Wellness Wins: New for WW
October 10, 2018 62 Comments
Wellness Wins is a program by WW (formerly Weight Watchers) to help you instill new good habits.

I have been writing about Weight Watchers now WW (Wellness that Works) for a long time and this new Wellness Wins program is a big addition to their Freestyle offering. Check out my posts - Weight Watchers Changes 2019 and New Weight Watchers Freestyle Review if you want to follow WW’s latest new program changes.
WellnessWins is pretty simple. In the WW app, you track your breakfast, lunch, dinner, fitness, and weight (once a week) or you go to a Wellness Workshop. You get Wellness Wins for tracking and showing up.
How many can you earn?
On any given day, you can earn up to 20 points for tracking your breakfast, lunch, dinner, and fitness. Every week, you can earn an extra 25 points for tracking your weight in the app OR going to a Wellness Workshop. So for one week (if you managed all that tracking) you could earn 165 Wins.
What can you do with the wins?
Good question! If you look at the bottom of your WW app (and only on the app and not the website), you will see a category called “Journey”. At the top of the page, you can see the number of Wellness Wins you have collected. What do you do with them?
Well, you can’t trade them in for this:

Alas, the accumulation of Wellness Wins doesn’t give you an all expenses paid trip to the Caribbean. But, for 1,500 wins you can get a WW cookbook. It would take you 9 weeks to earn this cookbook - if you managed to do all of your tracking.
Why 9 weeks? I am thinking that they are giving you enough time for the tracking of food, fitness, and weight to become a good habit. There is an abundance of scientific research into how long it takes to create a habit. For something simple - such as drinking a glass of water after breakfast - it takes 21 days. This type of tracking takes (I would guess) much longer to become a habit.
Check out a list of the WellnessWins Rewards to see if anything appeals to you.
There is actually some good stuff on this list. I know because I have some of these things:
1. 90 Day Starter Membership to Aaptiv (1,500 wins) Aaptiv is a fitness app that I use when I can’t get to the gym for a class. It has great trainers that lead you through workouts with different types of music (pop, country, rock…). I happen to love it and use it for stretching and running on a treadmill.
2. Entry to the Rock ’n’ Roll Marathon Series (3,000 wins) - which includes 5K and 10K races. These races have a live band at every mile and look SO FUN. It would be wonderful if WW allowed you to choose an event near you that they would pay for entry. There are so many charities that run wonderful races.
3. A FREE one month membership to Rent the Runway (4,000 wins) You get to borrow the best clothes from an unlimited stock of stuff. I have rented from this service and it is so much better than buying clothes.
Some things I would like for my hard earned Wellness Wins.

Can WW give me more sleep? They actually have a sleep set (sleep mask, socks, headband) as an offering because clearly this is something that people need. I’m going to need more than socks to get a good night's sleep but I appreciate the effort.
How about homework help for my kids?

WW could contract with a tutoring group and offer credit for math lessons. This way, when one of my kids asks me once again, “Mom, how do I factor this?” - I could tell them to SAVE IT FOR THE TUTOR and go back to whatever important thing I was doing before I was challenged to remember math.
One more thing - an all expenses paid vacation to the Caribbean. You might have to make it like 10 MILLION WellnessWins but you can swing that for your members, right WW?
What do you think of Wellness Wins? Will it help you do a better job of sticking to the program?
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