Snack Girl’s Birthday
September 2, 2014 142 Comments
I don’t make a big deal about my birthday. Since most of you don’t know me, why would September 2nd matter to you?

But, I found that I kept putting off writing a post for today and here we are – September 2nd – and I want to write something.
I turn 45 today and I am healthier than I was at 25. I can lift my suitcase into the overhead compartment if I’m not in the last boarding group – the flight attendant takes it from me because the plane is full if I am stuck in the last boarding group (and I don’t get to show off my biceps).
I eat more vegetables and find myself craving them. Recently, I did some traveling and had a hard time finding vegetables and came home begging for salad - crazy.
I have really nice running shoes because otherwise my right hip starts hurting after intense exercise.
The down sides of aging have to do mainly with appearance – my hair is 50% grey! (this was the year I decided that I am vain and started coloring it). My freckles seem more like brown spots - not unlike a giraffe. I seem to be able to eat even less without putting on pounds around my belly (not fair).
The best part of turning 45 is that I feel deeply grateful for what I do have and have (mostly) stopped worrying about what I don’t have. At a certain point, you have to look around and say, “I have arrived” whether or not you made it to where you expected to be.
I have arrived.
Here’s to all of you who read this blog and get something from it four days a week. Thanks for coming back and enjoying what I do. Big hug!!!
Lisa AKA Snack Girl
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