20 Minutes Could Save You 20% or More on Your Health Care Bill
February 11, 2010 8 Comments
Do you have time to read a book? Or, maybe, listen to a book? There is one writer who is making a very influential argument regarding healthy eating. And, no, it's not Snack-Girl.

Michael Pollan is writing best sellers about how we eat in the United States. If you haven't heard of him, that's okay. He is mostly known to this country's intelligentsia. But, his books are really good and they have changed the way millions of people view food.
He has written 3 books arguing that the food we eat is making both the environment and ourselves sick. Obviously, the USA has a problem if 67% of our inhabitants is either overweight or obese.
Amazing, no? That means, on average, 7 out of 10 people you see driving a car (or shopping at the mall) has a weight problem.
You can find his books at the library, on CD, and in bookstores. Which one you choose depends on how much time you have to learn about the food manufacturing business. This is how long each book took me to read:
- The Omnivore's Dilemma - 20 hours
- In Defense of Food - 3 hours
- Food Rules - 20 minutes
I recommend "The Omnivore's Dilemma" because it goes into great detail about how a meal at McDonald's is made. Have you asked yourself why a McDonald's Cheeseburger is so cheap? A mere 99 cents gets you a bun, cheese, and a burger. The answer is....I don't want to be a spoiler!
"Food Rules" is really a pamphlet version of his longer books. It is a compilation of conclusions from his former detailed analysis of the food industry. If you only have 20 minutes - this is your book.
If you care about healthy eating, find the time to at least sample one of these books. They have changed many peoples lives, including mine.
Pollan woke me up and I began to pay attention to what I was eating. Now, I believe, I am much healthier (last check-up went great!).
Have you read Pollan - what do you think of his books? Any other books you would suggest? Please share below.
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