How to Quit Sugar in 30 Days
January 2, 2018 32 Comments
The title here is a little disingenuous because I am not suggesting that you give up all sugar.

You don’t have to buy a book or take a special course (or even think about it all that hard). Just be reasonable!
For example, I believe that fruit should be consumed even though it has natural sugar. Most of us aren’t having a problem with sugar because we eat too much fruit.
The anti-sugar extremists would stop you from ketchup, a little sugar in your coffee, or raisins. I think that you can eliminate foods around you that are packed with sugar, cut your sugar consumption way down, and then approach this addictive substance with a new outlook.
Here is a great list of what to drop out of your diet for 30 days for cutting down on sugar:
- No cookies or candy
- No cakes or donuts
- No ice cream
- No chocolate
- No white breads
- No soda or juice or sugary coffee drinks
If you are going for a big health overhaul in addition to cutting down on sugar – add:
- No chips
- No fried food
- No fast food
Everyone may have additions to this list based on what they eat. I added “sugary coffee drinks” because that is my personal Everest.
Some of you may still be eating Cocoa Puffs and need to add NO SUGARY CEREALS but I think most of us agree that it is the overconsumption of the above foods that make us feel momentarily amazing and then crappy later.
I recently rewatched the movie Super Size Me starring Morgan Spulock. If you haven’t seen it – Morgan attempts to eat only McDonald’s food for 30 days. You can get it at the library or rent it on Amazon. One of the results of his diet is that Morgan feels really good right after he eats a meal.
From Morgan:
About seven days in, I started to notice this pressure on my chest, and by day nine I was getting incredibly depressed," he remembers. He had become addicted, he maintains. "I would eat the food and feel fantastic for about an hour. Then I'd feel depressed again.
I totally know what he is talking about. The last time I had a Big Mac and fries, I had this warm feeling of happiness and then I had a stomachache. It is SO weird.
January is a good time to reboot. If you attempt this list (or part of this list), you will notice a lessening of the craving for the less healthy stuff and the rest of the months of the year might be a little easier on the waistline.
Have you attempted any 30 day challenges? What has worked for you? Please share.
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