Do You Need Some Inspiration to Become Healthier?
February 14, 2011 35 Comments
Snack Girl definitely needs inspiration with all this snow lying around. So, she has started a new program.

Last week, I joined Weight Watchers to lose some weight. Weight Watchers corporate gave me three months of their program for free to see what I thought (very nice of them).
My history with WW (Weight Watchers) is not good. I attempted their program after the birth of my first baby and found the program frustrating. I absolutely hated counting points, and everyone at the meeting I attended was skinny.
(I think I made the mistake of sitting with skinny people - and didn't notice the people who needed to lose a few.)
So, I stopped it and didn't go back, and VERY slowly lost the baby weight.
Why try again?
Well, I think this new Points Plus program is very interesting. Ever since I read David Kessler's, "The End Of Overeating" (see below), I have been looking for a diet approach to advocate.
When I say DIET, I don't just mean losing weight. I mean a "what you eat" diet that will teach people how to eat healthier.
There are many ways to learn about healthy eating. For example, you could go to a nutritionist or read Snack Girl. But there is something different about WW.
For example:
- You weigh in when you go to the meetings. (then they shout out your weight to the entire room, just kidding :)
- You log in your food choices in an interactive program to learn how much you eat every day.
- The meetings include a bunch of other people who are struggling with the same problem.
Do NOT underestimate how good it feels to look around a room at people who are motivated to get to the same goal. It is like Alcoholics Anonymous, where the collective strength of its members can help a single member make the right choice.
The meeting I attended this time was full of people like me. People with some weight to lose that are looking for guidance, knowledge, and support.
Am I going to lose weight? I have no idea.
I will tell you one thing that I have noticed. I AM eating healthier. Yes, your healthy eating guru is motivated to eat more fruits and vegetables.
Because, I get 29 points per day to eat. Each food I eat, I determine how many points are in it and I keep track of the daily total.
BUT, every time I eat a fruit or vegetable, I don't have to count anything!! I just eat it and forget about it.
So, when I'm looking for a snack and there are cookies or an apple to choose from, I am choosing the apple. Or if I am more hungry, I am adding a little peanut butter to the apple because the apple is FREE and the peanut butter will set me back a point or two.
If I roast broccoli with a little bit of olive oil, I count the olive oil and not the broccoli. Isn't that lovely?
What if after 3 months, I am still the same weight but I have created habits that help me instantly make better choices?
I would be pretty happy with that outcome.
What ways do you encourage better choices for yourself?"
Weight Watchers has given Snack Girl three free months of the PointsPlus progam for review consideration. No other compensation was provided.
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