
How To Never Get Sick (Secrets Shared)

January 27, 2012   22 Comments

Do you know where your box of tissues is? Time to make sure you are ready for the mucus onslaught.

Secrets Of People Who Never Get Sick Review

I wish I could make a big bubble around my family this time of year so we could stay healthy. Why are colds so prevalent in winter? Scientists think it is because viruses survive in cold temperatures (and they "melt" in warmer ones).

I HATE getting sick so I was happy when I received "The Secrets of People Who Never Get Sick" by Gene Stone to review. Here is a book that could help me out!

My own relationship with illness took a bad turn in 1987 when I caught pneumonia. This experience taught me to rest when I got sick (and not wait until I got really sick to lie down). So, if I caught a cold I would just grab a box of tissues and call in sick to work or school. I would do this even if I felt well enough to go.

This strategy worked really well until I had children. Yeah, you can't just rest when you get sick when you take care of kids (unless you have a nanny). So, my strategy has become "rest as much as I can" (which isn't nearly as effective at making the cold disappear quickly).

Gene Stone found 25 people who almost never get sick and asked them for their secrets which are as wide ranging as "Eating Dirt" to "Spirituality". He didn't include "don't have kids that attend school with lots of other kids", which I think is a major secret of keeping healthy.

His book is amusing, well researched, and ACTIONABLE. So, let's say, you like the idea of "Eating Dirt" as a way to prevent illness. He advises:

Rather than scrub your foods into unconsciousness, just give them a quick rinse. Don't fixate on what the cat drags in or on the dust balls beneath the bed.(...) Moderation in all germs.

THANK YOU! I am already doing that. No obsessive compulsive cleaning behavior in my house. I like to think of it as an "upgraded pigsty". Thanks to this book, I know this is good for my family :)

Of course, including in the book are many chapters about certain foods and diets that contribute to a healthier life. The "Plant-Based Diet" chapter talks about becoming a vegan as a way to keep healthy and prevent cancer, heart disease, and maintain a healthy weight.

The publisher shared the recipe below (which I haven't had a chance to try yet). One serving of this "lasagna" has 164% of your daily value of Vitamin C, 148% of your daily value of Vitamin A, and 19% of your daily value of iron.

It isn't low in calorie - but you could make smaller slices and it would probably work. The serving sizes are for fire fighters and possibly lumber jacks.

What are your secrets for keeping healthy?


Sweet Potato-Vegetable Lasagna Recipe

1.6 from 24 reviews

reprinted with permission from "The Secrets of People Who Never Get Sick" by Gene Stone.

(serves 10-12)

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1 large onion, chopped
1 small head garlic, all cloves chopped or pressed
8 ounces mushrooms, sliced
1 head broccoli, chopped, without stems
2 large carrots, chopped
2 red bell peppers, seeded and chopped
1 can corn (15 ounces), rinsed and drained
1 package firm tofu (16 ounces)
½ teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon oregano, preferably fresh
1 teaspoon basil, preferably fresh
1 teaspoon rosemary, preferably fresh
2 boxes (8 ounces each) whole grain lasagna noodles, uncooked
2 jars (25 ounces each) pasta sauce
1 pound frozen spinach, thawed and drained
2 sweet potatoes, cooked and mashed
6 Roma tomatoes, sliced thin
1 cup raw cashews, ground


Preheat oven to 400°F.

Sauté the onions and garlic on high heat for 3 minutes in a wok or nonstick pan. Add the mushrooms and cook until the onions are limp and the mushrooms release their liquid. Remove them to a large bowl using a slotted spoon. Reserve the mushroom liquid in the pan. Sauté the broccoli and carrots for 5 minutes, and add them to the mushroom bowl. Sauté the peppers and corn until just beginning to soften, and add them to the vegetable bowl. Drain the tofu by wrapping it in paper towels. Break it up directly in the towels and combine it with the vegetable mixture. Add the cayenne and herbs to the vegetable bowl and stir to combine.

To assemble: Cover the bottom of a 9 x 13-inch casserole with a layer of sauce. Add a layer of noodles. Cover the noodles with sauce. This way the noodles cook in the oven rather than being boiled first, saving time and energy. Spread the vegetable mixture over the sauced noodles. Cover with another layer of noodles and another dressing of sauce. Add the spinach to the second layer of sauced noodles. Cover the spinach with the mashed potatoes. Add another layer of sauce, the final layer of noodles, and a last topping of sauce. Cover the lasagna with the thinly sliced Roma tomatoes, then cover the dish with foil and bake in the oven for 45 minutes. Remove the foil, sprinkle the top with cashews, and return the lasagna to the oven for 15 minutes. Remove it from the oven and let it sit for 15 minutes before serving.

Nutrition Facts

for one serving = 447 calories, 9.5 g fat, 77 g carbohydrates, 17.5 g protein, 7.9 g fiber, 325 mg sodium, 12 Points+

Points values are calculated by Snack Girl and are provided for information only. See all Snack Girl Recipes

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Im rarely sick. I can't remember the last time I had a fever. I get a cold about once a year but it's usually never a show stopper. I don't have kids but I do work in a gym which I'm sure is filled with nothing but germs. And I do have a lot of clients that have kids who are in school and are always sick. Ive never had the flue shot and have also never had the flue. It's often a wonder to me how I manage to escape all the germs. What I can tell you is that I eat healthy, exercise regularly, wash my hands often and take my vitamins. If I feel something coming on I usually take some zinc or vitamin C and that seems to nip things in the bud. I hope I have not just jinxed myself by so boldly declaring that I am rarely sick. :)

Thanks for sharing this Lisa! I can't remember the last time I was sick, either. My kids are home schooled, but even when they were still attending public school over the last few years I never really got sick. I used to get sick all the time--bronchitis, strep throat, etc. THEN, I got moving and started eating healthier. You immune system is in your digestive tract & it needs to get circulated! Exercise, & plenty of fruits & veggies for digestive health. We're not obsessive cleaners either, & I know germs still enter the house. Taking care of your body on a regular basis will build a strong immune system that fights off infection so you don't need antibiotics :) Cheers to your health!

Finding time to relax and trying to have just a little bit of fun everyday is what I have found to be helpful in staying healthy...If I think back on the times on when I have been sick it is when I have been stressed about something - usually trying to get too many things done and working excessive hours...It is easier said than done but I try and make a conscious effort effort to take some to relax.

"Upgraded pig-sty"...Love it! Me too :) As an aside, three teenagers, shedding dog, mom who is an unenthusiastic mediocre housekeeper and rinser of kids are pretty darn healthy (knock on wood). I have friends who are compulsive cleaner neat freaks whose kids always seem to be sick...just saying.

I have 3 kids in 3 different schools so I'm sure we are subjected to lots of germs but rarely does anyone in our house get sick. In fact, in the past 5 years none of the kids have missed a school day. We eat well (most of the time), take vitamins (some days), get chiropractic adjustments monthly and we never get the flu shot. I also don't stress about germs. I don't use hand sanitizer and my house, well it's far from sterile! I guess we're doing something right.

I have read the book and it was definately worth the read. I also found out some very interesting tidbits.

My family and I rarely get sick because, I believe, we eat plenty of raw fruit, an abundance of vegetables, and try to avoid processed foods.

Since I switched to a real, whole foods diet almost 2 years ago, I rarely get sick. It also stopped the infections that I was getting almost constantly. Also, I don't obsess about washing my hands or using hand sanitizer after touching every little thing. I work at a university, and even so, I'm able to avoid the seasonal illnesses.

I'm not so sure about the cold/warm weather theory. I live in Chicago where it's cold most of the year and I never get sick. Last week, I took a trip to 80 degree/sunny Miami and sure enough I got a really bad cold/sinus infection. Go figure. I tend to think germs survive more in warm climate places. As far as never getting sick though, I do what Kristen right, exercise and wash hands often. Oh and my #1 secret is, I have no kids. :)

A nurse once told me to be sure to change the handtowels in the bathrooms every day, it makes for more laundry but it seems to have done the trick. Because you can wash your hands all day long but if you are drying them on a germ laden towel then it's all for naught. I love the upgraded pigsty comment, makes me feel much better abt the dust bunnies under the furniture!!

Melissa gives credit to " a mom who is an unenthusiastic mediocre housekeeper." I like that. I am that kind of mom too and it I'd great to know that my style of housekeeping built great immune systems in my kids. I am very healthy too.

One thing that seems to be working for me is drinking kefir every day. I make it myself from juice (very inexpensive) and drink 1/2 to 1 cup a day. It was an unexpected benefit... I started taking it to help with chronic yeast infections after I had my 4th child and not only did it resolve that but it kept me very healthy as well. I just wish I could get my kids to take it. They're pretty healthy anyway but those super probiotics would make them better!

I shared my tips on your FB so I'll put them here too for your readers. I travel a lot for work and I have found if I don't follow these tips I get sick more often. Typically I get one bad cold per year. 1. I eat Ginger Chews daily from the Ginger People. Ginger is an ancient Chinese remedy and they take Ginger at the first sign of cold; 2. I workout or do something active every day; 3. I don't shake hands all day long. I travel a lot and work with college students so I've learned to stand in the trade show booth with my hands behind my back or on the counter. One year I did not do that, shook a lot of hands and was sick one cold after the other; 4. Eat as cleanly as possible (good array of fruits and veggies). I also don't eat factory farmed meat (lifelong habit); 5. sleep!

Interesting. I'm always happy to hear that my lack of cleaning is a good thing! Could you please e-mail my husband to this effect? ;)

I recently shared the Snack Girl blog with my friend Lynda from work, and she said she just can't get enough of it! She is now getting your e-mails and is addicted to the blog. Just thought I'd share since I thought it would make you happy to hear. :D

Do you think that if I leave out the tofu this will still work?

I never get sick either. Work in healthcare and never get the flu shot (Are you kidding? The flu means 5 days off work and a 5 pound weight loss - what's not to like?!). Not obsessive about hand washing or cleaning or laundry. Things are cleaned when they're dirty, not because it's Wednesday. I love running and sleeping, though. It seems to work for me!

I never thought about it much but ever since I started running everything else got better too. I lost some weight, became more mindful of my food choices and, oddly enough, pretty much stopped getting sick. I can feel it coming on, but then it just goes away on its own. Weird, right?

I totally swear by garlic pills and Vitamin C. Almost always works in warding off sickness.

I drink 2 cups of HOT hot hot hot water as soon as I wake up. Besides reducing bloat, I read online that it helps clear nasal passages and keeps mucus membranes clean. I used to be a regular sufferer of colds and have found that this helps a lot.

I go with a weird blend of clean freak and upgraded pigsty. I use caution where I can pick up other people's germs, especially at work. I'm the paper towel on the sink and door handle girl, and I wipe down my spot at the lunchroom table before I use it. Never know who was sniffling there ten minutes before my break. At home, I wash my hands as soon as I take off my coat and shoes, but I'm not a crazy cleaner once I get home because I didn't let any of the germs in. The dirty at home boosts my immune system in case my carefulness at work slips.

When do you add the spices/herbs?

I have to say in the interest of someone else not spending so much $ & time in the kitchen...this has to be the worst dinner I have made all year...and maybe in the top 5 of ever!

Now I love healthy food & veggies but the combo of this was be bluntly honest...gross. Hope I don't offend or hurt anyone's feelings.

@Erika - I feel bad that I posted it without testing it first (something I rarely do). Too much in a rush I guess. Thanks for your feedback. Lisa

I am not sure if I am blessed with genetic-freak kids, but neither of my 11 and 13 old kids, or my husband and I have been sick in years. I listened to my awesome OB/GYN during pregnancy about "everything in moderation"....this includes foods, alcohol, medication - EVERYTHING. I eat my servings of veggies/fruit every day - but my kids are less fanatical about eating them. However, they have a few servings every day. I cook a variety of meat, we have dairy and they love starches. Yes we are all active and either play sports or work out daily. I clean, but not with bleach or Clorox wipes all the time. I do not own any hand sanitizer.

I have always been this way - I think my family has gained immunity and our bodies have learned to deal with germs....maybe more people should embrace this to live without supplements and OCD on hand sanitizer!!!

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