Brown Rice In 10 Minutes: Does It Work?
June 14, 2012 37 Comments
A reader asked me about Minute Brown rice and I had never tried it. I had always associated it with instant oatmeal.

I don't like instant oatmeal at all because it lacks the texture of whole oats oatmeal so I have always avoided "Minute Rice" because I thought it was somehow different than regular rice.
Also, I have spent HOURS trying to figure out how to cook regular brown rice (see: Brown Is Beautiful: Making The Switch To Brown Rice). I was very skeptical when I picked up this box of Minute brown rice.
Brown rice in 10 minutes? What is this stuff? Radioactive?
Turns out it isn't radioactive, it is just parboiled. The kind people at Minute rice partially boil the rice and then dry it so it cooks in less time.
This processing must destroy the nutritional content, right?
When I compared the nutrients to my regular brown rice package they were exactly the same. This is one of those instances when "processing" seems to do nothing to the overall health of the food.
It tasted just like my baked brown rice. I was in a hurry on Monday (and had run out of my stash of cooked brown rice) and I grabbed this box. The crowd went wild as I served my family brown rice in 10 minutes. Actually, my crowd poured ketchup all over their rice. oh well.
There is a downside to Minute brown rice. It costs about $2.60 per pound versus the regular stuff at $1.50 per pound. You are paying a premium for the parboiling, packaging, and marketing of the rice.
But, when you are pressed for time, this is a healthy alternative to white rice and it tastes just like the regular SLOW rice. I am keeping a box for emergencies.
For 2/3 cup cooked = 150 calories, 1.5 g fat, 34 g carbohydrates, 0 g sugar, 3 g protein, 2 g fiber, 10 mg sodium, 4 Points+
Have you tried Minute Brown Rice? Please share.
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