
Pretzels Can Make You Dance (Giveaway)

November 12, 2010   157 Comments

It is Friday and Snack Girl is READY for the weekend. Here at the homestead we have a Friday night dance party consisting of tunes by the Village People.

Pretzels Can Make You Dance

(The four-year-old crowd loves the Village People.)

We also serve snacks and one of our favorite Friday night treats is pretzels. They go well with certain bubbly beverages and they have a great CRUNCH.

Recently, I was sent a sample of pretzels from H. K. Anderson and they were delicious. There is a lot to like about pretzels because they are baked rather than fried.

When you compare a pretzel snack to let's say -Doritos - you are getting much fewer ingredients, preservatives, and artificial flavors by choosing pretzels. Pretzels are basically flour and salt baked until crunchy. They aren't as good for you as an apple - but they are a much healthier choice on the chip aisle.

Before meeting H. K. Anderson, I just bought whatever pretzel was the cheapest on the shelf. I know it is hard to believe, but these are different. They just taste better.

My favorite was the "peanut butter nuggets". Basically, it is a round pretzel filled with peanut butter so you get some protein with your snack. 10 nuggets will set you back only 140 calories which is a good size for a snack. (7g fat, 15g carbohydrate, 2 g protein, 2 g fiber)

I also like just plain pretzels dipped in mustard. So yummy!

So get your groove on tonight, eat some carrot and celery sticks and some pretzels!

Check out Where to Find Us on the H. K. Anderson site. Also, take a look at their Facebook page: HK Anderson Pretzels where they host frequent giveaways.

H. K. Anderson is giving away a sampler pack to a lucky Snack Girl reader.

Comment below on your favorite CRUNCHY healthy snack for a chance to win.

This product was received for review consideration. No other compensation was provided.

What will I win?
An pretzel assortment from H. K. Anderson containing their Peanut Butter Filled Nuggets, Double Baked Butter Pretzel Balls, Ultrathin Salty Stix, and Braided Honey Wheat Twists ($20 value).

How do I enter?
Comment below about your favorite CRUNCHY healthy snack.

Additional Ways To Enter:

  1. Follow Snack-Girl on FaceBook.
  2. Comment on our wall about your favorite CRUNCHY healthy snack.
  3. Follow Snack-Girl on Twitter
  4. Tweet this post (use the Tweet Button in the Share Box at the top of this post).
Snack-Girl can follow and count all the additional entries using magical website tools.

Am I eligible to enter?
This giveaway is offered to US residents only.

When do I find out if I am the winner?
The winner will be announced on November 19th, 2010. You will have 2 weeks to e-mail us back with your home address so we can mail the prize. -

Want to read about snacks?
Want To Prevent Breast Cancer? Try This Awesome Snack
A "No Peel" Apple Recipe To Make You Swoon
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I love pumpkin seeds for a crunchy healthy snack...but also love red peppers dipped in hummus...that is my absulote's better than using tortilla chips!

I'm a sucker for Baked Ruffles. Yum!

can't get enough of wheat thins...reduced fat with veggie cream cheese or their new harvest cheddar flavor...yum!

Sounds like a great alternative to potato chips!


So many favorite crunchy snacks to choose from. I have to say though that our families all time favorite is pita chips and garlic hummus

Jolly Time popcorn is my favorite snack especially in the evenings when watching TV!

I am loving Popchips lately - there are so many different flavors and that are a great alternative to fried potato chips!

I love the cheddar flavored Baked Kettle Chips! I don't buy them very often because I will eat the whole bag in one sitting!

I got a new kind of crisp bread - Its RyVita and it has PUmpkin Seeds and Oats. I was going to snack on that with a baby bel cheese from the @LaughingCow.

My favorite crunchy snack is air popped popcorn with a little butter and salt.

OR for a nice portable snack...a crisp juicy apple:)

My fave crunchy snack is almonds.

I used to hate walnuts, but they are definately my crunchy snack of choice this fall!

I have just discovered that if you cut a bell pepper into strips and toss it in the dehydrator, it makes the most amazing crunchy sticks--perfect snacky crunch! You don't have to do anything to them, but you could salt them or serve them with a dip if you like.

I have also recently discovered that collard greens can be dehydrated for a very cool snack a la Kale Chips. Just put the trimmed leaves on the dehydrator, spray briefly with your oil of choice, and sprinkle salt (the oil is to make the salt stick better). Then dehydrate until crispy. They're amazing! And you can do them with other leaves as well--baby mustard greens make a spicy chip that tastes like wasabi.

We're members of a CSA, so we get large quantities of veggies sometimes, and dehydrating is an awesome way to preserve them without taking up too much space. And when they turn into snack food it's even better. :)

I like crisp bread with some kind of spread... like hummus or peanut butter!

I adore Popchips, BBQ flavor.

What is the salt content since they sound so good?

My favorite crunchy snack is Barbara's Puffins cereal. I also really enjoy Garden of Eden Baked blue corn chips with salsa or hummus.

@Sue - pretzels are salty snacks so they do have a high salt content - for example the peanut butter pretzels have 330 mg per serving - AKA 14% of your daily value of sodium for 10 nuggets


Right now my favorite is Blue Diamond Nut Thins with any dip like hummus, guacamole, or salsa. They are so good and the stats aren't bad, although I refuse to look at the sodium, I prefer denial. :o)

Popcorn is my first favorite crunchy, salty snack. My dad got me started on that as a child, and the tradition continues with my daughter!

Our newest crunchy healthy snack discovery is cauliflower slices (or florets) sprinkled with a little kosher salt & some lime juice. Weird? A little. Delicious? Yes, ma'am!

My favorite snack of all time is pita chips! Especially if they are flovored like garlic .. yummy!

My favorite crunchy snack roasted chickpeas. I can make them sweet or savory so it's a healthy way to satisfy a flavor-specific crunch craving!

I love to munch on roasted almonds at work. Triscuits are my favorite cracker. I also like baby carrots when I crave something crunchy.

freeze dried apples! they're only 60 calories per bag

I love a good pretzel with honey and I also love fresh vegetables with dip.

I am following you allready on twitter and I just started to follow you on facebook.

My favorite crunchy snack is almonds, pistachios, or carrot sticks with almond butter.

The honey wheat pretzels look yummy! I have been reading everyone else's favorite crunchy snacks and they all sound so good to. I also like almonds, baby carrots, popcorn, and green peppers.

My son loves pretzels. I recently bought non gluten pretzels. They were yummy, but didn't taste like pretzels, and my son was upset. Very willing to try this new snack product.

Love the Claussen dill pickles! Crunchy yummyness with hardly any calories!

I love the snack-size rice cakes! I like the crunch and different flavors you can choose from like Chedder or Ranch. (If they lose their crunch, then pop them in the microwave for 20 or so seconds & they are crunchy again!) Perfect!

I love pickles for crunch! Popcorn and nuts are also close runners-up! :-)

Not to be unoriginal but PRETZELS! I looove pretzels!!

Hi, A few of my favorite healthier crunchy snacks

are chex mix, popcorn and pretzels.....

Thanks, Cindi

we eat A LOT of popcorn, homemade on the stove, using either canola oil or olive oil. i buy the kernals in bulk, so it's also a cheap snack. put a little good salt on it (my book group even had some with truffle salt on it per an idea in the post-birthday world by lionel shriver, where they also eat popcorn seasoned with a wide variety of spices) and you are good to go. my sons also like parmesan cheese on it. i do think we would all love those pretzels... maybe dipped in a little tzatziki...

Also, I commented on your Facebook Wall
about my favorite crunchy snacks!
Merci, Cindi

A favorite crunchy snack for us is a plain rice cake spread with a litlle almond butter or peanut putter. It's great for a quick breakfast too!

I like homemade popcorn with a little bit of lime salt.

I also like the new baked veggie "chips"!

I love pretzels and Pop Chips when I want crunchy.


I follow Snack Girl on Twitter.
Many thanks to you, Cindi

Oh boy my FAVORITE!? i'd have to say salty popcorn..

Ooo, just ONE?

I like to mix small pretzel twists, wasabi flavor almonds, pistachios, pumpkin seeds and cashews.

Also Crum Creek soy nut trail mix is crunchy, not too much salt but lots of protein (and chocolate!) it's soy nuts, pepitas and sunflower seeds mixed with chocolate chips and raisins--yummy.

Baby carrots are the way to go for me for fave crunchy snack!

I love dipping pretzel sticks in The laughing Cow swiss cheese wedges. Yummy! My kids put them in their lunches for school. Quick and not so bad for them. This gives them something crunchy for lunch to take in place of those chips!

Nuts - pretzels - apples!

I love baby carrots dipped in hummus - or alone! I sometimes sit and eat a whole bag when I'm feeling like binging on chips or some other unhealthy snack.

I love the honey twist pretzel rods!

My favorite crunchy snack is popcorn

popcorn - we buy good quality organic popcorn in bulk and nuke it in a paper bag. easy, cheap and yummy!

I also love LOVE LOVE the honey braid pretzels! sometimes I mix one serving with one tablespoon of semisweet chocolate chips...great snack for less than 200 calories!

My fav crunchy snack has to be carrots dipped in hummus. YUM! :)

I love nuts, all sorts, but almonds, walnuts, hazel nuts, brazil nuts - mmmmmmmm

I just bought Pretzel Crisps which are 110 calories for 11 crisps. I found them at Walmart and they come in a few flavors. I have the "everything" flavor which is delicious and made of wheat, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, onion, garlic, and caraway seeds.

I like to make my own granola. I can control what goes into and mix it up for some variety.

Popcorn! (I finally got through all my prepackaged microwave stuff and bought the real kind to pop myself!)

I love popcorn and pretzels about equally but eat popcorn more because I can make it at home in reasonable quantities. I don't buy pretzels often because I will eat unreasonable portions until they're gone.

My favorite crunchy snack is peanut butter and apples. So yummy!

Carrot sticks with "Wholly Guacamole" -- YUM!

My favorite crunchy healthy snack is carrots with almond butter.

dried wasabi peas!!!!

My favorite healthy crunchy snack is roasted chickpeas. YUM

Homemade granola & trail mix :)

apples with peanut butter!

Dancing in the aisle on my flight to NYC with Pretzels!

I recently found out I'm diabetic, so a good snack for me contains both carbs and protein. Peanut butter filled pretzels are the perfect snack - tasty and nutritionally balanced!

Sliced apples and also pretzels with a homemade mustard from our local farmer's market. yum!

wheat crackers with roasted red pepper hummus and a pickles jalapeno or pretzels with dark chocolate almond butter!

Follow Snack Girl on FB (Kim Morris)

tweeted! (@kimslittlelife)

commented on FB Wall (Kim M)

I love baby carrots (especially dipped in salsa-don't knock it until you've tried it), or if I really want a satisfying crunch I'll have some Nut-Thins. Those are SO satisfyingly crunchy!

My favorite "crunchy" snack? Homemade graham crackers!

My favorite salty, crunchy snack is chip & dip!

My fave crunchy snack is roasted nuts!

I follow you on Twitter (@AlmostVeganBlog)

Great find. I am following you on Facebook and Twitter. Coach Jenn

Bell pepper with a little hummus. YUM!

I love air popped popcorn with sea salt only!! YUM!!

Pretzels are actually my favorite crunchy snack. Peanut Butter filled pretzels are the best!

Wasabi blast mix is my favorite that I can consider healthy, but kettlecorn is the bomb.

My old standby is carrots with yogurt dip or Triscuits but I also really like chocolate almonds in the 100 calorie pack

I second someone's mention of Claussen pickles. So crunchy and satisfying. But I've been trying to cut back on salt so I'm happy with Kroger brand low sodium bread and butter pickles. They have more calories than the claussen dills, but they seem to satisfy not only a crunch craving but a sweet craving. I'm a new fan of PopChips, too. And cashews. Now I need a snack.

Pumpkin seed kernals are great. I believe they are also called pepitas. I'm lovin them right now.

Depends on the kind of crunch: either pickles or a crisp apple are great. And then, there's Pringles...

i'm following you on fb (Sharon Mikhli)

2. i commented on the fb page

tweeted about the post too! @healthysharon i hope i win :)

Snap peas and garlic hummus!!!

Love love yogurt covered pretzels. But only the ones you can get in the Whole Foods bin! They are not too sweet and dance on my tongue!

I always love either pretzels or SunChips.

I really love pretzels as my salty snack or if I'm feeling healthy - some baby carrots in hummus that still give you that crunch when you need it.

I'm a total popcorn crazy person! love it :)

Whether it be mid-day or early morning, my favorite crunch snack is carrots and tribe humus. I'll switch it up sometimes with homemade pita bread!

I love nuts (i.e. almonds, pumpkin seeds, and almonds), popcorn, and dill pickle spears (not necessarily all together)!!

Raw Almonds are my favorite healthy, crunchy snack.

I have been enjoying these preztels for quite a while. I am not a breakfast eater, but I realize how important it is to eat in the morning so almost every morning I mix a small handful of the PB pretzels, a small handful of tropical trail mix (from Wal-Mart) and a few mixed nuts in a bag and eat them on my way to work. It is portable, quick and a great mix of protein, fat and carbs. It really keeps me satisfied. Now that the PB pretzels are getting more attention, I hope I can still find them in them stores:)

I love my sunflower seeds. and my wheat thins. I try to keep with protein snacks and nuts and seeds are good with the protein.

i follow you on FB

i LOVE LOVE LOVE a little bit o crunchy peanut butter on some celery. I also love salsa on ALL types of veggies. And popcorn :)

wise onion rings..

I love pretzels and chips and salsa!

3.Following Snack-Girl on Twitter

4. Tweet this post (use the Tweet Button in the Share Box at the top of this post).

I love to snak on trisciuts the rosemary & olive oil ones!!!

My favorite snack is pretzels. I love the salty crunchy bite!

I follow U on facebook ;-) just signed up!

I love baby carrots and red pepper strips...either with a dip or plain.

I love the peanut filled pretzels! I have become a big time fan and also got my mother and sister addicted to them! Thanks HK Anderson for such a great product! But celery is a favorite that I turn to if there are not any pretzels in the house!

Cashews, almonds, pretzels, chex mix are all fun snacks we eat!

I love the peanut butter filled pretzels the best but the rest as wonderful too.

I love all your pretzels snacks

Love, love,love peanut butter filled pretzels (and my dog does, too!)

Liked you on facebook!

I love the pretzel sticks - I eat them with cream cheese for a snack!

Fav healthy snack it apples and peanut butter!

I love baked cheddar chips....YUMMY

that would be between apples and carrots.

The cheese puffs made by Whole Foods I drive 60 miles just to satisfy my craving. They are amazing!

Commented on your wall about my favorite CRUNCHY healthy snack.

I follow on twitter

I like the peanut butter pretzel balls

I Follow Snack-Girl on Twitter

I love nuts and popcorn.

i LOVE the hk anderson wheat twists. soooo yummy!

Celery and peanut butter

we love pretzels, pop corn., chips and most of all life

pretzels with peanut butter!

carrot sticks with light ranch - but apples and PB are a close 2nd.

I like pretzels

Toasted soy nuts, baby carrots or peanut butter filled pretzel nuggets are my preferred crunchy snack.

Love to snack on pretzels anytime of the day or night....

I like to suck on them and to pop them and suck peanut butter out before I finish off with a crunch crunch.

I love peanut butter in celery sticks..mmmm

We like carrot sticks dipped in ranch dressing

These snacks look so yummy.

I love crunchy pretzels that I can dip in hummus or pimento cheese!

My favorite healthy snack has to be HK Anderson peanutbutter filled pretzles with a piece of dark chocolate on top. It is out of this world. It is the best "peanutbutter cup" ever. yummy

I have been known to drive all over town to find my peanut butter pretzels. That's just the way it is!

pretzels are a healthy snack and HK Anderson's are the best

My favorite crunchy snacks are pretzels, pita chips or cashews.

I fllow you on facebook and commented on your wall

peanut butter filled pretzels, what a yummy treat

I love anything salty. I buy pre-popped bags of popcorn quite often. I haven't had pretzels in a long time. It's a good idea....I need to get some (or win some!).


Most any Baked Snack product I like!!

Love those Bake Cheetos

I've tried the peanut butter filled HK products and they are great!!

I prefer the healthy grain snack crackers.

Trader Joe's honey sesame sticks! They are unbelievably addictive...

i would love to try any of them i am on a limited income only can buy essentials this would be a treat

i dont have pretzels that often but they are good and not all chips are bad for you like the ones that they serve in the schools are low in sugar

my favorite snack would be pretzels and I'm looking foward to trying the hk anderson ones that you mentioned.

also, can you tell me what exactly are pop chips... a lot of people have been mentioning them and I never heard of them. also, is hummus low in points on w/w?

Can anyone tell me where to buy Barbara's Puffins Cereal and if its good. Also, Ry Vita crisp bread?

Mmmmmm that snodus delicious. And they wouldn't be too hard to veganize, AJ! Not too much butter or milk in them. and a vegan alternative to an egg wash.

I love sourdough nugget pretzels dipped in honey mustard or PB2 thinned down as a dip

My husband & i like Nicaragua like thin french fries with Opa blue cheese dressing for a dip

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