Snack Girl Turns 49
September 2, 2018 112 Comments
Yes, today is my birthday and I really am 49. Can you still be a girl at 49?
I named myself Snack Girl a while ago and I think it would be hard to change. Snack Woman is just strange so I guess I will keep calling myself a “girl” as I push 50.
A few things about 49:
- I am invisible but I am assertive enough to make up for it.
- I really have stopped caring what most people think of me.
- I can’t find my hairbrush and it may be lost forever.
The truth is that I don’t care about age. Things that you think are important such as the numbers of spins on the earth and the number of pounds on the scale – just aren’t.
My house would qualify as a mess (though the Legos are no longer on the floor), my neck is approaching chicken, and I haven’t won any parenting awards lately (where can I apply) but I DON’T CARE.
What do I care about? - My kids being safe, healthy, and loved. Also, I care that they do chores – lots of them because I am busy. For example, I bought my children alarm clocks so they can wake themselves up and now they make their own breakfasts and lunches before school. I drink coffee and read my newspaper.
(Go ahead, flame me, I DON’T CARE)
I care that I am healthy and that my husband still likes me most of the time. I think it is important that we resolve the latest argument before we start the next one.
Finally, I care about you. My readers have been with me for a while now and I think about the fitness ideas, recipes, and products that you will find value in learning about.
All day long, I am struck by insights that may be valuable to someone out there that reads what I have to say – and I write myself a note. Most ideas don’t make it on the blog, and many things I share don’t help, but I keep trying.
So, if you are still reading this. Please share something you would like me to research or create. I am here for you and I do care.
My birthday wish is a whole bunch of comments with things you are curious about. I can’t promise I will get to all of them – but I will try!
First 20 Comments: ( See all 112 )
Cathy Bernatowicz
Kelly Poulin
Marilyn Osgood
De Keimach
Judy Young
Leah Levesque
Dennis McNally
See all 112 Comments