Cool, Crisp, and Very Yummy: Watermelon Feta Bites
June 16, 2015 4 Comments
I don’t know about you, but I am hot! A heat wave here in Massachusetts made me feel like the Wicked Witch of The West.

“I’m meltinggggg........” I look like her too - flying around my neighborhood on my broomstick.
Using the kitchen is just torture, so I am looking for recipes that don’t use the stove. Check out these Watermelon Feta Bites.
I managed to put just 20 calories of feta cheese on to a hunk of watermelon and created a taste explosion. And, you get to use toothpicks!
My husband called these a “taste explosion” and I immediately thought of Doritos. With just 3 ingredients instead of 33, I think my taste explosion is much better for you.
You get the cold sweet watermelon contrasted with the salty feta - yum! If you have some basil, you will add another dimension of flavor that will include a licorice like taste.
I have used feta with watermelon before in a salad, but the watermelon tends to get soggy. Here they remain separate and you don’t have to worry about yucky soggy watermelon.
Here are some other of my favorite watermelon recipes:
Got Watermelon? Try This Awesome and Simple Recipe Why Watermelon Makes Us Feel Good One More Thing To Do With Watermelon Like Mojitos? Try This Light Summer Dessert
What do you do with watermelon?

Watermelon Feta Bites Recipe
1- 6 ounce block feta cheese
½ pound watermelon
fresh basil leaves (optional)
Slice feta into very thin square slices. One ounce should equal about 4 slices. One 6 ounce block should make 24 slices or more of cheese.
Cut watermelon into 1 inch cubes and lay slice of feta on watermelon. Use toothpick to pin cheese and watermelon together (and optional basi). Serve cold and enjoy!
You can make these up to four hours in advance of serving.
Nutrition Facts
One bite is 22 calories, 1.5 g fat, 1.0 g carbohydrates, 0.9 g sugar, 1.1 g protein, 0 g fiber, 79 mg sodium, 1 Points+
Points values are calculated by Snack Girl and are provided for information only. See all Snack Girl Recipes
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