  currently unavailable Buy on

Norpro Canning Jar Lifter

Norpro Canning Jar Lifter

  $7.71 Buy on

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Fantastic, I've been looking for something like this. I would preserve pumpkin butter in the autumn , blueberry jam in the summer and chutneys in the other seasons. Thanks for doing this giveaway!

Strawberries are in season at u-picks, but we have an abundance of raspberries just ready to get ripe in our back yard. What a great product this should be. Hope it will be available in our area (we're SO rural, it is doubtful)

I would make pickles and blueberry jam. Oh, and pepper jelly! My MIL made sugar free strawberry preserves using this pectin this year. The extras can be stored in the freezer too.

Tomatoes, I grew up canning with my mom and grandma but haven't attempted as a adult, too much for one person to do I suppose was my thinking. But I can see how this kit makes things easier and less dangerous for the hands. Thank You snack girl for all the lessons in eating healthy.

You are on the same wavelength as I am! Last Saturday Ball sent me an email letting me know July 14th was National Can it Forward day so I decided to try something I always wanted to do, and made Strawberry Jam and Triple Berry Jam! I even had a Shakespearian moment when I was watching my jam cook down and took an Instagram , labeling it "Bubble, Bubble toil and Trouble." Congrats on your recipe enjoy your sweet reward:)

I have fig trees. I would love to make some jam or jelly with them.

I would love to make strawberry or apricot jam. I love both but tend to avoid them because of all the sugar. But now I can enjoy them again. These little jars of jam would make awesome holiday gifts also!

I love making jam and I love not using sugar. I think the fruit is much better natural!

I would like to try blueberries or even peaches. My favorite type of butter is pumpkin and would love to can and make my own pumpkin butter. :)

I've done my own strawberry freezer jam in the past, and liked it, and actually was JUST saying to a friend that I'd like to experiment with "real" canning . . . I use no conventionally canned foods right now b/c of BPA in the can linings, and I love controlling the ingredients as well - salt & sugar, especially!

I would love to try canning. I have akways just froze my produce.

I love to can! Yesterday I canned a dozen jars of sweet pickle relish, so much better than store bought. I also do tomatoes, pickled beets, cranberry chutney and elderberry jelly. I would love to try the elderberry jelly with this new product.

What a great idea. I would jar grapes because I love grape jam. I think I am one of the few! In the winter, I would jar pumpkin butter or spread.

I can peaches and salsa. Haven't made jam in a while, but I think it's time!

I love the idea of low-no sugar canning! I used to can a lot when I was first married but then stopped as the kids got older because of the amount of sugar, this could make me give it a try again. Berries and fresh summer peaches are at the top of my "want to can" list!

I just started canning last year but have not tried jam because of the high sugar content. I will look for this product and give it a try. So far this year I have canned green beans and will be doing salsa and stewed tomatoes soon.

I would like to try this recipe with peaches!

I have a great receipe for no salt, fast can pickles. Ive adjusted it and use lots of vinnegar, low cal sweetner, garlic, hot pepper. I eat them right out of the jar, for very few calories or points..

I would to try this, husband diabetic and I don't like using sugar substitute. Would love to try apricot.

Good morning!I have never canned anything before :) I am a mom of 6 and would love to can strawberry jelly along with other seasonal items.I love your blog.Thank you so much for giving us so many healthful ideas.Hope I win :)

Fig preserves! So good with light cream cheese

on a lite English muffin.

After spending a week in Michigan and enjoying fresh blueberries, I would definitely can the blueberries. The idea of no or low sugar is get to enjoy the natural flavor of the fruit.

I freeze strawberry, rhubarb, raspberry and zucchini jam - I really like the idea of less sugar. This is only the beginning - I also can all sorts of tomato products - including spaghetti sauce, salsa, tomato juice and chili sauce plus pickles, corn, zucchini and squash - what I could really use is some great recipes using squash - so far I have made squash pie - yes it tastes like pumpkin :) and baked it and just plain ole boil -

A final note - thanks for this blog - I enjoy reading it and sharing the recipes with my friends.

I have never canned anything, but I would try to do a spiced apple butter or strawberry because those are what my children eat most!

I love homemade strawberry jelly so it would be strawberry jelly.

I used to can alot but got away from it. Would love to can again. The fact that you don't need all the added sugar is fantastic. I would definately try this. I would can blueberry, peach, or raspberry jam. Pumpkin and apple butter. We love them! Really enjoying your blog.

I would try canning blueberry or strawberry jam. I've had minor success with strawberry freezer jam, and I'd love to try it without so much sugar.

I would love to try to can...thought about it, never attempted it. This makes it sound easy! I would can tomoatoes and green beans. Have a garden full, and don't know what to do with all of them except give away.

This is great! I'd make my own pickled okra to jar!

Our figs are just coming in...Fig preserves would be great this winter!! Apples will be ready soon...Apple Jelly is the best!!

I need to can some tomatoes that I grew from seeds and some Passion Fruits into jam, that grow wild for me. Waste not, want not.

I have never tried this kind of canning before but I will after reading how easy it was. I would try strawberries, peaches, pineapple & blueberries. Thanks for sharing the "magic" secrets : )

I'd love to try my hand at preserving fresh strawberries!

I've never tried canning or making preserves at all. I hear stories of how it was done years ago, and the end result is great. I would love to make black cherry jam or pepper jelly or can fresh tomato's for the winter months. I think it would be a great gift giving idea for Christmas, sounds like a great idea, let's do some canning :)

can you use splenda granules instead of sugar?

I'll be canning peach cobbler jam, blueberry jam, strawberry preserves, and pickles! Making jam is easy and a great project for beginners. Don't be afraid!

I'm definitely going to try that... I've never canned before but always wanted to!

Raspberry Jam! Oh, I would make gallons and gallons of raspberry jam! The stuff in the grocery store is never as good as the kind you make at home!

I have always wanted to try making my own jam! This is a great idea!


I would love to can figs from my tree, this will be the first year of production and looks to be a bumper crop. Preserving some of their goodness for the winter would be a soecial treat!!

I would love to jar the strawberry tasting fig jam. It tastes just like strawberry but is made with figs and sugar free dry jello mix!

Hi! Thanks for the info. The strawberry jam sounds delicious and I am glad to hear about the low sugar pectin. I have just started practicing a plant based diet and am educating myself as I go. Learning about whole food and plant based diets has really raised my awareness about the list of ingredients that you find in the store. Ideally I would like to make more of my own food in order to reduce that list. The Ball home canning discovery kit or the guide to preserving would certainly get me jumpstarted.

Mmm...fresh raspberry and blueberry jam. Finally my kids would get a healthy peanut butter and jelly!

I'd be all over some blackberry jam! Blackberries are coming in fast and furious at our UPick/CSA farm. I've been wanting to try canning for a long time, but I always stop short because I'm afraid that I'll screw it up. I'd love the chance to try it out!

I would jar my tomato and basil garden. I have over 16 tomato plants and hundreds of basil plants and preserving this at the end of the summer to enjoy through our long Chicago winters would be like having summer in a jar all winter long. I would use my tomato basil on pasta and as a sauce over chicken. It could get me through hundreds of winter meals and make me think of summer in the middle of a winter tundra of gloomy gray skies.

Great post! I would can blueberry jam and canned peaches would also be yummy!

I would try to can pickles and other fresh peppers

Hey there!  I'm excited about this - you made canning actually seem doable and less daunting.  My father-in-law has been canning for years, but uses a lot of sugar so I stopped eating his jam.  Feel awful about it, but I'd love to try and make his strawberry fig jam with less sugar using your method.


I have only tried once to make some strawberry jam and it didn't go so well. :( I can't wait to try again and I have so many yummy fruit jelly recipes that I want to try. And maybe some salsa too! Thanks for the opportunity!

That kit looks great- thanks for demystifying the canning process a bit :-) I would love to make some peach preserves as soon as our local peaches come in, as well as some pickles! I have never made homemade pickles, but have thought about it for a while. Thanks, SnackGirl!

I've been spending the past year slowly eliminating processed foods from my diet and am now working a 90/10 policy for my diet (90%+ unprocessed food). I've never done canning before and think it would be a great addition to my new found kitchen advenures. I would love to make peach or blueberry jam and since tomato season is around the corner, can some tomatoes!

Note to sara @ semi sweet: Eden Foods does not use BPA in their can linings, I believe they are the only company with this policy. Gives you at least one option. :)

New Jersey blueberries are in, and I would love to make some low sugar jam with them!

Peach champagne - I can imagine nothing better.

I have never canned before-but I have always wanted to try. I want to try making blueberry jam. I also want to can tomatoes. I love you blog by the way!!! *fingers and toes crossed*

I use an immersion blender to make the crushing part take seconds!! I handed a jar of strawberry jelly to my neighbor last week because she fed our cats while we were on vacation. She acted like she won the lottery. It really made me happy!! My next project is canning spaghetti sauce. It's my daughter's favorite food and fresh tomatoes are practically given away in my area. Thanks for the great post!!

I love canning! It is so rewarding to make my own food! I am going to make jalapeño jelly with this method. It is so good poured over fat free cream cheese and served with Wasa crisp and light rye crackers

Oh wow! What an amazing giveaway. I would definitely try your strawberry jam recipe. I would also can my husband's homemade salsa.

I would preserve peach and pumpkin butter in the fall and also strawberry and blackberry jam in the summer. possibly also cooked applesauce, as I always make my own.

I would can the low cal strawberry jam. Just reading about it makes me want to try it right now!

Great post! My interest in canning has always been piqued, just never had the opportunity to do it! I would can as many things as I could, but would DEFINITELY can some jams and jellies! I would use this recipe for strawberry jam as it is my fave sweet jam! And I would find a good recipe for a hot pepper jelly as well! Those are my 2 favorite morning condiments! YUM!

Rasoberries and tomatoes

Your timing is perfect! I had decided that I would try canning peach jam for the first time this year. I wondered about the low sugar pectin...thanks for the info on this, and everything else you help us with!

I do freezer strawberry jam so would love to try real canning and will have to look out for the no sugar needed pectin since having a 1 year old he doesn't need all that sugar.

Thanks for all your tips!

I am totally not a Suzy Homemaker but I might actually be able to do this. I also love the fact that is does not have much sugar.

I will have to try this with blueberries! They are in season now and on sale!

What can be done with all the extra zucchini? Is there a zucchini jelly or jam or pickle or relish? Soon there will be zucchini, zucchini everywhere...

Apple butter, apple sauce, tomato sauce

Good morning. I would love to can the tomatoes out of my garden.

Yummy! I would can peaches. I grew up canning peaches and pickles with my mom.

I canned about 25 years with my mother. I would love to give this a try again - I remember it was easy. I would love to make fresh peach jam.

I would preserve more tomatoes!

what a great idea- have always wanted to do some canning. I would do peaches which are in full stock locally :) thanks so much for the chance to win! :)

Good Morning to you.. I've never tried canning but my mom use too.. I would love to try blackberry jam.. yummy yummy....

Wow, this opens a new world..I'm from Ohio and living in Colorado; I really miss blackberries and would make jam from them. Plus apple and pumpkin butter, tomatoes..I'm growing them for the first time this year; heirlooms!

As a child, I used to help my mom can everything from tomatoes to grape leaves to sour cherries. I've yet to give canning a try in my adult years. I would love to do this with figs or pears. They're my absolutely faves!

I would love to make blueberry jam. I've thought about trying but been a little intimidated by the whole process. We've started growing blueberries because we love them it would be nice to use these. I've recently lost about 20 lbs. With another 10 or so to go, gained due to quitting smoking 5 years ago, getting a little older & medication side effect. No diet just changing the way I ate. Smaller portions, healthier food, thinking about it not mindlessly eating. Low sugar jam would be great because there's not much better than homemade jam- if I made it I'd have to eat it!

Every year we pile the kids into the minivan and head to a quaint little you-pick blueberry farm a few miles away. We always get some interesting berry selections, but the kids are always so proud of themselves, and it's always lots of fun. :) This year we were thinking about jarring them so we can enjoy the fruits of their labor all year round!

I follow you on twitter

i would definitely can tomatoes and maybe this lovely jam recipe of yours!!

I would love to try this with blackberries - my favorite kind of jam.

Tomatoes I have a million of them growing and I would love to try pickles this year

What a great article! I would definitely try my hand at strawberry jam and also some homemade apple butter! Yum!

My girls have been asking what we are going to do with all the apricots in the backyard, and and I would love to start canning apricot jam!

I would preserve my youth... oh wait, too late for that. This kit would be great for preseving berries, one can never eat enough fresh berries. My favorite use for this would probably be to send it to my pesto making friends so they can keep me supplied all year!

I am actually going to try to can salsa today!

My favorite is strawberry rhubarb

How awesome is this? I grew up on a farm in a large family and we canned everything. Low sugar jam sounds wonderful! I would make triple berry jam. Thank you so much for sharing this.

Peaches! Here in Parker County, Texas, we're famous for them. And right now is when they are everywhere. I'd love to save some local flavor to enjoy for the rest of the year. How lovely it would be to give this to everyone for Christmas, too.

Well, I have these black raspberries bushes inthe back yard, so...

I would can apple butter. My grandma made it every year for me. She passed away this year and I miss her and her jellys.

Canning is fun if you have the time. I love the idea of low sugar jam and will definitely try strawberry and raspberry. We also can a ton of tomatoes and use it in our chili, lasagna and spaghetti sauce all winter long. We also like to can/pickle veggies. My favorite is pickled cauliflower. Thanks for the great ideas!

Thanks for the information. I have been trying other products without satisfaction or I have to freeze the jam. This is the first year we have had apricots in seven years. I will make enough apricot jam to last until the spring freezes allow them to come again.

I always wanted to try canning. I would love to can peaches or just make a berry compote or maybe apple butter. OOOH,so many possibilities!

So far this summer I have canned dill pickles, whole tomatoes, salsa, and tomato juice so I do have a canner already but I would totally use some of those fun canning gadgets!

I would can cherries to start with. ;)

Blueberries would be delicious!

I'd can all summer berries for jam & salsa. I'm currently just tossing fresh fruit in a pot & cooking until soft & using as my spread. Too bad it only lasts a few days in the fridge:-(

My parents canned all of the time when I was a kid. As an adult I never thought I would, but this seems like a very easy way to start and I always have so many strawberries that I end up throwing out that I could take half of what I get at Costco and make Jam.

Thanks for the apple butter recipe and strawberry jam. Will try to get the courage to try them. What I would love to can is a pink grapefruit marmalade or jam. I have been wanting to do this for years. You can only eat so many grapefruit and give them away, but I have 2 large pink grapefruit trees and am tired of being wasteful and letting them ruin on the trees.So I am looking for a recipe for pink grapefruit jam, jelly, or preserves! That is what I would can!

I would add rhubarb to the strawberry jam recipe and try that. I've never tried canning myself, but my mom used can stuff when I was young. It would be fun to give it a try!

I would make blueberry and peach jams now, fig in September and pumpkin butter in the fall. I dislike the really sugary jams so I think this would be great.

I would really like to try this, I would can peaches, raspberries,blueberry's, tomatoes, salsa, attempt a pesto too! I battle Candida so just knowing there is a sugar few option out there is great! Thanks for sharing as always!

Hey Snack Girl...Love your site!!! I have never canned but I have many family and friends that do. I have wanted to start canning. I would love to do jams and some veggies. I know it would save $ on the grocery bill and I would know what was actually in my food.

I would love this set - My husband has a huge garden and we would love to jar tomato sauce! And of course try you less sugar recipe!

Right now we've got a bunch of peaches and nectarines that I would jam. We have a bunch of fruit trees that we planted so once they get big and produce an ambundance of fruit jam will be a great use if tfe fruit.

Canning is relatively new to me, just started it last year. I canned spaghetti sauce and salsa and I am going to add do raspberry jam this year. I am thinking of trying the strawberry shown above also it looks so yummy! Thanks once again Lisa ~ You Positively Rock!!!

Wow! This is such good news! I would love to can again as I also had done it as a child with my mother. Very cool, I would love to do a strawberry rubarb jam and oh just about a million other things... THANKS!

Love the low sugar recipe. I will can tomatoes and various salsas. Wish I had strawberries to make this- maybe next year. Thanks for the recipe and enter me in your drawIng.

All I can say is WOW! We do can things like beans and dill pickles but I haven't fooled with jams and jellies since I had kids (my oldest is 18). It was very time-consuming and yes, trying to eat healthy now (including less sugar) was another reason not to. I would love to give this a try!

My mango tree has a full harvest.

I'd love to jar, preserve them and give as gifts!

I would can local peaches and plums! They are soooo tasty right now and I would love to carry that taste with me throughout the year! Plus, it reminds me of my grandmother taking us out to the orchards in SC to pick peaches for her "it won't last til tomorrow" peach cobbler and she canned peaches too!

What a lovely idea! I've been avoiding canning jam because of the sugar content. I definitely want to try this product out - I would immediately make some blueberry jelly for the best peanut butter and jelly sandwich ever! (of course, made with organic peanut butter and whole wheat bread!)

I jarred for the first time this summer also. We had a huge pile of tomatoes and I made my own tomatoe sauce. It tasted good and only contained veggies, salt and italian seasonings. NO sugar and it is great. I also made hot sauce and was going to jar that also, but it was so good that it did not last long enough to put any up. :)

Pickles. Absolutely. And tomato sauce.

The possibilities are endless! Reminds me of growing up and canning with my mom and grandma. Strawberry-rhubarb, blackberry, jalapeno with a variety of fruits, pumpkin butter, apple butter...

I would can the bread 'n butter pickles I used to help my stepmom can when I was a kid living at home. My mother never canned, so this is something special my stepmom tried to teach me. I would also try your jam for my father-in-law who is diabetic and loves jams.

I have always wanted to make pickles

I would jar spicy pickled cucumbers - maybe make my own kimchee!

I follow you on Facebook and Twitter

The question is what WOULDN'T I can! My big picks are strawberry jam, pickles, salsa, tomato sauce, and baby food!

I'm so excited, I can't wait to can everything. Your strawberry jam receipe sounds marvelous and I printed it off and will give it a try for sure.

I love canned tomatos and the discovery kit look like it would make it so much easier. I currently have the metal thingee and the cars roll around a bit. thx for the recipe. I hope I win the kit.

I've always wondered about the low or no sugar pectins. Will have to try them sometime! Right now, I'd like to try making some peach jam or preserves.

I would do applesauce in the fall. My friend and I just did Strawberry jam a few days ago with all the white sugar in it and it is too sweet for me!

Love the post, so glad to here about this low/no surgar needed pectin.

My daughter and I have been wanting to try canning! It's peach season and they sure are plentiful here in SC so I think peaches will be the first to try!

I would can peaches and peach jam! Maybe try to make hot pepper jelly.

I would love to learn how to can anything but I think I would start with blackberry jam or cherry!

My favourite topping on any salty meal is fruit based ketchup! With hints of pineapple and mango, it adds the perfect touch of sweet for a delicious sweet & salty food.

I haven't tried canning but am a HUGE fan of peaches. You've inspired me to try this!

I pick up fresh produce every week from a co-op so I would can whatever I got from there. I've never canned anything before, I would love another option to dehydrating to keep produce longer

My blackberries are ripe this week - my husband mentioned making jam and then I thought about the cups and cups of sugar that go into it - this will also be perfect for my Dad who is diabetic.

I would preserve the little cukes from my own garden and season it with the dill I have grown. I am excited to save things I grew!

I would can lots and lots of green tomato pickles that my Uncle Henry taught me to make. Maybe some fig preserves too, since our fig tree is over full with fruit!!!

I just love to can. I am getting ready here in Oregon to make Blackberry Jam and syrup.,then on the strawberrys and peaches. The seasons are short here so you have to act right away. Last I do up Zuchini in a simple relish.

I would definitely make fruit jam. Jam is a staple in this home of four kids & I would love to reduce the amount of sugar consumed by them!

My daughter & I love strawberries! We really would like to try to preserve that fresh flavor and this jam sounds great! Since we're new to canning, we would need all the canning supplies. Like to try red raspberries too, as they grow locally.

I've been wanting to try canning forever. Pickles, tomatoes, jellies, jams, whatever, I'm willing, just need the goods to try my hand at it.

My grandma is famous for her strawberry rhubarb jelly, so I'd can that, peach, and my moms favorite tri-berry jelly

Good morning everyone! I have never canned anything before. I guess because I thought it was super hard. But if I had my choice I would make strawberry and blackberry jam around summer time since that's when those fruits are in season. (not to mention they are my favorite)! I would make apple jam in the fall when the apples comein to season! :)

I'd love to make some blueberry and raspberry jam and fruit compote.

I've always wanted to make my own jam and thought about using stevia as a substitute for all the sugar. This is WAY better! I would make strawberry jam and would try to make my own orange marmalade.

This is a wonderful recipe! I can now prove to my family that you can make jam with no sugar. I would love to use this type of recipe for apple butter and pumpkin butter come fall. Because I will have mounds apples and pumpkins this fall!

I would do some Strawberry fig preserves. This is my son'd favorite!! My Grandmother makes this and it is absolutley wonderful except for all the sugar she adds. :)

Well as a Georgia peach transplant in North Carolina Tarheel country, I would love to try canning sweet peaches. It would remind me of home. I really enjoy your tips and your sense of humor.

What an inspiring post :) I would definitely try my hand at the strawberry jam. I would also love to try apple jelly sometime :)

This is brilliant! I love fruit spread but rarely use it because of all the sugar. I would love to make some seedless raspberry of my own and strawberry too. I might need to also experiment with Mango - man do I love mango! :)

always being conscious of weight, health and the well-being of my family, this seems like a wonderful idea. I'd love to win this contest but even if I don't win, I'm keeping the recipe because I'll be doing some jam with my grand daughter.

I'd love to can some peaches!!

Love this! Would do all kinds of fruit jam!!!

wow! Lisa, you're inspiring a canning craze! For the first time, I'm enjoying the daily harvesting of tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers, green beans, zukes, and eggplants too. I would love to can ''summer'' in the form of gazpacho, pickled eggplant, and crushed tomatoes! Plus locally grown corn is so great at Thanksgiving! Love reading everyone's ideas and plans; and Ball jars are great for freezing, drinking vessels, and layered salads; this past winter I made 1/2 pt. apple pies, froze 'em and baked as needed--what a hit! They were cuteness overload :)

I would definitely can tomatoes, marinara sauce, salsa. YUM!! I am also using Ball Jars for decorations at my parents 50th Anniversary. Thanks for all the great information - I look forward to your posts every day.

I remember my Grandmother and Mother canning and have been wishing I had paid more attention! I would probably start with Blackberry jam, creamed corn, and stewed tomatoes!

I enjoy making jams and jellies. I would love to try something new like fig jam, maybe adding pears to it. Combining flavors to make new jams is exciting :)

Hello! My family and I can plum jam, pepper jelly, chili, and salsa! This kit would be a big help to us! Thanks!

I would make low-sugar marmalade for my brother, definitely apple butter, some pineapple coconut jam, and pear vanilla preserves as well. I love canning things!

This would end up with me strolling through the produce department, picking things at random and trying to can them. Can one can a dragon fruit? Oh, or the star fruit they have on Chopped? My immediate effort would be on blueberries, though, and then I'd like to try and perfect my own pumpkin butter. Yum!

Wow, this actually does sound do-able. And the main reason I don't make my own is the amount to sugar that needs to be added...a win win!

I love to can strawberry rhubarb jam! I wasn't able to get any done this year before rhubarb went out of season though. HOWEVER, you can also use APPLES as pectin rather than buying a pectin. It makes the jam vegan as well, and apples add a nice tartness to jam.

I'm so intimidated by canning, jarring an preserving! I would love to do jam and tomatoes, if it *really* is easy. ;-)

I have tons of white grapes and wanted to do something with them but did not want to use all the sugar to make jelly and jam. This would be perfect...the grapes are too good not to do something with. Thank you so much for option to go almost sugarless!!!

I would can kiwi jam. My 22 month old son (recently diagnosed with a milk allergy) loves kiwi. He is limited to mostly fruit and veggies because of his allergy and he eats very little meat. This will help me give him a vareity of choices all year round. Thank you!

Oh you got me excited!!! I've always wanted to try canning and preserving but have scared to. I don't want to ruin my much loved veggies and fruits. You ask what would I can or preserve...oh many many things. First on my list would be pomergrante jelly, strawberry-rhubard jam, apple and peach butter. Thank you for the stroke of confidence you've given me.

Each year for Christmas, in place of buying gifts, I make jams for our 11 children and 19 grandchildren. I make Blueberry, Strawberry, Apple Mint, Apple Cinnimon, Elderberry and Grape. This year I want to try Drak Sweet Cherry and Kumquat. I can't wait to try this new Pectin.

I would LOVE to do this. I've always wanted to and just never got around to it...I would make strawberry preserves as well, and peach too! YUM

Hi! I'm so yearning to learn how to can. First thing I'd do is my grandmother's Green Tomato Mincemeat recipe, so I could bake a pie for my 80-year-old dad. Then definitely some jam, pickles (cucumber and other vegetables) and tomato sauce. Maybe salsa too! Anything that would let me take advantage of local seasonal fruits and vegetables to tide me over during the dark months. :-)

Wow! Sounds much easier than I thought. I would jar pears. I love pears -- smooth, creamy, somewhat sweet.

I would definitely have to can rasberry jam. It is my favorite!!! I love the idea of using less sugar to make it healthier,too. I would also love to give your recipe a try!

I would can strawberry jam(special request of my 9 yr old) and concord grape jelly. The grapes will be ready by September and I think we'll have the most we've ever harvested this year.

I'm going to have peaches and plums ripe soon. I need to figure out what to make with those.

I would can strawberries and blueberries. I love them both on my PB&Js. I have never canned before but in anticipation I started to save every glass jar we use in our house, I hope I learn how soon or my husband is going to freak!

Is it possible to do a strawberry and banana jam? If so, I love that combination and would totally give it a try.

Love this! I hadn't decided if I was going to make jam this year since I am trying to cut sugar content. I will do peach and strawberry peach jam, last year I made some great homemade tomato soup and canned it with my mom. Can't eat the regular canned stuff now.

I would definitely can blueberry, blackberry and peach jams. This is such a great recipe for both Weight Watchers and diabetics!

The wife of one of our sales guys makes all sorts of fresh jams, she knows my son loves to take almond butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch (he is 2 years old) to school and so she sends us a case at the beginning of he year to last us for a long time. They don't live locally so we are on our last jar - tears! I was dreading having to buy a can of store bought stuff and with me and my hubs working full-time I thought there is no way I could do this on my own....I might just have to try it now!!!

I would make seasonal jam and some spicy salsa to heat up the winter nights!! Thanks so much for writing such an educational and fun blog!

Blueberries & Strawberries - There is a farm right down the street from me :)

This sounds really cool

I would can pickled veggies. My husband could eat them by the gallon, so it would be great to make my own and store them.

I would love to try canning this low/no sugar jam you wrote about. Sounds delicious and healthier than the alternative. Thanks for sharing!

This is great to know. I canned applebutter before using Splenda and it turned out really good. Thank you for this info.

Here is my want to make jam list: strawberry, blueberry, blackberry and raspberry. Would love to can apple butter and pumpkin butter. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to enter this wonderful giveaway.

I had watermelon preserves when I was a kid - best thing ever! I have not tried to make them myself but I would really like to. Oh, & any kind of berry jam or preserves would be great. Also salsa, salsa & more salsa, lol!

It would most definitely be strawberries, my favorite! I would absolutely love to try canning.

I did a few jams in a bread maker before but the recipe did ask for alot of sugar, I would love to cut that out. Thank you for your blog!

I would can strawberries. I just made my own homemade peanut butter for the first time so all I will now need to make is my own bread and I'll have the healthiest PB&J ever!

I would preserve pickled green beans.

I jar blackberry jelly every year and I have never seen the no sugar added pectin. I would be very interested in that product as well.

I'm going to try the new low sugar pectin this very weekend. I used to can all the time, but I don't really eat "full figure jam" because of the high sugar and calories. This looks really good. Love the new tools too-jar lifter and canning discovery kit.


I already can my own jams, I make strawberry, raspberry, plum, and apple butter jams. Not only are they low sugar and taste better, but it is way cheaper to make your own jams than to buy from the grocery store.

I love strawberry jam and would make this for the entire family so we could all enjoy it.

I'm itching to can some tomato sauce from the tomatoes in my garden. Also, apple butter in the fall! Yum!

Oh my goodness I am SO craving strawberry jam right now! I've been following your blog for a couple of weeks now and I am trying so many new things! It's awesome! I'd love to be able to try this, too! :)

Would like to try it without sugar -- maybe with a bit of maple syrup?

I would can salsa, spaghetti sauce, jalapenos (hot and "fooled ya" no heat jalapenos).

more fruit! I recently made fig jam and plum jam but they used way too much sugar (and one was too thick and one was too watery...). I want to make my own fruit preserves.

I would can peaches. I still remember my mom canned peaches when we were younger and they were like heaven to eat in the winter.

You make it sound so easy. I have always wanted to learn to can food!

I would make your strawberry jam and I'd like to try apple butter. I've wanted to make jame for awhile, but can't get past the sugar in most recipes. I'm excited about this!

This is my first year trying my hand at canning, and am, in fact, making some strawberry jam today! I learned how to make my own pectin from the apples on my tree. I've already made jalepeno jelly & canned some tomatoes. Next up - veggie soup!

Oh my! This is a wonderful idea, I've attempted no sugar jam before but it ends up quite runny...this sounds like it would firm it up nicely without having to add so much sugar.

I have a mulberry tree in our yard and would of loved to be able to make some mulberry preserves throughout the season!! Oh and don't forget pumpkin butter, apple butter, apple sauce, and yummy pickles too :0)

I have been a Lifetime Member of Weight Watchers since 1996. With the Ball Low or No Sugar Pectin I will make peach jam without the guilt of regular.

I would make lots of jam and pickles. I want to learn to can and start stocking up!

I love your inspiring article. I've always wanted to try canning and making jam too. I would preserve peaches. I think they are fantastic in season and would love to have that memory to spread on my pop-overs on a cool fall day. The set sounds like it would be a welcome gift into my kitchen arsenal. keep up the recipe blogging for all of us striving to be healthy and do it ourselves. Yay!

I am 15 years old, and I've always wanted to try canning. I'd can strawberries, blackberries, and watermelon rinds!

I have overflowing raspberry bushes in our backyard that I need to can asap. Only problem is that I don't know how! I need this help!

Nectarines would be yummy to can.

I've always wanted to try canning, but didn't feel I could pull it off (not being of the Laura Ingalls type, but more of the Sex in the City on a budget type). Anyway, this is my second year with a raised garden bed, and I'd love to try canning my tomatoes and make salsa! Thanks!

I Love Canning. We have just moved back home, closer to the kids and grandkids. Yea. This year I have a daughter working, watching and learning with me. It is a joy to be able to pass along a lesson taught to me by my grandmothers. We even went to a new canning class given by the Extension Office. My granddaughter has been helping me in the garden and is learning so much. Today I am canning my grandma's watermelon pickles. They are such a childhood memory for me.

I have made jam forever and I love to teach others how to make it also. I do it the old fashioned way with no added pectin. I mix in whatever I have in my freezer such as blackberrie, raspberries, plums and especially rhubarb! I work so hard every summer to get as much free fruit as possible picking it from friends who have an over abundance and enduring the thorns and wasps to get all those blackberries that grow everywhere here in WA.

So worth it!

I'd love to try a blueberry jam! Also the strawberry one is VERY intriguing!!!

I have tried canning fig jam, strawberry fig jam and they've come out ok. I wish to be able to can peaches, pears, tomatoes, etc like my grandmother did. Even pear relish. yum.

I would LOVE to begin canning! I would can anything in season. I would especially can a lot while I am out of work from teaching. I am desperately trying to teach my two year old daughter healthy eating habits and it is really hard with little time in the school year and so many CHEAP but unhealthy items available. She loves berries but they go bad so quickly, I would love to learn to preserve them and stop wasting money!

I put up grape jam every September. We grow concord grapes in the back yard, and I use my mother's old "Foley Mill" to separate the seeds and skins from the grape pulp. The taste is so delicious!

I would make grape jelly from the wild grapes growing on our property or I have been thinking about making some tomato juice from all our fresh tomatos :)

Pepper Jelly is my most favorite of all...sweet and hot..perfect combination! Peach is my second favorite! Thanks for Snack Girl!!

Apricot is my favorite jam to can.

Rhurbarb or raspberries!! yum!

Just want to say a huge "thank you" for this recipe. I've always been interested in doing jams - especially strawberry. I've always loved fruit without sweetner & wondered why jams have so much added. I'd love to try this kit!!!

I have this recipe of Tomato chutney from my mom and would love to can it.

I never knew I could make preserves without a heap of sugar. Thanks for letting us know.

Salsa, salsa and fig preserves. We are going to have a huge number of tomatoes in about a month and I want to try canning salsa (normal) and tomatilla salsa. Plus my grandmother, 83 now, has the only fig preserve recipe that I have ever loved and our neighbor has multiple fig trees. So I really want to get that recipe down while Dottie Mae is still around to test it and help me out.

Would love to make some blueberry jam and can that.

I would preserve peaches!! my favorite summertime fruit

I have 2 plum trees and this would be good to make jam. I am always looking for ways to save calories. My garden has raspberries, strawberries, apples, plums, and pears for jam. thanks for the idea.

I love low, no or natural sugar canning. I love making honey peaches. This is so good over cottage cheese or even ice cream!!

I would love to try an can strawberries and tomatoes. Great giveaway!

I follow you on FB.

I love this idea & winning the giveaway would actually prompt me to complete the project! Strawberries in Indiana are the best!

I would love to make some fresh fruit jam (strawberry and blackberry).

I'm thinking of canning a little bit of summer by capturing blueberries with a touch of culinary lavender!

My grandma used to can ALL the time! I would love to be able to give her awesome strawberry banana jam recipe a try!!

Orange marmalade, made with oranges from our own tree~~Sometimes I add hot red peppers to some of the batch. And, it is easy to freeze!

Or, strawberry rhubarb jam~~I use as little sugar as possible to bring out the flavors....

One summer (before kids) I made and canned 15 kinds of pickles. That's just pickles, not including everything else I did. And I love doing it. I know what's going in the jar and how fresh it is. My favorite is canned tomatoes. It's also a way to preserve your favorite recipes you can't find in the store. For example, it's hard to find large cans of green chiles in Minnesota; we used to buy fresh, roast them and then freeze them for Chile Verde.

Hey, I'd love to be like Martha (except for that stint in the pokey) because she has a STAFF. And a rather large one, at that.

I'd can some lovely mango/tomatillo salsa (great for salmon and cheap since mango is in season right now) and some blueberry jalapeno jam (surprisingly great on sandwiches)! Can't wait to try out your strawberry jam recipe-- my problem with them has always been that they're too darn sweet!

I would definitely make blueberry, strawberry and grape jelly/jam. My son is a very picky eater and it seems when he is involved in the cooking process he is more likely to try them. This would help me add variety to his diet! Thanks for posting!

I could get behind this. Blueberries are looking might nice in Seattle right now. And those flats of raspberries have been mouthwatering!

I need to find me some low sugar pectin!

Also have been thinking pickling these days - just discovered white balsamic last summer and love my quick pickling I do with it.

Honestly, scared to can! Canners say it's easy but I'm still skeptical. I'd can blueberries. It's my father in laws favorite fruit and well he's one heck of a guy.

I would love to make corn relish, I did this about 40 years ago and it was so good.

This is fantastic! I've been thinking about canning for about a year and have not gotten to it yet. I would love to do blueberries, tomato sauce, pickles, and green beans.

Considering that my wife and I have never canned either, in our zeal for such an exciting new activity, we'd be tempted to preserve everything. Realistically though, we would preserve strawberry's, and maybe bananas and apples if possible, which are are most commonly consumed fruits.


I canned several quarts of tomatoes, salsa, green beans, corn, and blackberry jelly from our garden. I love to be able to open a jar of my canned produce to feed my family on a cold winter night. Not only is it healthier(I control what is placed in my canned goods) but it saves my family money. The exercise that I get from working in the garden is a bonus. It's hard work but rewarding work. Get your whole family involved!

Since I live in Alaska, we can all sorts of naturally healthy foods from our backyards! I would can smoked red salmon caught from the inlet I live nearby (which makes the salmon extra fresh!) as well as berries next to my home (Raspberries, Blueberries, Strawberries, Bear Beries, etc). The more bizarre food that has a ton of vitamin c and tastes great in jam is spruce tree tip sprouts! They taste like lemon lime and also make mustard have a bit of zing to it :)

I've been wanting to try canning for a long time!! my grandma gave me a cherry-rhubarb jam once that i loved. i would try to recreate that. i hope i win!! i need a bigger stock pot though. can i win one of those too?

I'd try perserving/canning some interesting fruits/vegetables like Kabocha.

I would love to jar/can blueberries plus peaches. I've never done this before but I have always wanted to try. With a kit I could possibly get a girlfriend or two to help.


I've done apple butter...just cinnamon and really sweet apples and canned it and it was absolutely wonderful! Everyone in my family loves! I think I'd like to try peach preserves this way. Probably raspberries and blackberries...lots of berries where I live!

I just froze a flat of raspberries for Smoothies. Can you use already frozen fruit for jam? Raspberry jam with low sugar would be amazing <3

I would like to try my hand at making some sugar-free sweet pickles. I've purchased them at the store but they would be so much cheaper to make them myself. Why does a product cost more if it has less (sugar,fat, etc.)?

I would love to make sugar-free jams like this, as I'm a borderline-diabetic, as well as "put up" blackberries which grow wild in my area (southern coast of Oregon).

Love your columns!


I have not canned in a long time, but this maybe too irresistible !

I would can apple butter in the fall!

I would like to follow your recipe exactly, looks so good!


Have not seen this in the stores around here but I would love to make my apple pie preserve recipe, quince jam, zuchinni etc. etc. with this.

Strawberries! and maybe blueberries, too.

Strawberries sound perfect to me! :o)

I would love to make homemade jams I hate the ones at the store with all the sugar!

Hi.I love your posts. I've learned so much. I've been wanting to try canning for years but felt intimidated. I would love to make cherry jam. Thanks for offering this contest.

I loved this idea, woud love to try canning some grape and strawberry jelly.

Sounds great! I wouldn't know where to start... probably with berries of all kinds, but peaches and apples would also be great. I have a bit of experience canning tomato sauce, but I have never made jelly. I think it would be fun to try.

I have never canned. I remember it as a kid watching my grandmother made jellies and jams and ALL the sugar involved. I would love to try it this way. I would have to say plum jelly and maybe some pumpkin butter would be the start.

I would make cherry balsamic preserves.

I have a bunch of apricots (cut in half and pitted) in my freezer. We got them two weeks in a row for our CSA. We all like apricot jam (with the exception of my daughter who doesn't like anything) but found that we didn't really care for fresh apricots. I plan to make jam out of them as soon as I get my act together and get some canning jars! So you, Lisa, could facilitate this process!

I would go get some marionberries and make marionberry jam.



I would probably make strawberry jam or maybe applesauce or apple butter! I make my own applesauce in the crock pot and it is so good!

That sounds deee-lish! Fresh (well-frozen) spreadable fruit in jar! If I had a green thumb (I definitely don't), I would like to can any veggies I grew in my garden to enjoy summery fresh stuff in the middle of winter. :-) I'm so impressed Lisa!

Hello! I have never canned anything and would absolutely try this recipe first as I love strawberry jam, but hate all the added sugar!

I run a B&b and am always looking for ways to showcase local fruit and save money doing it. I've always wanted to make my own jelly kind my mom did when I was a kid. My favorite is strawberry, but the local orchards are serving peaches and apples. I'm ready to try this! Pick Me!

Yum! I'd try this recipe and can homemade salsa from the veggies growing in my garden! Either way, I'm printing the recipe :) Thanks!

I would preserve blueberry jam.. mmm so good!

mmmm cherries, strawberries or raspberries

I would can any fruit or vegetable I could get my hands on! Grew up canning everything and loved the fresh taste mid winter!

When my husband is on night shift and has to fend for himself to eat, he lives off peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwiches. We go through a jar of jam a week! I love your less sugar recipe! It would be so much better for him, in matter of health and taste, and nothing says I love you better to a man than when you cook for him. lol. As for myself I would love to can my own roasted tomatoes for winter use.

Oh my! Where to start!!! Beets. That would have to be next year since my veggie lady has harvested her crop already. Peaches are now in season and they're so sweet & juicy! Apples....I'd love to figure out something other than Apple Butter to can. Corn....because it's going to get more expensive thanx to the drought. Tomatoes.....stewed & diced & salsa!!! I would definitely put it to great use and then blog about it and you and......

Love the jams! Would like to make peach jam!

I would make peach jam & pickled beets! The strawberry jam is sounding delish, too!!! Thanks for all your inspiration, Snack Girl!

I do can but haven't tried this product but I am liking the idea...jam with only 2 T sugar...sounds great.

I have been itching to can cherries! Your jam sounds yummy!

Since I am allergic to strawberries, I would try apricots and peaches. My two new favorites! I love putting almond butter on a brown rice cake and top it with jam. What better than to have homemade!

Oh I have such fond memories of childhood summers where my mom, grandmother, 2 aunts, and cousins would all go blackberry picking and make blackberry jam! We would also make blueberry jam, concord grape jelly, fig perserves, peach perserves, and pear perserves! So delicious! My grandmother was famous for her pear perserves! I grew up on a farm so we also canned grean beans, pepper jellies along with shucking corn, shelling peas, etc. Unfortunately no one in the family carried on the jam making tradition! I have thought about it many times but was too chicken to try it. It always seemed so hard and scarey with the pressure cooker! I guess my fear comes from the memory of one year when the pressure cooker exploded and caused a large burned placed on the ceiling that stayed there for years! lol However you made it sound so easy and you have inspired me! So maybe its time for me to try it! Pear season is approaching.... What a surprise it would be if I gave my siblings and cousins homemade pear perserves this Christmas! :)

I would love to make some pickles and definitely make some starwberry jam. I know my 3 girls wuld love it. Thanks, Jen

I'd try the low sugar strawberry jan recipe....or a peach jam.

I would can blackberry jam!

I would attempt peaches and cherries. My mom used to make jam and I need to overcome the intimidation of jam making.

I love strawberry jam but just found FROG jam, Figs, Raspberries, oranges and ginger that is wonderful. Do you know if you can make "freezer" jsm using the low sugar pectin?

I would like to learn to pickle different veggies. I've already made some strawberry jam this season. I do have a couple of gallons of blueberries I'll need to do something with....

I lost my canning virginity this summer! I was an awesome experience! I canned cherry jelly - I cut way back on the sugar and added a dash of almond extract. DIVINE! I hope to also can some blackberry jelly (soon!) and pumpkin butter (later this fall).

I will preserve tomatoes as I am growing 5 different types.

After making the wonderful watermelon/cucumber/cayenne salad I would pickle and can the (organic) rind and voila- that huge watermelon has disappeared. Into my belly! I would soooooo absolutely love this kit!!

I'd try jellies, applesauce and possibly beets.

I can lots of jam but this is a great recipe.

Sweet basil and rosemary are two of the herbs I grow in containers on my patio. I live in a city condo where space is limited but I plant herbs that I can use in recipes. I would love to get a great authentic Italian recipe for a red pasta sauce. I'm watching my calories and making an effort to eat healthy so home made canned sauce with whole wheat pasta would be a gourmet treat, with fresh parmesan-reggiano - that's a great, healthy Italian dinner!! Thanks for the tips, Snack girl!

I would preserve pureed CSA greens. To add to spaghetti sauce, since none of us are leafy green eaters (except I like raw spinach salads, and my daughter and I both like kale chips. But we can't go through a bundle a week, nor can we go through 2-4 bunches of various greens and lettuces each week!)

This would be awesome! We belong to a CSA and it would help with the penny pinching as I am out of work as well. My 3 love strawberry jam and the organic Kirkland brand has tons of sugar! Thanks for sharing I'm going to look for that pectin.

strawberries also! :) thanks for the giveaway!! :)

I have always wondered how to do it myself. I really did not know how to start and you make it seem easy enough to do. We just need product , time and space to do it. I would love to do Stawberery, blueberry and fig jam. I am new to your blog and really enjoy it.

I make delicious strawberry freezer jam every year which has no cooking or canning but sugar is definitely part of the equation :) I'd love to try this. Maybe use it to preserve apple butter later this year!

I've made jellies & jams before - honestly hadn't ever heard of the low sugar/no sugar pectin until this, which REALLY makes me happy!

I make wild edible jellies, which are SO good and make AWESOME gifts...haven't made any in so long because of the sugar. So....I need new supplies to make gifts again! Wild plum jelly, queen anne's lace jelly, chicory jelly, violet jelly, sumac, apple/sumac......elderberry.....can't wait!!

Good morning!I love to can. We make wild plum jelly mmmm:P and pickles. Would love to try other ideas. I love your blog. Thank you so much for all the healthy ideas.

I want to can some strawberry rurbarb jam. I Haven't canned any in years. Would like to get back into it low fat.

I would can vegetables from a CSA I recently joined!

I would love to try canning. My aunt used to can pickles and lots of other veggies years ago, she had a awesome garden, she passed away June 7 this year. I would can salsa and try lots of other veggies and fruits.

Our favorite thing to can is Dilly Beans! Longtime follower of your blog. Keep up the great work!

I would love to try making some grape jam/jelly! I made strawberry jam with an aunt and I was really appalled at the amount of sugar we used. She didn't think using splenda would be a good idea! I am going to let her know about this stuff. Thanks SG!

i need to find a recipe for sugar-free jam that my Dad will eat. he can sniff out a sugarless smear, so i need it to look and taste right. this might do the trick. think i will try boysenberries because they are dark blue/red and may look normal in the jar.

I know tomatoes are tricky to can, but I'd love to try canning salsa and fresh marinara - yum!

I want to try blackberry jam. I love love love it and the idea of making it with less sugar is GREAT! (oh love your blog by the way!)

My Mom used to can grape , strawberrry and peach jelly. I would love to do this for my kids but with less sugar.

I would love to can tomato sauce using my garden tomatoes!

I just picked 8 lbs of blackberries! I'm so jammed!

Strawberry Jam... would love to try Snack Girl's recipe with these products.

I would can many kinds of fresh fruit jam. When I was little I had an aunt with an apricot tree and she would always make me fesh apricot jelly,such wonderful memories, I would like to pass those on to my kids.

I have always wanted to try making my own jam but it sounded too complicated. This post has got me motivated to give it a shot. I love your blog! Thank you!

I am a newby... but am obsessed right now! Ive grown a garden for the first time and have totally overplanted. Its in my blood not to throw anything away, so I have been canning everything that is growing. 25 jars of pickles in the last 2 days... with so much more coming. Jams and jellies are next :)

I love canning wild blackberry jam, seeds and all, and bread and butter pickles. When our kids were younger we would go pick the wild blackberries in our yard and then we made our jam. Great memories!!

Since I've only ever canned one time in my life (strawberry jam with tons of sugar-I made it just a few months ago) , I'd would make the low sugar version suggested above. Thanks for letting know a low sugar option exists.

Thanks for giving some info on the pectin.

We currently can pizza/pasta sauce, salsa, tomato soup, garlic dill pickles, dill relish, and applesauce. I've wanted to do jams before, but I never liked how much sugar went into most recipes (it seemed like more sugar than fruit). I will have to try the no sugar/low sugar pectin!

Looks yummy! I would preserve all the amazing summer fruits, like peaches and strawberries.

i would be canning up some pickled garlic scapes!

Some of my happiest memories are of eating my grandmother's canned goods and seeing the results of her hard work lined up in her pantry--and ours! I'd love to learn how to continue the family tradition in a healthy way.

I'd preserve crabapple jelly. It takes forever, but sooooo worth the wait!

Love your blog! I would love to can jams, sauces and vegetables such as pickles, okra, banana peppers, green beans etc. My mom used to make all of the above but has gotten to the point in life where she'd prefer someone else to do it. I've never learned but would love to carry the tradition on. She lives in another state and we don't see each other as often as we'd like. Most of the time it's at family get-togethers with not much time to learn canning. What a surprise and treat it would be for me to show up with healthy self-made canned gifts.

I've always wanted to try canning - what a great way to start. I'd probably do a mixed berry jam, my husband's favorite!

I would LOVE to can the peaches from my white peach tree. They are the absolute best peaches I've tasted, and I would love to be able to open a jar of them in the cold winter months to get just a little taste of summer. :-)

so many things are great to can! peach and strawberry jam, salsa, pickles, hot peppers.

I know I am too late but I would preserve what I could. I remember my Grandma doing this every summer she would can/preserve anything and everything she could. I miss that!

I would probably first try to make blueberry jam with wild blueberries from our favorite summer vacation spot (somewhere in the endless mountains of PA)!

I would make strawberry-rhubarb jam and use them as favors for my upcoming wedding. My favorite jam!

I'd can cherries

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