Healthy Homemade Bread in Five Minutes A Day
January 24, 2011 15 Comments
Let's face it - homemade bread rocks.

The problem with making it is that it takes time (which no one has) so we buy inferior packaged bread. And, this packaged bread, has stuff in it like dough stabilizers and high fructose corn syrup.
What if you could make your own bread in FIVE minutes a day?
"Healthy Bread in Five Minutes A Day", by Jeff Hertzberg, MD and Zoe Francois, is your book if you are interested in such an enterprise. It is a Amazon bestseller in the baking section because the book makes the process really easy to understand.
This photo is of bread that my husband, Matt, baked himself. Doesn't it look amazing?
Here is an overview of the Hertzberg-Francois technique:
- You make a starter mix for many loaves of bread in a big container, let it rise, and just leave it until you want to bake.
- You pull out a pound of dough, let it rise, and bake it.
We have found that for the second rise we can leave it all day and it turns out great. So, just form a loaf when you get up, leave it until you get home from work, and bake it when you are making dinner.
And, you can make it MUCH healthier than any packaged bread from the supermarket. The big nutrition problem with bread is that the processing of the flour removes the nutrients.
Wheat is a grain from a grass that is full of nutrients. But, after milling it and bleaching it, the nutrients get taken out of the grain. That is why white bread is really a form of junk food. The millers add back vitamins, but white bread is a REALLY processed food.
I would love to be able to post recipes from the book, but the authors have asked me not to share them. They do have an excellent website where they discuss their baking concept:
Have you ever made your own bread? Please share below
Here is the link to the book on Amazon. There is an instructional video posted here that is a great introduction to the whole concept.
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