The Weight Watcher’s Smart Points Struggle
March 23, 2016 235 Comments
I am hearing a bunch about Weight Watchers Smart Points and it is definitely a mixed bag.

Check out my list of Smart Points Recipes for inspiration! The recipes are listed by Smart Points value to help you in your quest for staying on plan.
The first problem is illustrated by this comment:
I think that what always separated Weight Watchers from the other programs was that you could eat what you want as long as you tracked it. Maybe WW wasn’t the healthiest method, but it met the member where they were at. Now they seem to be very much like any other diet.
If you were used to eating what you want, tracking it, and losing weight with Smart Points you are going to be in trouble if what you wanted was a lot of sugar. Weight Watchers has put big Smart Points numbers on sugary treats – they cost you.
Read what Joanne has to say:
Points Plus was doable for me but I just can't stick with Smart Points - it is just too restrictive. I have to have sweets or I binge and gain back what little I have lost. I know there are sugar free options but sometimes I want the REAL THING! I cannot afford to spend almost $45 a month on a program I can't stick to!
Weight Watchers might argue that you can’t lose weight without cutting back the sweets more drastically than Joanne would like. Joanne is in a place where she isn’t ready to give up her sweets and is finding the program unsustainable.
I will say that as I have gotten healthier, it has become easier and easier to avoid sweets (especially stuff like Twinkies or Chips Ahoy). They don’t taste good anymore to me.
Here is a comment from Aida and it seems Smart Points is working for her:
I don't think Weight Watchers is telling you not to eat sweets I think they are trying to push most people to make better decisions by eating fruit and veggies. Those are still 0 points a day. Once you stop eating some of the boxed foods you begin to realize how sweet and rich things like bananas and grapes are. I believe you can stick with it.
It would be hard to find a registered dietician in this nation that wouldn’t point a finger at food in boxes as a big cause of the obesity epidemic. Any plan that guides you to eating more whole foods is going to help with your overall health (if not your weight).
Has Weight Watchers gone too far with Smart Points? Has it become unsustainable for many people or are people finding that once they make the shift - the weight comes off?
Is it possible to eat what you want and still lose weight? Maybe the problem is that Weight Watchers former premise was not going to help people lose weight in the long term.
The discussion here is on going so be sure to read Does Weight Watchers Really Work? for the latest comments.
Please share your thoughts. I am sure we can support each other through our collective journey.
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