Are You Kidding Me Dr. Oz?
September 28, 2010 38 Comments
There are some wonderful writers out there who use the blogosphere to critique the BIG boys. My friend, Jen, who writes The Wellness Bitch took on Dr. Oz last week.

She writes about food, wellness, and health topics and she makes her feelings known :)
She was kind enough to allow me to repost this article from The Wellness Bitch:
Someone please tell me I’m reading this wrong. Or I’ve gone blind. Or I’m in an alternate universe.
Yesterday on Facebook, I saw Dr. Oz posted about his 28-day National Soda Challenge. I thought this sounded pretty cool — From the description, it seemed like a community effort to quit something that makes people sick. As Dr. Oz says in the intro to the 28-Day challenge:
Soda is an addictive stimulant, loaded with caffeine and high-fructose corn syrup; it’s making Americans sick and fat. Break the cycle of addiction…
So I read further. Dr. Oz starts with Step 1: Go Sugar Free. This is a great suggestion. Except for the fact that Dr. Oz suggests you switch from soda to diet soda.
Are you f-ing kidding me, Dr. Oz?
He claims, “If you only drink diet soda already, you’re one step ahead of the game.”
One step towards where? Cancer? Death? How do you justify suggesting people switch from one drug to another?
I took a deep breath and continued on to Step 2 hoping it would get better.
Step 2: Go caffeine free. Okay, good start. But then Dr. Oz reminds the challenge participants:
Remember that headaches are a common symptom of caffeine withdrawal. Take ibuprofen for headache relief.
Couldn’t Dr. Oz…proponent of natural medicine…offer any other suggestions for headache relief other than medication? How about massage? Acupressure? Acupuncture? Extra rest? Deep breathing? Sure, he encourages you to add “foods rich in vitamin B to your diet, like chickpeas, spinach and whole grain cereal.” But that type of diet change is not going to offer immediate headache relief.
By the time you get to Step 4, you’re supposed to be “Soda Free.” Hooray for you!
And you know what Dr. Oz suggests if you’re still having a hard time 28 days later?
"If you experience a craving, try chewing sugar-free gum. Additionally, if you find yourself fixating on soda, find a method of distraction, like taking a walk, doing 10 push-ups or cleaning."
Look, Dr. Oz. I know it’s not you writing the content for this challenge. It’s very likely you hardly even know it’s taking place!
But the next time your assistant hires an intern to handle your social media content, try to choose someone
This is unacceptable.
If you agree, RETWEET this like crazy, SHARE this post with your friends, and go visit Dr. Oz’s web communities and point him to The Wellness Bitch. Let’s WAKE UP Dr. Oz.
UPDATE: By the way, folks, Dr. Oz’s resume includes “Honored by the New York Open Center for “outstanding research in writing and communication (and for) bridging Western and alternative/complementary medicine.” Not this time.
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