Looking For A Healthy Halloween Candy Option? Problem Solved!
October 4, 2011 22 Comments
Last year, Snack Girl jumped into the healthy "candy" arena with a post that angered my readers.

I suggested that you hand out individually wrapped prunes as Halloween candy (see Healthy Halloween Candy).
This post did not go well and many of my friends thought my idea was hilarious. (I was being serious about the prunes.)
So, I went back to the store and found some other healthy halloween candy ideas. I discovered "Special Dark" Chocolate Hershey's Kisses. They feature 180 mg of antioxidants per serving, and for 9 pieces it is about 180 calories.
And, I suggested mini-Tootsie Pops at just 17 calories each.
This year, I found the Hershey's kisses but not the mini-Tootsie pops at my local Target. Maybe they just haven't stocked these yet.
Many readers commented that they don't even give out candy, and I noticed that the Halloween aisle of the store had themed pencils, stickers, plastic spiders, silly bands, etc.
Handing out glow bracelets is also a great idea since it is DARK when the kids are out asking for treats.
My new favorite "candy" option is these adorable Halloween Pretzels from Utz. A large bag of 35 small bags is $4 and my kids went bezerk over them.
They were genuinely excited about these cute bags of pretzels! Here are the nutrition facts:
For one bag = 50 calories, 0.5 g fat, 11 g carbohydrates, 1 g protein, 1 g fiber, 240 mg sodium, 1 Points+
They go great with chocolate and my kids didn't even notice that they weren't candy. Yes, I feel like super mom! Hand me my cape!
The one thing to keep in mind for buying Halloween candy is to stay AWAY from the sticky stuff like Starburst and Skittles. These candies stick to the teeth and are hard for little ones to clean off.
You are much better off just giving out mini Hershey bars (soft and dissolvable candy).
What are you going to give out this year?
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