Weight Watchers Smart Points: Is it Working for You?
January 19, 2016 129 Comments
There have been some blips with the roll-out of the new SmartPoints program.

Check out my list of Smart Points Recipes for inspiration! The recipes are listed by Smart Points value to help you in your quest for staying on plan.
Some have complained of the points calculator not working and the recipe builder technology failing. Others have a tough time with new higher points value of their favorite treats (which they already had bought in bulk).
For example:
I'm all in with the new program yet feel the lack of chocolate may derail me. 12 pts is a lot of points for one and a half ounces. Any ideas out there?
whoa! You can take my chocolate away from my dead body. I would not be happy about this as I find chocolate to be one of the better small treats that rescues me from LARGE cookies.
I have been on maintenance for over a year and had figured out how many points I needed to maintain and meet my goal every day without using my activity points. I do not exercise so I can eat! Now WW has decided how many points I can have and I have a daily victory only by using every activity point and ending up with a row of zeros every evening. And I never have room for a treat. I can't live like this forever.
Oh dear. Did WW go too far in cutting back on sugar for maintenance of the plan? I worry a bit about this because total deprivation isn’t a good idea when it comes to our treats. We NEED treats in moderation because we are human.
My thinking is there might be stages to this new plan. The first stage is to cut down the chocolate and treats until you get rolling on the weight loss. Then when you get to a place where you feel good and start to WANT to eat healthy food most of the time – you can add back moderate treats.
I read this positive comment and I like it:
Finally WW has seen that a point isn't just a point, lot more involved. Same food, same point system. You decide. Are we upset because we're eating healthier? Do we want to lose weight, yet eat the same bad foods? Ever seen a fat cave man?
I have not seen a fat cave man! They always look so skinny in their selfies.
Change is hard and not very fun when it comes to something as difficult as weight loss. If PointsPlus was working for you, why would you want to change?
I would love to hear how it is going! Please share below.
First 20 Comments: ( See all 129 )
Travers Koerner
Sue G.
Catherine Beaudet
Christine Spaulding Robie
Gloria Gordon
Sue G.
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