
Worst Snacks + Under 200 Calories + Sweet

These snacks are high in calories with little or no nutritional value.


Are High Fiber Pop-Tarts a Healthy Choice?

Lately, Snack Girl has been deluged by requests about toaster pastries and frozen waffles. So, I decided to take a walk down the cereal aisle....

September 15, 2010  16 Comments


Candy or Breakfast? Evaluate Your Cereal

The longest aisle in the supermarket is the breakfast cereal aisle. It seems to stretch forever with boxes of so many colors and sizes. How is a person to choose the healthy option?...

March 3, 2010  18 Comments


What is the First Piece of Advice Doctors give Dieters?

If you drink soda, you could lose over 15 pounds by just giving it up. Any doctor will tell that giving up soda cold turkey will lead to a dramatic reduction in your weight....

October 13, 2009  4 Comments


What Everybody Ought to Know about Chips Ahoy

They look so delicious floating in the air. They are the perfect cookie. They have lots of chips, and they are symmetrically round. BUT...

August 27, 2009  2 Comments

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