
A Color You Should Be Eating More Of

March 17, 2011   12 Comments

Your doctor has been telling you to eat more green things, right? How do these look?

Green Junk Food

Snack Girl is a bit, well, grumpy. Seems today is Saint Patrick's Day and green beer is going to be running down the streets of New York City. All you have to do is lean down and sip some from the gutters.

And, I am stuck in the middle of nowhere.

Actually, that isn't the reason why I am grumpy. I am SICK and TIRED of these holidays that promote crappy food. I know that you are going to tell me to relax, that St. Patty's day is just once a year, etc. But, there are SO many of them.

Here is an inebriated list (ahem) - I mean ABBREVIATED list of Junk Food Holidays:

  • Super Bowl - Doritos
  • Valentine's Day - Candy
  • Fourth of July - Hot dogs
  • Kid's Birthdays - Candy, cake, ice cream, chips
  • Easter - Candy

ETC. I think I attend about 2 junk food celebrations a week. Bake sales, knitting groups (with cookies of course), banks and their lollipops, college basketball games.....


Every trip to the store is fraught with the latest seasonal junk food that I have to avoid. And, I LOVE this stuff. I am an absolute push-over when it comes to cute green donuts or heart shaped cookies. It takes work to resist it all.

So, I am coming up with some new green ideas for Saint Patrick's Day and sending my svelte husband to go to the grocery store.

How about this:


Green Thing...You Make My Heart Sing

or this?


My Friends Use To Laugh At Me...And THEN I Made This Broccoli Recipe

Don't these look so much more delicious than the fake green stuff above?

Please share your thoughts on celebrations.

Want to read about snacks?
This Is Not Your Mother's Rice Krispie Treat
Never Eat Fast Food French Fries Again
Weight Watchers Friendly Recipes on Snack Girl
Green Thing...You Make My Heart Sing

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I could not agree more! Luckily, I don't have bake sales and knitting clubs to tempt me with their fatty snacks but I'd probably be sucked right in. I used to delight in going to activities that had "fun" foods - which is how I used to relate to them, but I've changed my view of them and see them more as "evil" than fun. Some things are sensationalized in the media or part of our culture and have been accepted so long that it's really difficult to escape, unless one makes the decision to live as part of a healthier sub-culture. Sadly, so much of this has to do with culture and peer pressure and we don't even realize it!! I applaud the fresh, clean and green versus the carbonated, calorified (my word-play on glorified) and mood altering (make you crabbier) crapfood.

I would add to your list:

- Halloween (which actually lasts from mid-August to October 31) My local CVS turns into a candy store during those dates.

- Thanksgiving to New Year's Day - Another 30+ days of indulgence

Here's my favorite picture of Valentine's Day indulgence -

As Michael Pollan states: "We don’t have a health care crisis. We have a food crisis."

Ken Leebow

I hear you on holidays that promote junk food! Sometimes it gets nauseating just thinking about it all. Why does every holiday have to turn into an over indulging junk food fest? Anyway, I'm doing ham, cabbage potatoes tonight, and I always spray a litte vinegar on the cabbage. It's so good!I guess the only bad thing is the amount of sodium that will be in he ham/pork butt that we get. So I'm trying to cut out anything that contains lots of sodium, because I know I'll get my full daily dose of it tonight at dinner time. Also, the tradition here is that the next day with the ham, cabbage & potatoes leftovers, I throw it in a pan on the stove, pour in a little extra virgin olive oil, spiceit up a bit, mmmmm almost better the next day really!

Asparagus looks so good. Don't forget lightly salted kale chips!Now I'm hungry for that big bag o' spinach I just bought. Mmmmm. That picture of the valentine's candy made me think that insulin should be dyed pink for February!

Yes! There are so many holidays these days. They're just used as an excuse to eat some huge, high calorie meal, get really drunk and party. It's annoying. It's not a splurge if it happens three times a week!

THANK YOU!!! It's awful. It's like people reward themselves and eat bad food. Which is fine, but it doesn't stop so when does the bad food stop with it? We even have people making up stuff to celebrate lately to have big dinners filled with unhealthy food. Every single weekend.

Thanks! Now I have a hankering for doughnuts. lol


Bring on the healthy food!

Amen! Good-for-you foods can be tasty, too. Why not share some fresh berries with your sweetheart on Hearts Day or have a veggie platter for club meetings.

Is it me or do the green "healthy" dishes (esp the asparagus) look fit for a Roman emperor? (OK I'm salivating all over my keyboard)

i'm pretty glad that in general sweet things like candy does not affect me, although i do love donuts and the type. my weakness comes in stuff like fries and savory foods x___x

speaking of green stuff, in Japan a very common and popular drink is called Green Juice and it's basically powdered VEGETABLE and you mix it with water I think. they sell them by the box over there and are packaged in packages similar to matcha or instant coffee or something like that. I don't know if I can find any in US (gonna hit a local asian grocery store soon!) but i'm assuming it'll be similar to if you make a smoothie out of some veggies like spinach?

I like to mix it half and half with Japanese apple juice (which taste and looks diff than US apple juice btw, and FAR more yummier) so maybe you can try mixing it half and half with some other juice in the US (white grape juice maybe?) to cut down on the sugar in the juices, and add nutrients from the veggies! and if you're mixing w/ a relatively clear juice, it'll turn green for sure. :D

Will be having cabbage and asparagus as my "greenery" with corned beef tonight! As for green beer, beer is way too filling and I can only drink half of one max--give me a little red wine any day if I'm going to imbibe.

We shouldn't be promoting good behaviors, actions, grades, etc. with food. We should promote it with pat on the backs, good-jobs, gifts that are non-food related, etc. So at this rate, if everybody does a good job, that means we'll all be overweight.

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