The worst snack in America?
June 29, 2009 21 Comments
What would it take to be the worst snack in America? There are facts - calories, ingredients, etc. - and then there is the more subjective factor: taste.

Hostess Fruit Pies have a whopping 480 calories. Each single serving pie has 20 grams of fat, including 50% of your daily allowance of saturated fat, and 38 grams of sugar.
There are over 25 ingredients including high fructose corn syrup, artificial colors, and beef fat (also known as lard).
The "real fruit filling" is combined with the chemicals, preservatives, and sugar, the fruit doesn't stand a chance. These things are added so the "pie" can remain on the shelf for weeks without going bad.
What about taste? If you are looking for the taste of a fresh cherry pie, you will be in for a big shock. You can taste the chemicals, the crust is hard, and the fruit is gooey and gluey. This pie does not taste anything like a real homemade pie.
The next time you reach for one of these - try something else. Your best alternative would be to make yourself a pie (not that difficult) or buy a supermarket "fresh" pie with an expiration date in the next week. At least then you have a chance for some real fruit, butter, eggs, and (hopefully) less chemicals.
A supermarket pie will cost you about the same, since most supermarket pies are about $7 for 6 slices and a Hostess Fruit Pie retails for $1. So that is very close in price per slice.
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