Snack Girl Disappears
September 24, 2010 24 Comments
Snack Girl has been on a mission to lose the chub (AKA muffin top). The Snack Girl Challenge began with the simple goal of losing 10 pounds.

I promised to keep people up to date on my progress so I am posting once a month. In August, I remained stagnant because of grief.
September, I am pleased to say, has been different. Maybe it is the SNAP in the air that comes with Fall - or maybe it is the MASSIVE pile of wood in my yard.
The Cain family has become New Englanders. And New England is really cold in the winter. My husband purchased a wood stove (with a great EPA rating) so we could use less oil in our house. And, he bought 3 cords of wood (I am taking away his credit card).
After the dump trucks unload the pile of wood in your yard, you must go out and stack it. Can't just leave it in a big pile!
So, I stacked wood all month and I went down one pants size (from 14 to 12) and shirt size (from large to medium). I also purchased every exercise video Jillian Michaels has made and did some of that.
The result has been NO CHANGE on the scale. It is as if those little numbers have gotten stuck. How could I have dropped a clothing size with no reduction in actually pounds?
My husband (who calls me the "amazing disappearing Lisa") thinks that I am gaining muscle.
But, who cares about the scale? I am feeling good and this feeling translates into other parts of my life. I have been trying to do a better job of putting myself first some of the time.
It isn't easy with 2 small children to find the time to exercise. What works for me is the minute I get them out the door for school, I turn on my exercise DVD. When I get up, I get dressed in my work out clothes.
All day long, I am much more relaxed and I think I am more efficient. Life has gotten easier since I added what seemed like an impossible task.
How is everybody else doing? Please share
First 20 Comments: ( See all 24 )
Rita Hernandez
Jan Hurley
Pamela Drouin
Adam Hart
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