Surprise! Carbohydrates Are Not Evil
September 14, 2012 23 Comments
Carbohydrates have gotten a bad rep. They are the macronutrient that you don’t want to meet in a dark alley (notice the crime tape in the above photo).

I recently received an e-mail from a reader asking me to talk about satanic carbs. From Katie:
I enjoy eating right and exercising and like so many others, struggle with overeating, but I think I am winning the battle. I used to think the only way to lose weight was to cut out all sugar and carbs. But that will just lead to binging later.
I think a lot of women have a fear of all starches. So what I am trying to say is, you could do a series of snacks or recipes or something with the theme that Carbs are Not Evil!!!! I am searching for that healthy amount of the right kind of carbs.
Yes, I hear you. I know that the high protein diet is a popular one that casts carbohydrates as the enemy to weight loss. The problem is that it just isn’t that simple.
Carbohydrates are the body’s main source of fuel and are NECESSARY for our organs to function properly. When you cut out a nutritional source that your body needs - what do you think is going to happen?
My guess is that you are going to start to crave the nutrient that you are missing.
Are there evil carbs? No. Are there better carbs than others? Yes!
Here are some examples of carb packed foods to use for treats: donuts, candy, soda, white bread, sugary cereals.
There are so many forms of cheap and sweet carbohydrates that are surrounding us all the time. These “junk food” carbs break down easily into sugar in our bloodstream and are contributing to nationwide epidemics of diabetes and obesity. This is why carbohydrates get a bad rap.
My approach is to eat the better carbohydrates and enjoy them. Great carbohydrate sources (which your body NEEDS) are whole grain breads or pastas, vegetables, fruits, and beans.
Snack Girl is packed with great recipes for healthy carbohydrates. Here are two examples just from the past month:
Now I am going to put on my cape and share something fairly obvious. Each of us needs different amounts of carbs, protein, fiber, etc. to function. The key here is to find the balanced diet that works for you. You can experiment with the levels of macronutrients to find what proportions make you feel great!
My advice is to love all the nutrients and give them big hugs every day :)
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