A Refreshingly Sweet Zero Calorie Beverage With No Artificial Sweetener
July 19, 2011 30 Comments
When did you all start to drink Diet Coke? For Snack Girl, it was high school and I thought the stuff was awesome!

Diet Coke didn't have saccharin (heard what THAT did to rats) and it tasted, well, sweet! That was before research that shows that ANY artificial sweetener may be a bad thing - see Three Reasons to Rethink that Diet Coke You’re About to Drink.
A few weeks ago, I attended an event where the parents brought drinks and someone showed up with this "Polar Seltzer with Cranberry Lime". My 4 year old got so excited!
"Mommy, look! Soda!!!"
After a quick review of the can - ingredients: carbonated water, natural flavors - I said, "YES! Soda! You can have ONE can." Then, I grabbed one myself.
Now, there is one sitting on my desk as I write this. slurrrppppp. I bought a 6 pack for $2 and as a refreshing summer drink this REALLY hits the spot.
There is something about holding a cold can that is just so satisfying in the summer months. I LOVE taking one of these out of the fridge and just hearing the sound as it opens.
Try putting it on the back of your neck when you get super hot. It is like diving into a cold pool.
The best part is that there is ZERO sweetener and it tastes like there is! The magic of a little cranberry-lime flavor is that you think you are drinking something with sugar in it - but there isn't any.
Yes, I am crazy about this stuff and it comes in all different brands and flavors. Some of my favorites are mandarin orange, lemon, and lime.
These naturally flavored seltzers are typically less expensive than soda (and much cheaper than beer!). Give them a try to stop yourself from drinking juice or whatever it is you grab to be refreshed.
Serve them at a party or barbecue and be amazed when no one asks where the Diet Coke is stashed.
Do you like flavored seltzer?
As readers pointed out below, if you can't find a brand you like at your local grocery store or if you prefer to make your own soda at home you can also try the Sodastream soda maker. You can either use Sodastream's MyWater flavors or squeeze some lemon juice in the glass when you serve.

SodaStream Fountain Jet Sparkling Water Maker, Kit w/60l Cylinder, Black
currently unavailable Buy on Amazon.com
As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
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Mike aka MonolithTMA
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Polar Seltzer
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