What is the First Piece of Advice Doctors give Dieters?
October 13, 2009 4 Comments
If you drink soda, you could lose over 15 pounds by just giving it up. Any doctor will tell that giving up soda cold turkey will lead to a dramatic reduction in your weight.

As we debate how to pay for health care, Congress has proposed adding a tax to soda. Why? Is there something about soda that is inherently worse than, let's say, Twinkies?
The answer is yes. A 12 ounce can of soda contains 9 teaspoons of sugar and almost nothing else. That is an adult's recommended daily allotment of sugar in just one can.
Research shows that when you drink soda, your body doesn't register the calories you are drinking.
For example, If you eat 2 Twinkies (about the same amount of sugar as in soda), you are chewing and swallowing. Your body registers that you ate MUCHO sugar and (hopefully) will compensate later in the day with less dinner.
Not so with soda. You keep on eating the same amount, basically just adding 150 calories to your day and not compensating with eating less later.
Soda tastes great. It has a great pick-me-up, but it is added calories with no nutritional value, and our bodies don't know how to handle it.
If you love soda (and almost every body does), how do you drink less? First, there is diet soda. The new Coke Zero, actually tastes pretty good. Give it a try to see if you can reduce your "full sugar" soda intake.
Another idea, is to mix Sparkling Water with your favorite juice. This way, you get the bubbly sweetness and some nutrition, without all the sugar. As you get used to this concoction, start mixing in less juice to eliminate the calories.
Obesity is an epidemic. We should use every resource we can to end this epidemic, and if that means we have to pay more for our "treats" than so be it.
Want to read more? Here is a Sept. 2009 study on soda and its links to obesity. Check out:
Do you think there should be a tax on soda?
How do you replace soda (if you love it so)?
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