Declare Victory With A Garden
June 3, 2011 24 Comments
Last week, Snack Girl complained about the high price of organic produce (see: How Important Is It To Buy Organic?). This week she did something about it.

A bonus of living in the middle of nowhere is that you have a lot of SPACE. My, new to me, yard has a small garden plot (seen above) that needed some lovin'.
I will be victorious over high produce prices and my struggle of the expanding waistline with my new garden!
Since I have an ENORMOUS green thumb (not not not), I decided to plant a garden to save money and grow organic produce.
Yes, the plants in this garden will not be treated with pesticide and I bought a little organic fertilizer to help them grow. Before I started my garden, I did a soil test because I was concerned about lead-arsenic in my soil. My house was built on former orchard land - and, guess what? They used lead-arsenic in the 1950's to kill pests.
Since it also kills humans (in high doses), that was a stupid move.
I exhaled when I read that there was very little lead in my garden soil. Hurray! Then, I got digging, hoeing, and weed pulling.
Here are my assistants:

As you can see, they are very helpful.
Now, you are probably wondering when I had time to work on this garden. I didn't actually have the time - but I made gardening a priority because I have two little kids. Just as it is my responsibility to ensure they get a decent education, I also feel it is my responsibility for them to learn about healthy eating.
My dream is that they will go out to the garden and grab a couple fresh beans for a snack. Wouldn't that be cool? Less work for me, and they feel empowered by harvesting their own food.
We will see if that dream becomes a reality. Here is my planted garden:

We planted zucchini, tomatoes, beans, peppers, arugula (because I am an elitist), basil, and kale. It cost about 40 dollars in plants and fertilizer and I am hoping to get many more dollars out of it.
For those of you without huge yards and no preexisting garden plot for planting, I have found this amazing YouTube video (see here: where a University of Maryland researcher uses newspaper and compost to make a small garden plot.
My pal Laura told me about a "No Till" gardening concept which is really cool. You just make layers of compost to create a garden and you don't have to dig. Maybe I will try it next year :)
Are you growing a garden this year? Please share how you manage it.
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