This Yogurt Has More Grams of Sugar Per Ounce Than In Coca Cola
April 15, 2011 38 Comments
Recently, Snack Girl went to the yogurt aisle and tried Yoplait Greek yogurt and wrote this award winning review: Three Reasons To Avoid Yoplait Greek Yogurt .

(actually there weren't any awards - I'm just glad no one showed up to break my knee caps)
And, that product did not give me a lot of confidence that The Danone Group could make decent Greek yogurt. The Danone Group also makes Dannon and I didn't even want to waste the $1 for this yogurt.
Here are the nutrition facts for the honey flavor Dannon Greek Yogurt:

A few questions Snack Girl must answer:
- Is this real Greek Yogurt?
There is no "milk protein concentrate" which led me to conclude that Yoplait Greek was a fake - but there is some corn starch so maybe there were a few corners cut. So, I'm going to say - probably.
- How about the sugar?
Sadly, this flavor has 21 GRAMS of sugar per serving. Yikes! A Coke has 42 grams of sugar per 12 ounces serving. Honey flavored Dannon Greek has 21 grams for a 5.3 ounce serving.
True story - my son got a hold of one of these by stealing it from the fridge. He ate it all and then demanded another one (I had purchased four to taste for the site). The tantrum he threw when he found out that one was his limit lifted the roof off the house for a full 10 seconds.
- How does it taste?
It tastes like dessert. Seriously, it tastes delicious. My kid LOVED this because it reminded him of ice cream. Ice cream has about 24 grams of sugar for 4 ounces, which is more than Dannon Greek - but not much more.
I would say, go with Oikos if you have the dough because it is lower in sugar, organic, and it tastes good. But, if you are looking for a TREAT, this stuff is great.
For you Weight Watchers folks, this yogurt is 4 Points+
Have you tried Dannon Greek yogurt?
Want to read about snacks?
Three Reasons To Avoid Yoplait Greek Yogurt
The Cheater's Guide to Healthy Yogurt
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